Author Archives: Jessica Granish

6 Best Practices When Working with a Virtual Assistant for the First Time

Have you been thinking about hiring a Virtual Assistant? Are you at the beginning stages of exploring the idea of expanding your team to help run your business online? In this week’s blog, Jessica Granish, leading expert in the Virtual Assistant industry offers some sage advice on this very topic. Jessica has 13 years of experience in creative, social and technical Virtual Assistant tasks. Jessica helps heart-center and conscious business owners put all the pieces together for their business to run like a well-oiled machine in an online environment. She also is a Virtual Assistant trainer, as well as thought leader that educate online business owners about the power of delegation and how to successfully and efficiently build a team that is in alignment with your core values and in turn creating authenticity and trust for a long lasting partnership. In a nutshell, Jessica, helps you gets sh*t done so you can focus and shine in your zone of genius.

  1. Start thinking about expanding and getting assistance now: One of the biggest frustrations I hear from business owners is that they wish they would have hired someone va1sooner…or at least started the process sooner. It is daunting and overwhelming when your to-do list becomes a mile long. Get ahead of the curve; don’t let the stacks of tasks pile up. Don’t fall victim to being a prisoner in your own business where it stops you dead in your tracks. You know that feeling of being so overwhelmed that you just take a nap!? Try not to get to that space. A Virtual Assistant is there to help create less stress and more time for you to focus on your passion, you know, the whole reason why you went into business for yourself to begin with. All seasoned and reliable Virtual Assistants have processes and procedures to bring you on board with ease. You should feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders when you start with your perfect VA.
  2. Don’t feel like you have to hand everything off all at once: It may feel like you are handing the keys to your empire over and for some that might be scary. You and your awesome new VA should work together to identify and prioritize the most important tasks. I suggest starting at a foundational level. This is so that your business is sturdy and strong. You don’t want to play a game of Jenga with your business. In many cases, people don’t even know where to start with delegation. If you are one of those business owners who have no idea where to even start, I suggest using a great tool that I built called the “Delegator”. It is a way to help identify where delegation could help with your sanity. You can access the form here >>>
  3. Let go of the negative mindset: I realize delegation can seem hard at first. I teach this and va2can get in the same mindset that many have. You know that negative mindset of, “I want to save money, so I will do it myself”, or “if it is going to get done right, I should do it myself”, or “it is going to take too long to bring someone on board and teach them the ropes”. Don’t fall victim to these statements. Growth is all about letting go of those blocks. The art of delegation comes with great rewards that you will soon realize and will look back and wonder why you didn’t seek support sooner.
  4. Focus on your zone of genius and let your Virtual Assistant focus on theirs: If you are just starting out with building your online presence you will find yourself inundated with new tools and terminology to help run your business in an online environment. This can seem daunting and can be extremely overwhelming and time consuming. You don’t need to know how to do everything to be successful. Being able to let go, release and trust in the ninja like skills of your Virtual Assistant, can change your entire business in a very positive and wonderful way.
  5. Make sure that your Virtual Assistant matches your core values: This is one of the most important things that a successful and long term Virtual Assistant relationships can have in va3my opinion. If your core values are in alignment everything else just flows so much easier. You can usually tell on the initial conversation with a VA if the synergy is there or not. I suggest to all my clients that you don’t focus on all business in your initial conversations. It is super valuable to talk openly about what makes you both burn with passion inside as well. You can learn quite a bit from digging deeper and creating a more personal connection too. Now, don’t get me wrong, passion is important, but their credentials are extremely important too. A nice balance is a wonderful way of matching core values. Having this alignment with your Virtual Assistant will in turn create authenticity and trust. It is a beautiful thing.
  6. Communication is key: Need I say more? All great relationships let it be professionally or personally start with great communication. Creating expectations and sharing your communication style is super important. When starting your business you will want to set those expectations with your clients, your vendors and your team. Communication is a foundational piece to building authenticity and trust as you grow and expand in your zone of genius.

I hope that this was helpful for someone reading this that may be on the fence. I also just released a new blog recently titled” 5 Reasons Why Hiring a Team Will Cost Less Than Doing Everything Yourself

Check it out, if you want to continue to explore and educating yourself on building a team you can also check out, another blog on the site that goes a little deeper into the topic.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, for a limited time, Jessica has opened her calendar to discuss your exact needs. If you would like to take advantage of her 30-minute no cost, no obligation consultation, please fill out the intake form and schedule your call today.

How Do I Structure My Virtual Assistant Business?

There are many steps when starting a business. It can be overwhelming and scary at first. But you know that you want to start out on the right, legal foot. Some new virtual assistants start out not taking their business serious. If you want to be looked at as reputable, you have to walk the walk.

Every business, big or small, home based or not needs some form of business license to be authentic. You will also want to make sure you set up a business bank account and keep your finances separate. Rules and regulations vary depending on individual state laws, so make sure you research your area. It is very important you are clean on the type of business you have, or the one you hope to build in the future. This will help determine a lot of the legal steps you’ll need to peruse, since there are different types of license and permits. The Small Business Administration is a great resource to help build your business plan. Then you can start to implement those business plans.

