Celebrate Summer Solstice with These 7 Business Growth Tips 🌞

Explore 7 actionable strategies to harness the energy of the summer solstice for business growth, inspired by personal reflections and expert insights.

Posted June 20th, 2024 by Jessica Granish

As an online entrepreneur, have you ever felt the pull of the summer solstice? Is it something that you align with at all? Is it part of your Q2 and Q3 business growth goals? 

For me, the summer solstice is more than just the longest day of the year—it's a time of renewal and reflection. As a typical Colorado girl, I enjoy the chance to garden, go to concerts, and escape to the mountains.

The summer solstice also holds a special place in my heart because my parents' wedding anniversary always fell right around that time. Even though my mom passed away in 2013, we continue to honor everything they built together, which contributed to the magic of the summer solstice.

This blend of personal significance and my passion for business inspires me to infuse the same energy and renewal into my business. While all these strategies are impactful, #6 is my personal favorite

Here’s how you can leverage the energy of Summer Solstice for growth in your business:

1. Revitalize Your Business Vision

The summer solstice marks an ideal time to revamp your business direction. Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post and a prominent advocate for work-life balance, famously stated, "People think in terms of stories. It's so much easier to remember a story than a set of facts.

Take this opportunity to deeply reflect on your brand’s narrative and strategic positioning. Engage your team in insightful discussions to craft a compelling brand story and refine your strategic approach for enhancing visibility and growth.

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Schedule a half-day retreat with your key team members to revisit and revise your business vision.
Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify areas of improvement and opportunity.
Develop a  content strategy that aligns with your brand story, leveraging storytelling techniques to connect with your audience and enhance brand visibility.

2. Embrace Innovation and Creativity

The heightened energy of the solstice can lead to innovative breakthroughs. Encourage brainstorming sessions and out-of-the-box thinking to solve challenges and explore new opportunities. 

Studies have shown that companies fostering a culture of creativity are significantly more likely to outperform their peers in revenue growth. Embracing innovation will propel your business forward with fresh ideas and solutions.

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Organize a weekly brainstorming session where team members can share new ideas without judgment.
Use tools like mind maps, like a Miro board to visualize and develop these ideas further.
Implement a "creative hour" each week where employees work on passion projects related to your business.

3. Set Some Stretch Goals

Just as the summer solstice brings the longest day of the year, it's the perfect time to bask in the glow and set your sights on stretch goals. Research indicates that dreaming big can lead to greater happiness and productivity. Encourage your team to harness this energy by setting goals that inspire and excite.

Setting what is called stretch goals are ambitious objectives that challenge individuals or teams to achieve significant accomplishments beyond regular targets. Yes, you try to reach them, but they offer bigger vision energy and even if not fully achieved, they are something to work towards.

For instance

Normal Goal: Increase monthly sales by 10% over the next quarter— be steady like a turtle.

Stretch Goal: Launch a product so irresistible that it doubles our website traffic and attracts a significant buzz, like a surge of eager customers flocking to a new ice cream truck in summer.

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Host a "Dream Board" party where team members create vision boards filled with their personal and professional aspirations.
Facilitate a brainstorming session with a twist—encourage everyone to share their wildest ideas without limitations.
Break down these ambitious goals into smaller, actionable steps using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria to ensure clarity and progress.

4. Strengthen Team Connections and Celebrate Success

The long summer days provide an ideal backdrop for celebrating achievements and encouraging team spirit. Plan engaging activities that bring your team together, creating bonds and boosting morale. 

Recognizing milestones during this vibrant season enhances team cohesion and motivation. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, wisely notes, “Fun is one of the most important—and underrated—ingredients in any successful venture.”

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Organize a team-building event such as a company picnic, outdoor adventure, or team sports activity to build camaraderie.
Celebrate milestones with small office gatherings or virtual parties for remote teams, ensuring inclusivity.
Establish a "wall of fame" or digital recognition board to showcase team accomplishments, nurturing a sense of pride and motivation.

5. Enhance Transparency and Clear Communication

Just as the summer solstice brings clarity and brightness, prioritize transparency within your business. Open communication channels ensure everyone understands and aligns with the company’s vision and goals. Honest and clear communication builds trust and collaboration among team members, essential for success.

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Implement regular all-hands meetings where updates and progress are shared openly....and make it fun. Nothing worse than a dingy ol' meeting just to have a meeting. Have a theme, dress up, play a game. Have fun with it. 
Create a virtual suggestion box or platform for anonymous feedback to encourage participation from all team members.
Celebrate milestones in transparency, such as successful project launches or achieving team goals, to reinforce the importance of open communication.

6. Take Time Off to Recharge

Taking time to unplug and enjoy the summer with friends and family is crucial for long-term success. While work is important, recharging allows you to reconnect with your business with renewed energy and perspective. As Lily Tomlin, an American actress and comedian, once said, "For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." 

This advice highlights the importance of stepping back, disconnecting from work, and embracing moments of relaxation. By incorporating regular downtime into your schedule, you not only boost your well-being but also enhance your ability to make sound decisions and open your mind and heart to a lot more creativity and creative opportunities.

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Schedule regular breaks and vacations throughout the summer for yourself and encourage your team to do the same.
Create a company policy that promotes a healthy work-life balance, such as flexible work hours or mental health days.
Plan team outings or retreats that allow everyone to unwind and bond outside of the work environment.

7. Recognize and Reward Success

The summer solstice is a time of celebration and abundance. Recognize and reward the hard work and achievements of your team. Regular acknowledgment of accomplishments fosters a positive and motivated work environment. 

A study by Deloitte revealed that companies with recognition programs have 31% lower voluntary turnover.

Here are some actionable items: you can do:

Create a recognition program that regularly celebrates employee achievements, such as monthly awards.
Give shout-outs during meetings to highlight individual and team successes.
Offer tangible rewards like gift cards, bonuses, or extra time off to recognize outstanding performance.

In Conclusion

As summer unfolds, let the spirit of the solstice guide your business to new heights. Embrace the metaphor of peak energy and light as a guiding principle for growth and innovation. The solstice reminds us that at the height of light and potential, endless opportunities for success arise. 

Align your business strategies with this vibrant energy, and watch as your business flourishes in this season of abundance.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? 

Book a free, no-strings-attached strategy call with us today. 

Limited spots are available, so seize this opportunity to start your journey towards a brighter, more successful business future.


Jessica Granish

The Wizard Behind The Curtain, Tech And Marketing Integrator

Meet Jessica Granish, a heart-centered trailblazer in the dynamic intersection of tech, marketing, and systems integration.

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