Joni Wilson

Who would have ever thought the words, “check those footnotes” in a document would get her started in being a copyeditor? Amazingly, she has a gift for detail work and found that she enjoyed the variety of books and articles that she edited. Her abilities to rewrite, write new, and review documents in a professional, timely manner is a great asset. Her keen eye catches errors that pass others by, and it probably helps that she’s a bit compulsive about checking and rechecking her work.

When not sitting at the computer, Joni enjoys traveling, hiking, reading, and being with family. She has recently taken up kayaking on the nearby rivers and lakes in her area, and prefers to be ON the water and not IN the water! In addition to Antarctica, she has traveled to Scotland and most of the Caribbean islands (wherever the cruise ships take her). Next on her list is a cruise to Alaska and visiting Denali National Park and Preserve.

Joni enjoys bluegrass music (Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers and also Alison Krauss and Union Station). She also listens to music from the decade of the ’70s. That’s a good thing, because she works part-time for Barry Williams (formerly big brother Greg from the TV sitcom The Brady Bunch). who has a variety show in Branson called 70s Music Celebration!

Joni belongs to a book club of fascinating women (yes, there are fascinating men out there, but they can start their own book club), where the favorite genre is usually historical fiction, but there is a mix of books to read as individuals offer suggestions to discuss for the next meeting. It’s also been interesting and educational to interact in person with various authors through interviews, Skype, and online chats.

Joni is pleased to be one of the team members at Alpine Small Business Solutions and to share the positive confidence and supportive encouragement that is foundational to the team.