So let’s start with the basics. Most virtual assistants operate their business as a sole proprietor or and LLC.

What is the difference between an LLC and a Sole Proprietorship?

va-blog-picAs a business owner you will need to determine which way you want to drive your business. In a sole proprietorship the owner is personally responsible for business debts. If the assets of the sole proprietorship or partnership cannot satisfy the debt, creditors can go after the owner’s personal bank account, house, etc., to make up the difference.

By contrast, if an LLC runs out of funds, or is in other legal trouble, the owners are usually held liable. As an LLC owner, you are mainly putting your financial contribution to your LLC, not your other personal assets, on the line. However, as an LLC owner, you may still be personally liable for your own conduct or LLC loans in some cases. You will want to make sure you fully research how these different set ups can impact your personal financial needs.


va-blog-pic1This is a huge portion of what you need to remember if being a virtual assistant or contractor is new to you. Taxes and business expenses are some of the “perks” that come with being the boss. Make sure you are saving and planning on a percentage of your earnings going to taxes. You will also want to make sure you look at all your business expenses, such as printer ink, website hosting, business cards, telephone cost, internet cost, etc., and keep records of them all. You may want to consult with your accountant on any procedures you are unsure of.

There are other business structures that may be a better fit, but these are the typical two that new virtual assistants start out with. Remember to reach out to your community, mentors, and support people to ask any questions.

There are several monotonous and tedious steps you will need to complete before starting your business that are important for the growth and wellbeing of your business, but revel and enjoy this planning time. Following your dreams and chasing a goal are exciting and rewarding ventures. You get to make your business what you want it to be. Enjoy the ride.    

6 Success Secrets to Keep Your Business Successful While the Kids Are Out of School for the Summer

Summertime presents unique challenges to working parents. You still need to work, but want to enjoy this precious time with your kids and not be chained to your desk. With a bit of proactivity, you can make sure you prioritize spending time with your family without letting your business suffer.

We all know that work-life balance is hard to find, but summer makes it even more challenging. Here are a few tips to help make it more manageable…and make sure you comment and share your ideas with us!

scheduleCreate a work schedule. It’s important to designate set uninterrupted work time and set no-work-allowed family time. Try to plan work time around times your kids are occupied, such as when they’re participating in a summer program or regular play dates. Each week you’ll know you’ve got guaranteed time to get work done and guaranteed time to spend with your kids.

Involve your kids with your work. Older kids can be taught complicated projects, but even younger kids can help with tasks like licking envelopes. Getting your kids to help you in the office is a win-win-win. You get to spend time with them, get assistance in your projects, and teach them valuable skills. And don’t forget your kids can teach you too (like how my 9th grade daughter is teaching me more about Snapchat!).


Connect with other work-at-home parents. Find other working parents and coordinate with them “shifts” for watching kids. Each parent can take an afternoon a week, which gives everyone in the group multiple blocks of uninterrupted work time.


Automate as much as possible. If you write a blog, create a batch of several evergreen posts you can use throughout the summer when you’re busier with family time. For social media, use a scheduling service like Hootsuite to plan several days’ worth of posts in one sitting.

Work smarter, not longer.
Try to decrease your workload before summer hits or at the beginning of summer. Add a frequently asked questions page to your website to hopefully minimize the time you’ll spend answering the same client question over and over. Plan out goals and projects ahead of time so you don’t spend as much precious summer time brainstorming. Delegate tasks as much as possible to other employees. Consider hiring an intern who can work in exchange for college credit. They gain valuable work experience, and you spend less time working. Work a few less hours, but get back the lost income with these tasks to make money while you sleep

Outsource. Are you using all your resources? Are you delegating task as you should be? If you have a Virtual Assistant, make sure you are using that service to the full extent, or maybe you need to retain more hours for the summer. If you haven’t tasks that you could outsource to a Virtual Assistant, make sure you hire yours right away.

summer kidsSummer time is a great opportunity to connect with your kids and make lasting memories. With a few simple strategies you can make sure time with family does not come at the cost of your business. If you want even more help with growing your business over the summer, delegate those tasks to Alpine Small Business Solutions! We’re here to help you with any part of business building. Just reach out with an email or phone call today.

10 Actions You Can Take To Help You Prepared Should The Unexpected Happen

My business is my baby. I nurtured it through many struggles, successes, and interesting times. But what happens when you can’t nurture business? What happens to your business, your clients, etc., when the unexpected happens? Getting a plan in place is so important to the success and legacy of your business.

Let me tell you a couple quick stories about how having a plan for the unexpected saved my sanity and my business.


In 2013 on Halloween morning, my mother passed away from cancer. Like many that lost their battle, her cancer journey was awful and long. Being an only child, I was the only one other than my dad who cared for my mom. All our family lived out of state, so the responsibility of the devastation of her cancer weighed heavy on my father and me. Between doctors’ appointments, meal prep, physical therapies, and other tasks, caring for my mom was almost a full time job (not to mention the time I carved out to just sit and be with her so we could spend quality time together). My time was split very thin between my dying mother, my two young daughters, and my growing business . . . as well as all my other relationships with friends and my father. My mother was constantly in and out of the hospital, and there were countless crazy times that required me to drop everything and rush to her side. During this time, my focus was solely on healing and helping my mother. She was the most important thing to me, so my business had to come second . . . third . . . fourth to the more important things in my life which was my family.

