5 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business

5 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business

When is the last time you sat down just to browse LinkedIn to see what people were saying? LinkedIn is often viewed or thought of as the step child on FaceBook where businesses focus limited social media efforts but can use many of the features available to answer questions regarding their business or the capabilities and qualifications present.

When companies are looking for a specific job to be done they can easily look for it by going into the questions that were asked and responses shared to see who has the most ability to complete this task and see the employees that will be working to know what certification they have in the area they need. They then have the option of contacting the business of their choice to get the best outcome possible.

There are many ways to use LinkedIn for your business but many do not know how. Here are a few ways to use the answers you find on LinkedIn for your business.

  1. Learn what questions your prospective clients have and use this to generate content for a blog post, videos, or email content
  2. Identify and connect with key influencers who are asking questions to help build your network
  3. Develop yourself as a thought leader in the industry by providing helpful answers without sounding salesy
  4. Set your company up as a resource for your clients and prospects without pushing a sale so they come to you organically
  5. Build brand awareness and generate leads


LinkedIn answers provide a great opportunity to engage with your market during their initial research phase and begin lead nurturing and build brand awareness.

Do you want to shake things up and get the word out of what you offer and do to your connections? Check out these action steps to help those connections notice you.

Ask for Advice. The absolute best thing you can do on LinkedIn is  to ask for advice. Don’t go in and promote a blog post or something specific. Instead, go in and ask for advice by asking, “What are your best social media tips?”, “Do you still make cold calls? If so, what works?” or “How do you use LinkedIn for B2B lead generation?”

Update Your Profile. This is an easy way to get on people’s radar screen. Each time you update your profile, LinkedIn lets other users know. When people see your updates, they know you’re active, vibrant and still in business. Reminding people you are still there is all they need to refresh their memory of who you are and what you do.

Add a Turner Box Around Your Profile Photo. This is a neat little way to grab people’s attention. It’s based on the fact that the human eye notices the color red more than any other color. By adding a red Turner Box around your profile photo, you can make your LinkedIn profile stand out more, which will result in more engagement.

Follow Thought-Leaders on LinkedIn Today. LinkedIn Today is a great tool that keeps you up-to-date on the latest industry happenings. Sign up and stay fresh in all the news and happenings going on in the LinkedIn world.

Use the Alumni Tool to Connect with Friends. The Alumni Tool is one of the better features on LinkedIn. Go to CONTACTS in the menu bar and drag down to your college or university. There, you’ll see your old friends and, more importantly, their jobs and their companies. These connections already know you so if they are following you they are more likely to help promote your business to their friends, for FREE!

 Do not go into LinkedIn expecting great results, especially instantly. It is not like FaceBook in the manor that you go in with an idea and expect certain immediate results. It just doesn’t work that way. Go in knowing you are ready and willing to give and all information and watch how people slowly start to follow you and want to know more about what you offer.

And as always, if this stuff makes you dizzy and you just don’t want to take the time to learn all the ins and out of Linkedin, Alpine Small Business, is your one stop shop for all your social media needs.  Give us a jingle or shoot over an email anytime we’re here to help.




Jessica Granish:
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