In the realm of self-discovery and personal growth, the concept of choosing a word of the year has gained significant traction.
Posted December 28th, 2023 by Jessica Granish
In the realm of self-discovery and personal growth, the concept of choosing a word of the year has gained significant traction. It's more than a fleeting resolution; it's a guiding principle, a mantra to shape your daily actions and growth across various aspects of your life. As we step into 2024, let's unravel the art behind selecting a word that resonates with the unique essence of who you are and who you aim to become.
Remember, though, that the path to self-discovery is not only about choosing a word but also about actively incorporating it into your daily life. This 4 step approach serves as a compass, pointing you in the direction of personal growth and introspection. The magic unfolds when you embrace the chosen word not just as a concept but as a living, breathing part of your life. Keep in mind that real change happens when you invest the energy needed to manifest the essence of your chosen word into your life.
Step 1: Reflecting on your Journey:
The journey begins with reflection, a soulful examination of the past year. Ask yourself probing questions without the constraint of self-editing. What aspects of your life crave more attention? What deserves less of your energy? Contemplate the characteristics you aspire to embody and the emotions you want to evoke daily. Let the unfiltered responses pave the way for the word that will be your focus in the coming year.
Step 2: Creating Your List:
Close your eyes and visualize the perfect day, emphasizing the feelings you want to experience. Envision the texture of your morning routine, the vibe with the work you do, and the relationships you nurture. In the quiet moments of meditation or silence, pose the question, "What word do I want to focus on in the new year?" This simple yet effective exercise is most potent when practiced in a focused or relaxed state, perhaps before sleep or as you unclutter your surroundings. Engage your senses—light a candle, play music, or light some incense—to enhance the connection with your inner intuition.
Step 3: Visualizing Your Perfect Day:
Close your eyes and visualize the perfect day, emphasizing the feelings you want to experience. Envision the texture of your morning routine, the vibe with the work you do, and the relationships you nurture. In the quiet moments of meditation or silence, pose the question, "What word do I want to focus on in the new year?" This simple yet effective exercise is most potent when practiced in a focused or relaxed state, perhaps before sleep or as you unclutter your surroundings. Engage your senses—light a candle, play music, or light some incense—to enhance the connection with your inner intuition.
Step 4: Crafting Your Mantra through Refinement:
As you move into the refinement stage, review your list and narrow it down to a select few. Circle or highlight three words that resonate deeply within you, evoking a sense of significance. Observe any subtle connections. Trust your intuition rather than overanalyzing the process, and let the words choose you. Sometimes, it comes to you in the most peculiar of ways. So embrace it and allow it to come funneling in.
For example, if your word of the year is Growth, a sample mantra could be something like:
"I embrace growth with open arms. Each challenge is an opportunity, and with every step forward, I cultivate strength, wisdom, and resilience. My journey is a continuous evolution, and I welcome the unfolding of my potential with gratitude and determination."
My Word for the New Year:
Building upon the steps I laid out above, I have expanded on them slightly to create my word for 2024. As someone who constantly thinks outside the box and colors beyond the lines of my life, crafting my word required that extra push. Staying true to the spirit of the 4 steps that guide the creation of my word of the year, I reflected on the yesteryears and I challenged myself to be bolder than my word of 2023!
Last year, amidst the challenges and hurdles, my chosen word was "easy." Ironically, 2023 proved to be anything but easy. It was a year that tested me in health, wealth, relationships and was intense with the changes that were laid out before me as I ventured into uncharted territories within my life. Yet, within the struggles, I can’t deny, there were moments of celebration as well, but even getting to those celebratory moments felt like it was anything but easy. With this in mind, as I stand at the threshold of a new year, I actually find myself hesitating to select my word for 2024.
The Reflection on 2023:
The challenges I faced in 2023 are still fresh in my mind, making it a bit difficult to pick a new word for 2024. I find myself questioning if "easy" was a cop-out, a way to escape the reality of life's complexities? I struggled with this question, acknowledging that life is inherently challenging, and perhaps my choice of word was a subconscious plea for simplicity.
Creating my list:
Despite the uncertainties, I remain hopeful in my belief in the power of a chosen word. It's a tradition that has brought me luck and alignment in the past, I just had a massive miss in choosing my word for 2023. I started to create my list and I contemplated words like “progress' ', "optimize," "momentum," "desired” and "maximize,' none resonating deeply.
It wasn't within the quiet of my mind, but, rather, in the midst of an ordinary household task—decluttering my bedroom—that the word for 2024 surfaced. There was no room for doubt or hesitation; it felt as if the word had been flung directly to me, waiting to be embraced. And so, without second-guessing or fighting to find another word, tears came to my eyes and I knew that this was the right word! The word that will define my 2024 is "release."
Visualize for 2024:
Why "release"? The answer lies in the layers of my life, in the clutter I hold onto – physical and emotional. The challenge is evident in the excess clothes I own, or things I don’t need any longer, but it goes much deeper. It speaks to the desire to release the weight from my body, to release my self-sabotage, to release toxic relationships (both personal and professionally), and to release the shackles of my past that continue to haunt me. As I enter the phase of empty nesting, I recognize the necessity to release the old, making space for the new.
Choosing "release" isn't an acknowledgment of negativity but an embrace of liberation. Just as "easy" wasn't a call for avoidance, "release" is a beckoning toward growth. I aim to release not only physical clutter but the burdens that weigh down my spirit. To release the reasons why self love escapes me often. The practice of releasing will need to be a conscious choice to free myself from self-doubt, negative self-talk, imposter syndrome and any lingering judgments about myself that have held me back.
Creating My Mantra:
While I tread cautiously into 2024, I hold onto faith. The release of burdens will pave the way for something more significant – a lighter spirit, healthier relationships, and the anticipated progress in my business. "Release" becomes a mantra for breaking free from the limitations that hinder my journey.
My 2024 Mantra:
"I release what no longer serves me, making space for transformation and light. Liberating myself from the weight of the past, I embrace the freedom to grow, the courage to let go, and the joy of welcoming new beginnings. In this newfound liberation, I empower myself to journey forward unburdened, ready to explore the limitless possibilities that await. May this year be a celebration of liberation, a testament to the positive power of releasing, and an affirmation that, in releasing, I unlock the door to limitless possibilities."
Which word are you wholeheartedly committed to for the upcoming year? Select that singular, powerful word that encapsulates your aspirations and guides your journey. The choice is yours! Share in the comments below.

Jessica Granish
The Wizard Behind The Curtain, Tech And Marketing Integrator
Meet Jessica Granish, a heart-centered trailblazer in the dynamic intersection of tech, marketing, and systems integration.

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