11752535_10153383594025630_1500405601982719597_nIn July of 2015, I was at a peak in my business, but something unthinkable happened. Unlike my mother’s slow and prolonged illness, this tragedy hit me hard, fast and I was completely blindsided. It was a beautiful summer day and like I often did, I went and enjoyed some live bluegrass music with my two daughters and their friends at this quaint outdoor area. The kiddos didn’t want to listen to the entire set list of music and they asked if they could go and record a short movie instead. They are an artistic bunch and often made short films on their cell phones. I said yes as long as they stayed close. They stayed very close, but that didn’t matter because things can happen and change your life in a blink of an eye. My older daughter had an extremely hard fall and experienced a life threatening head injury that required her to be airlifted to Children’s hospital. We spent two days in the ICU and about a week in the hospital, followed by many doctors’ appointments scattered across town. I am happy to report she is okay today, but during those weeks after her injury my focus was on healing and helping my daughter. She was the most important thing to me, so my business again had to come second . . . third . . . fourth to the more important things in my life.

If I lacked a plan for the unexpected, my business surely would have failed (and as a result I would have fallen onto even harder times beyond the tragedies that hit my life). Here are 10 actions to take to be prepared should the unexpected happen to you, your family, or friends.

  1. Foster authentic relationships with clients. Always work to create an open and honest relationship with your client. Laying the foundation for solid relationships not only makes it businessmen-948021__180easier to do business, but makes it easier to be transparent with them if a crisis occurs and you need to renegotiate timelines or contracts. I am blessed with amazing clients that understood life happens, and they were super supportive. When you’re authentic with clients, they will often be understanding and supportive in return. People understand life and shit happens, and being real will gain you more flexibility, trust, and respect with your clients in the long run.
  2. Build a crisis team. You’ll want go-to people (or a go-to person, if your business is smaller) that you can confidently delegate to during a time of distress. Make sure your crisis team is equipped with the knowledge, resources, and personality traits to handle being in charge of projects in your absence. Talk over your expectations and their responsibilities to ensure everyone is on the same page long before a crisis occurs.
  3. Create a guide book to your business. Create a business Wiki or process manual that can serve as the “bible” for your business. Clearly outline how to complete various tasks (more detail is always better). When applicable, include screenshots to help visual learners. You’ll want to cover everything anyone might need to do, both the strategic and mundane. Remember it’s much better to put too much information than not enough. Whoever is in your crisis team will need to reference it to accomplish tasks they aren’t used to doing, so make sure they have all the information they need at their fingertips.
  4. Make business passwords easily accessible. Not only does your crisis team need to know how to handle various tasks, they need to know the passwords to access the technology to achieve those tasks. I recommend Lastpass, which allows you to easily share needed passwords with your team in a secure manner.
  5. Invest in a laptop. A laptop offers you incredible flexibility. During my difficult times, I was laptop-762548__180able to do some work away from the home office. While I wasn’t as productive as I was working in the office, I was still able to work some. It’s important not to allow your work to take you away from precious time with family. However, working some during a crisis can be really helpful. It gives you feelings of control and accomplishment to get work done, and can provide a temporary distraction from what you’re dealing with (which can give your heart and brain a much needed break).
  6. Be organized. Every important document should be in one place to make it easier on your staff. I use Dropbox and give access to my team and clients. That way, my team won’t have to search through multiple online and physical locations to find what they are looking for. You can also be organized with your method of contact. Use your forwarding call feature from your business line to your cell phone or your team.
  7. Do a test run. You can plan a solid strategy, but there’s bound to be kinks and hurdles to overcome. A test run will help you discover what areas need to be fixed to get to the smoothest transition during a crisis as possible. Coordinate with your team a day (or preferably a few days) where you simulate your absence due to a crisis. Remove yourself from the office, and only communicate with your staff as much as you think you would during a crisis. This will help everyone see what needs to be adjusted and improved, which makes you better prepared for an actual crisis.
  8. Invest in disability insurance. Disability insurance is helpful in case you get hurt and can’t work. This will help protect you financially if you are unable to work for any extended period due to an injury.
  9. Add a legacy contact in Facebook. In the event of death, your Facebook account can be facebook-box-1334052__180memorialized and serve as a place for loved ones to share memories. A legacy contact is a designated person who can write a pinned post for the profile (such as a message on your behalf or memorial service information), respond to new friend requests, and update your profile picture and cover photo. They can also download a copy of what you’ve shared on Facebook. To add a legacy contact (

Click crisis  in the top right of Facebook and select Settings

In the left menu, click Security

Click Legacy Contact

Type in a friend’s name and click Add

To let your friend know they’re now your legacy contact, click Send

  1. Take care of yourself. Exercise consistently, maintain a healthy diet, get regular massages, do what you need to make yourself as healthy as possible. This will prevent illness and improve recovery time in the event you do get sick or injured.

While it’s difficult to think about life crisis and death, it’s important to. Creating a plan to deal with a crisis can make a huge difference in how your business, and you, make it through the crisis. I guarantee it’s worth the time and effort to put a plan in place-it will provide you huge piece of mind for the future.

9 Ways to Deal with Challenging Clients

When you work in the world of online business, dealing with difficult clients comes with the territory. While it can be incredibly frustrating interacting with these individuals, there are some simple proactive and reactive tactics you can use to make things easier on all parties involved.

Proactive Tactics

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure right? Try these ideas to help prevent possible situations before they develop.

  1. 1406930Create guidelines about communication. One source of conflict is differing expectations about communication, like the client who expects you to respond at odd hours, weekends, or holidays. Sure that’s a reasonable request when dealing with
    crisis communication, but not when it’s dealing with subjects that can wait until traditional work hours. In your initial meetings with clients, provide clear “office hours” that they can expect to be able to reach you. This helps ensure all parties involved are on the same page for what’s reasonable to expect when it comes to communication.
  2. Make clients articulate what they expect from you. This can create an open dialect in case there are any clarifications that need made. Conflict can arise when clients claim your finalized work isn’t what they wanted, or when clients demand you deliver more than the scope of your original agreement. Get clients to explicitly state in as much detail as possible what they are envisioning for the project to minimize the possibilities of expectations not being met. Some clients struggle with expressing what they want, and asking them to express what they wouldn’t want can be a helpful exercise to help them better communicate their expectations.
  3. Provide clear timelines. As much as you can, from the beginning, give clients a timeline of the project with checkpoints along the way. Letting clients know upfront how long they can expect a project to take can help prevent clients expecting unreasonable deadlines to be met, and it provides them with peace of mind that you can gauge how long components of the project will take.
  4. Keep careful records. Hopefully you won’t ever need to refer back to them with your client, but easy access to contracts, client emails, and the like will be important in case there is a disagreement on logistical details, such as fees or what you agreed to do for them.
  5. Provide reports to your clients. These can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly depending on the project or client. The report serves as a detailed summary of what you’ve accomplished and what your plans moving forward in the project are, which again provides peace of mind to your client while continually showing all the value you provide.

Reactive Tactics

Alright so now your client is upset. Here are some tips to diffuse the situation.

  1. Make the client feel listened to. Just like in romantic relationships, sometimes it’s less about bei1516256ng right and more about protecting the relationship. Even if your client is overreacting, make sure they walk away from the conversation feeling
    heard. You can use phrases like, “I’m sorry you feel that way, that must be frustrating,” or “I can see why that would upset you” to show you empathize with them. After they explain their viewpoint, articulate back to them what you think their viewpoint is to showcase you understand their perspective.
  2. Steer clients toward specifics. When clients get upset, they often start using sweeping statements such as, “it’s always causing me problems” or “it’s never ready when I need it.” Gently encourage clients to articulate the specific problem to help move the focus away from the “always” and “nevers” and to the problem at hand. Then articulate a specific solution and ask them if it addresses his or her concerns.
  3. Distinguish between a situational conflict and personality clash. Sometimes the problem is not an external scenario you can solve. Some people just butt heads. If it’s possible to switch the client to another staff member, consider giving the client to them. You can ask the client who they would rather work with to let them feel like they have control of the situation. This can be hard, but sometimes it is best. Don’t take it personally. Really, not everyone can get along.
  4. Remember cutting ties is an option. Hopefully it will never need to come to this, but in some cases, it is warranted. You have to weigh the benefits of the client against
    the stress, emotional exhaustion, time, and so that it takes to deal with a difficult client. If you’ve tried a variety of approaches and nothing works, you can rest easy knowing you did everything you could to make it work but it wasn’t meant to be. Let the relationship go and focus your energy where it should go: the clients who are willing to work with you!

Dealing with difficult clients can be a challenge. If you need help with client communication, or any aspect of online business building, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! Just give us a call or send us an email.

Work-Week Nutrition: Stay Properly Fueled Amongst the Chaos

Many Americans these days seem to be logging longer and longer hours, as well as longer and longer commutes. Spending anywhere from eight to twelve hours away from home, can make workday nutrition an afterthought. It doesn’t have to be!  With a little prior planning, a healthy diet plan can fit into every busy lifestyle.

Prep – The most critical element to weekday nutrition is planning ahead.

  • Spend a couple hours, just once a week to plan a weekly menu and take a trip to the store.
  • Look for sales and specials on versatile foods that can be utilized in multiple components of the weekly menu. Ex: A $1 bag of whole carrots can make a delicious Carrot Curry soup, add crunch to a Thai Stir-fry, and be cut into hunger-satisfying snacks for break time. Buying on sale and in season each week, can help keep things nutritious while breaking up the monotony of a packed lunch.
  • When you get your groceries home, prep ‘em! Pre-wash and cut vegetables and fruits, and place into individual serving containers for on-the-go ease.

Breakfast – Whether you eat first thing in the morning, just after a morning workout, or while checking email at the office, make sure you don’t wait until lunch to feed that grumbly tummy. Eating breakfast wakes up your metabolism, helping your body use food as fuel, instead of precious brain power.

  • Oatmeal is a great morning go-to during the workweek. An entire batch can be made on Sunday night, minimizing the need for cooking in the morning. Just pop a serving in the microwave, top with almonds, fruit, and your choice of milk for an easy, nourishing breakfast.
  • A good ratio of complex carbs and protein help you function at capacity, as well as stave off hunger pangs before lunch. Good options are, two hard-boiled eggs with a piece of fruit, a Greek yogurt with low-sugar granola or cereal, or even the PB&J standby (on 100% whole wheat bread, of course)!

Lunch – Again, a good mix of carbs and protein is the way to go. Portion sizes are also key. Too little at lunch can leave you feeling drained and lead to afternoon sugar-snack attacks. Too much can set you straight into food coma, inducing grogginess.

  • Layered salads are all the rage! Start with a tall container or jar. Place heaviest, sauciest, and most acidic toppings in the bottom. Placing greens on top keeps them crisp. Whip up a batch of a simple vinaigrette and go!  Great salad proteins include chicken breast, tuna fish, shrimp, hard-boiled eggs, chickpeas, kidney beans, grilled tofu, nuts and seeds.
  • Leftovers! Once or twice a week, take the time to make yourself and your family a healthy and nutritious dinner. Make at least one extra serving and immediately pack into a single serving container for the next day’s lunch. Excess portions can be frozen into single servings, for those “Omigod I slept through my alarm” mornings.
  • Who doesn’t love a bowl of warm soup on a cold Winter workday? On a lazy weekend day at home, simmer a pot of your favorite soup, chili, or stew and portion out into lunch servings for the week, or to freeze for future use. A hearty bowl of soup and whole wheat pita can make the perfect, healthy and nutritious lunch to keep you going until the end of the day.

Snacks – Need a little something in between meals? Don’t run to the office vending machine. Munch on something healthy to keep you functioning at your prime!

  • Greek yogurt has become increasingly popular in the U.S. And for good reason! It is highly packed with protein and comes in a rainbow of flavors for every palate.  At 100-200 calories per serving, it makes the perfect indulgent snack
  • Try keeping shelf-stable snacks in your desk or car. Almonds and whole wheat crackers can satisfy that afternoon crunch-crave while filling you up on “real” food, rather than sodium filled junk.
  • Instead of heading out for your afternoon java with all the fat-filled fixings, take a break from your desk and make yourself a hot cup of green tea. It is a good source of cancer-fighting antioxidants, can help to speed metabolism, and with roughly half the caffeine of coffee, won’t keep you awake when your day is finally done.

It can be tough to make workweek nutrition a priority. By incorporating a few of these tips into your workweek routine, you can enjoy our mornings with less stress, save more of the hard-earned cash, and watch your health improve!

11 Awesome Appointment Scheduling Tools For Any Online Business That Are Free

There are few tasks in the professional life that are as tedious as scheduling appointments. Finding a time that works for everyone can be a losing battle of long email strings and accidental double-bookings. Then in the worse case scenario, you do have a double booking or you misread or interpreted an email, then you really look like a doofus.  Then you have to do the “walk of shame” where you have to contact one person to try and reschedule, which can often times make you appear to not have your sh!t together to existing and potential new clients or customer. This can also be quite rhetorical and annoying too.  Scheduling appointments with your clients or customers is unfortunately one those unexpected headaches that you may run into on your entrepreneurial journey.

For real…scheduling an appointment with clients shouldn’t be that hard, right?
ppointment Scheduling ToolsYou schedule alot of your life as it is, we do it when you go to the doctor, dentist, hair dresser, massage therapists and maybe even your fitness trainer, so why should it be so hard for a online business owner?  There are a ton of great tools out there, some cost an arm and a leg, others are inexpensive and others are free. Fortunately, I have done the research for you and have 11 awesome appointment scheduling tools you can implement into your business that are free and also have upgrades available should you need to grow with it. Each of the 11 that are listed below has some pros and cons— and while some work with a range of calendar applications, others are narrowly focused to just one or two, it really just depends on what works best for you.   One thing they have in common though is  they’re a lot easier than playing email tag.

vcita allows you to engage new and returning clients on your website, email and social. Empower clients to interact with your business anytime on any device. Deliver amazing service with a personalized client portal. Manage customers and respond to client requests – at your office or on-the-go. Simplify teamwork with shared client records, unified calendar and easy lead transfer. Automate client communication, notifications & reminders. Allow clients to set and reschedule appointments anytime, from any device. Offers an online list of services, fees and scheduling options. Reduces no-shows by automating confirmations & reminders. Stays in-sync with your phone and existing calendar – Outlook, Google, iCal and more.

Set More
set more is an easy to use web based app that lets you manage your appointments. It lets your customers book appointments with you even when you are unavailable. You will get more appointments booked than before. You will get, responsive & clean appointment booking pages, Facebook fanpage booking button, Google Calendar sync, booking button for business website, SMS/Email appointment confirmations & reminders, employee scheduling and a lot more.

Acuity Scheduling
acuity is like a personal-assistant for your schedule–only better. With Acuity Scheduling, booking appointments with your clients & customers doesn’t have to be a never-ending time suck anymore. (Hallelujah!) Let your clients view your real-time availability, select the date and time that works best for them, pay in advance via Stripe, Paypal or, and even cancel or reschedule all on their own–without you having to drive yourself crazy.

Reservio allows you to save your time and start managing your bookings in online booking software. It helps you improve your services, promote your business better and grow it faster. Organize your schedule with simple on-line calendar and stay up-to-date anywhere you go. Get repetitive tasks made automatically, accept bookings 24/7, reduce your “no-shows” with email & SMS reminders.

Simply Book

simplybook offers an extensive online booking system with reminders for medical services, beauty salons, event planners etc. We offer free version for companies with less than 120 bookings a month. Our solution offers companies the possibility to send promotions at predefined times. Companies can also choose from different design templates, customized languages, choose from extensive add-ins options to enhance the system all in order to provide their clients with outstanding service.


click book is an online scheduling software that allows service providers to schedule clients in the spots that the vendors themselves prefer. As most people now manage their business and make bookings on the go, the free online scheduling software is available via a mobile app. As with most mobile apps, the layout of the scheduling program is more basic. However, it still enables customers to sign in and book appointments, while service providers can access most of their dashboard to manage their account. The appointment schedule software can be synchronized with any device that supports iCal calendar subscription which includes Windows, Macintosh, Linux and most iPhones and iPods for complete flexibility and freedom.

10 to 8
10to8 is a FREE online appointment scheduling & online booking solution, trusted by 11,000+ independent practitioners, tutors, coaches & small businesses. Send SMS & email reminders to cut no-shows, track client notes and attendance history, let clients book your free slots, take payments and manage complex availability with calendar sync. Secure data storage with bank-rate encryption. Setup in less than 2min, and say farewell to admin woes.

calendly allows you to say goodbye to email tag for scheduling appointments, interviews, calls, demos and much more. Checks your Google or Office 365 calendar for conflicts, so you’re never double-booked. Adds new events to your calendar automatically. Phone, tablet or desktop—you and your invitees can use Calendly anywhere, from any device. Automatically email custom confirmations and reminders to invitees. Set buffer times between meetings, prevent last minute meetings, create secret event types and much more. Set your capacity and let multiple invitees schedule the same slot. Useful for tours, webinars, classes, workshops, etc. Invitees can add their meetings to their favorite calendar platform in one click. No registration or signup required to schedule.


doodle offers a wide selection of online solutions that radically simplify the process of scheduling appointments, ranging from the group event “poll” that doesn’t require registration to the professional appearance with own branding. Once registered, connect your calendar and keep track of all your polls. By using your mobile device, you can respond to a meeting poll, initiate a poll, and see all of your polls at a glance. In addition to the mobile Web app, Doodle also offers a native app for iPads and iPhones.

When is Good

whenisgood is an easy way to find out when everyone is free for your next meeting or event. Click the grid for all the times that are good for you – you get a link to email to your invitees. They see your proposed times and click on when they are free. You visit your results page and see when everyone can do. No sign-up form. No password to choose. No fuss at all.


assistant continually monitors your availability and will work with your recipient to find a commonly available time. Uses the same secure servers & hosting as Dropbox, SAP, etc. with 99% uptime & SSL data encryption. Remembers your most common meeting locations and availability, so you can schedule a meeting in seconds. Book meetings with one email. No back & forth. No double bookings. And it’s free!

Need a Little Extra Support?

The back-and-forth headache of scheduling will never disappear completely, but these tools will help you decide on a meeting time and iron out the details in a much more efficient fashion. Give these apps a try, and opt out of email tag once and for all.

If you know you want to take advantage of the many benefits of online scheduling (or any other form of scheduling) but don’t want to spend the time navigating the scheduling tools, remember that Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We can create and schedule meetings or appointments for you to meet your organization’s scheduling needs. And if there is any other aspect of social media management or business building that you want assistance with, we’d love to help. Just shoot us an email or call us up.

6 Dos and Don’ts of Facebook Boosted Posts

Boosting Facebook posts can be an effective social media marketing strategy. Without knowledge on how it works or the benefits it offers, however, marketers may be unnecessarily wary of taking advantage of the great tool. Boosting posts is not a tactic to be used all the time, but is one that should be used intentionally to support your organization’s social media marketing efforts.

What are boosted posts?

When marketers create a Facebook post, it enters the views news feeds and is seen by a fraction of the audience. This number varies based on a number of factors decided by the Facebook algorithm that attempts to measure the relevance of posts to audiences to avoid flooding their feeds with poorly written posts or ones that aren’t relevant to the viewers. Boosting a post ensures the post is found more frequently in the News Feed, which means more people will see your post (and hopefully in return your organization will receive more social media marketing benefits from the post). Below are some simple dos and don’ts of Facebook posting.

boosted3The Dos

  1. DO boost posts that help your audience. The point of boosting posts is to get more eyes on your post. Getting more people to see how your organization provides value for them is a great way to gain new customers or reinforce the relationship with existing ones. Besides, viewers can tell pretty quickly a promotional post advertising a product or service from one that’s helpful content for them. Why pay money for an advertisement-type post that viewers are just going to glance over and ignore?
  2. DO boost posts that offer a call to action. Posts that encourage visitors to check out your website, join an email list, download a free ebook, etc. (while still offering valuable content to the audience of course) are great ones to promote. Ideally, a boosted post will not only get more individuals seeing the value you offer them, but will direct them to an action that builds your business.
  3. DO know exactly what you want to gain from the boosted post. Strategy is key to social media marketing, and it’s no different with boosted posts. If you do not know what you are trying to achieve, you will not be able to measure whether it was successful and it will be more difficult to pin point what made it perform well or poorly. Clearly articulate what you hope to get out of the boosted post (x number of people read about our new website launch, reach new audience members with our content post, etc.) before you boost it.

The Don’ts

  1. DON’T be overly hesitant to spend money. It can be hard to press that button to spend money on a post. Besides, if you did your job right and created a great post it should perform as effectively right? Wrong! The Facebook algorithm results in organic reach having unpredictable and less effective reach. It’s part of Facebook’s business plan to gain money from marketers. Unfortunately, spending money to boost important posts is just part of the game. You don’t have to play the game with every post, but you should when it is relevant.
  2. DON’T boost the post and never look at it. After you boost a post, make sure you monitor its success to gauge whether the return on investment was worth it. If it was, figure out what made the post so successful. If it wasn’t, figure out how to avoid that mistake for the future. Analytics are a big part of being successful at digital marketing. You have to adjust your plan when it isn’t working, and you have to know what worked. Make sure you are watching.
  3. DON’T slide into a boosting rut. It’s important to always be tweaking social media efforts to figure out the most effective tactics and get the highest return on investment. If you boost an evergreen post that performs well, fantastic! But don’t hesitate to boost a timely post, a video post, and the like. Know that it’s important to test out different types of posts. Some might not work well for your organization or audience, and that’s okay. Trial and error is a key part of social media success.


If you’re convinced you want to take advantage of the benefits of boosting Facebook posts, but are still hesitant on the best way to do so, do not fear. Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We understand the ins and outs of boosting Facebook posts to meet businesses needs and would love to help you use this tool to help your organization. Simply email us or give us a ring for help on this, or any aspect of business building.

9 Ways to Increase Efficiency at Work

We are always trying to fit more in to every day. We are overscheduled, overworked, and busy being busy. This working style adds to our stress and anxiety of life every day. If this is not managed, it can get out of control and start to have the opposite effect-you will get less done. It is time to maximize your efforts and declutter the rest. These nine tips can make every day a little easier, and honestly more fun.

  1. Take Breaks!

If you are sitting at your desk for eight hours straight, you are exhausting your mind, eyes, and body. You must take some time to look away. Walk down the hall. Give your body and mind some time to refresh. When you are just pushing through something to get it done, you usually aren’t at your best. That five-minute break can usually be enough to refresh you to think more clearly. Break up the work; break up your sitting time. Trust me on this one…it will make a difference in how you feel.

  1. Focus Time.

We are all guilty of it. We all have tried to “multitask.” It doesn’t work. You cannot do your best on more than one task at a time. Limit your distractions for periods of “focus time.” Set a timer for 50 minutes, close all the distractions (other open programs, emails, phone etc.), and just work on that one thing for the 50 minutes. Then take a 10-minute break. You can check in on your distractions, walk away, or get a drink, but take that break. Those uninterrupted focus periods allow you to put all your efforts in to one spot. You will get more done just working on that one thing. You can then come back to that task for the next focused period or move on, whatever the case will be, but give you undivided attention to a task for a set period.

  1. Done Is Better Than Perfect.

We sometimes all get hung up on the details that don’t really matter. You have to find that line where is this really going to improve the final product, or are you spending more time on something that isn’t important at this phase. Let go of the image of perfect. You can always tweak and improve, so make sure you are not crossing a line of perfection that isn’t being efficient.

  1. Schedule Your Phone and Email Time.

Calls and emails are the biggest distraction for many people. You can spend a lot of time just putting out the fires that come in on email and take that unexpected call. It also means that you didn’t get your tasks for the day completed with focused, uninterrupted time. Find the time best for you and schedule in your day an hour here and there to just return emails and calls. You can use a focus period just to respond to email.

  1. Value Each Minute.

You used your focused time, and you rocked it. You spent 37 minutes that you had booked 50 minutes for. Great! That doesn’t mean that you get to waste those 13 minutes. Quit thinking that everything has to be done on the hour, half hour, or 15-minute increment. I know you have other things on your to-do list. Continue on with something else productive.

  1. Increase Your Weak Point.

We all have a time of the day that is the slump. Some people are early morning people, some of late night people, some are guaranteed to be napping after lunch. Know where your weak point is and plan for it. If you are an afternoon slump person, know it and own it! Prepare for it by having that cup of coffee, or schedule your passion project during that time. If you aren’t prepping and working on something you don’t want to do at that time, you will not work efficiently.

  1. No!

This one sounds easy. Say no to things that you shouldn’t be doing, but that isn’t always the case when you work on client work. If it is part of your job, you can’t just say I won’t do it. But do you have a team mate who is better suited? Can you trade a task? For those things that you can say no to, remember it is ok to say no. Don’t accept work you can’t deliver on. Don’t set yourself up to not be able to keep your word. This goes hand-in-hand with setting expectations.

  1. Set Deadlines.

They say however long you give yourself to do something is how long it will take. Put a little pressure on yourself to get things done. You might surprise yourself what watching the clock will do for you. Set a deadline for yourself to wrap up a project and hold yourself to it.

*Bonus Tip* Track your time. We talked about times and setting focus periods, but doing some basic analytics around where you spend your time can be very eye opening. Find where you are losing time and work on it!

9. I know this doesn’t sound like it is increasing your efficiency if you aren’t working, but truly it is. If you aren’t avoiding burnout and exhaustion, you are not functioning at your best. Make sure you take the time off and walk away to be with your friend and family. Engage in the hobby that you love. Take care of yourself. Remind yourself of the things you love so when you are at work, you can have the desire to go do these things. The more efficient you are at work, the more you can enjoy your off time. For more ideas contact me today!

9 Brain Foods That Will Improve Your Productivity at Work

Did you know that the foods you eat could have a significant impact on your brain and motivation? Eating the right foods throughout the day can increase brainpower, motivation and overall productivity by 20%. I know it may not seem like much, but it is a significant increase! If you’ve noticed you’ve been a little more sluggish at work lately, consider adding these superfoods to your daily diet. I’ve also included a couple simple recipes that combines these super foods together!

  1. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best nutritional foods you can eat. Eggs are high in choline, which is a nutrient that studies have shown to improve memory. Eggs sell a variety of vitamins but most notably B5 and B12. These vitamins release energy from food and assist with brain nervous system function. Eggs also have vitamin A which plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function, healthy skin, and more.

As if eggs couldn’t seem more nutritionally rich, they are an excellent source of protein that can help sustain energy levels and stave off hunger throughout the day.

  1. Greek Yogurt

All yogurts are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12. However Greek yogurt contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts. Additionally, in a small study, researchers at UCLA found that eating probiotic yogurt twice a day can reduce activity in the part of your brain that registers pain and emotion. Scientists have also begun to draw links between consuming probiotics and thinking fewer sad thoughts

  1. Salmon

Fatty fishes are excellent for promoting productivity! Salmon, however, is the best of them all. Salmon has high omega-3 fatty acids content, which is useful for improving memory and mental performance. These fatty acids can help depression and fatigue, which can both inhibit productivity immensely. Fish has also been proven to improve concentration and your overall mood. Other fatty fish include trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards, and kipper. Although eating freshly prepared fish is the best method, a fish oil supplement can be taken to achieve a similar result.

  1. Raw Almonds

Raw almonds are among the healthiest of tree nuts. Almonds rank highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin content. The fiber, protein and fat content of almonds means it only takes a handful to keep you feeling full and satisfied to hold you over until lunch time! Why raw almonds? Both raw and roasted almonds pack a high dose of nutrients and minerals. However, raw almonds have more naturally occurring beneficial fats—which are lost in the roasting process.

  1. Avocado

Avocados are a natural stimulant for promoting blood flow. Consistent blood flow through your heart and brain fires up your brain cells. This is another healthy, fiber packed fat that improves your overall focus. The best part? There’s so many delicious ways to prepare an avocado but their buttery flavor is amazing on their own!

  1. Blueberries

Antioxidant-rich foods are exceptional for increasing memory. Not only will blueberries help your brain function in the workplace today, it will help to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in the future. The antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – and keeps the mind fresh. Generally, the darker the berry is, the higher antioxidant property it contains, which means more productivity-boosting ingredients.

  1. Matcha Green Tea

Green tea is a natural energy enhancer and it comes without the negative side effects of other energy sources, such as the caffeine crash you get from coffee or energy drinks. However, the best (and more delicious) way to consume green tea is Matcha. Matcha is unique because it’s the entire leaf ground into a fine powder then made into a creamy tea, whereas other teas the leaves are steeped in hot water. By consuming the leaf as a whole, it provides fiber and polyphenols, a family of powerful antioxidants. It’s also a lot tastier—green tea ice cream is made from Matcha and if you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.

  1. Bananas

Glucose turns into energy, and bananas are some of the best resources for that energy-inducing ingredient. A single banana holds the daily amount of glucose your body needs, and it’s a much healthier way to get it than excessive carbs and cane sugars. Bananas are also filling, which means that you’ll be able to focus better between meals if you snack on this rather than something else. Bananas are also a great source of potassium which helps blood pressure, anxiety and stress and helps to enhance muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and nervous system.

  1. Water

Finally, water. Now I know this isn’t a food, but it is important to mention that the amount of water intake significantly influences your health and productivity. Our body is made up of over 70% water and throughout the day, the water in our body slowly depletes. If you don’t drink enough water to replenish the lost liquid, your brain and other functions suffer the consequences. By devoting the energy to ensure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day will give your brain the fuel it needs to be more focused and think more clearly.

Give these foods a go and see if you have noticed an improvement in your productivity. I certainly have! Below are links to a couple of my favorite recipes that combine several of these foods and are super easy to make!

Greek yogurt with honey, almonds, blueberries, and granola (I prefer sliced or slivered almonds)

Avocado toast with sunny side up egg