Tag Archives: Cost

5 Reasons Why Hiring a Team Will Cost Less Than Doing Everything Yourself

When considering hiring a team, the sticker price of salaries can look shockingly high to the small business owner. I really can do the social media management, administrative tasks, sales, everything myself, they think, so how can I justify spending this much on salaries for a team?

It goes back to the phrase we’ve heard since childhood. Just because you can does not mean you should.

Sure, logistically you can manage it all yourself. But in the long run, hiring a team will cost less. (Why wouldn’t you chose the more cost effective option?)

Struggling to conceptualize how hiring staff members saves you more money than doing it yourself? Here’s five reasons why teams lead to better bottom lines.

  1. Teams bring expertise.

You want your organization’s work, from marketing to customer service, to be of high team1quality. That high quality requires two things: education and experience. Before you can create a thriving social media presence, for example, you need knowledge of social media marketing tactics and trends. A Hootsuite certification costs $300, an online community college class costs around $1,000 . . . the costs of the required training add up fast for a business owner wanting to do it all. And the online world is constantly changing. Instead of paying for training in every area of business building, hire employees who are already trained.

Granted, a salary costs more than seminars and classes. But high-quality work comes from employees with knowledge and experience. It takes a few years to consistently create solid marketing content, to develop a charismatic confident customer service approach, etc. You can get your company by on your average attempts in these areas as you gain that necessary experience, or you can hire an experienced employee who can provide that quality work from the start.

  1. Teams bring efficiency.

Henry Ford revolutionized production with his assembly line approach with each team2employee performing one task in the production process. This allowed them to gain a mastery over the task and complete tasks faster than if they switched from different task to different task.

Your business can benefit from the same approach. An employee who lives and breathes social media will be more efficient when they are immersed in social media tasks all day long than a boss who switches from social media to sales to running a meeting back to social media.

  1. Teams work for lower salaries.

The hourly wage for a secretary is lower than the hourly wage of the CEO. If you’re completing an hour of administrative tasks as the CEO, it’ll cost your company more than if a secretary completed the same work. Your time is money, so don’t waste it on tasks that can be completed cheaper by someone else (especially someone else with more experience and more efficiency!).

  1. Teams bring creativity.

There was one standout winner of Superbowl 2013: Oreo. During the game, there was a team334 minute blackout. Oreo’s team collaborated and created a tweet with a photo of an Oreo and a caption “you can still dunk in the dark.” Within an hour, it was retweeted 10,000 times. It’s still used years later as an example of solid marketing in college classes.

That tweet was not created by one person. The creativity that occurs in a group brainstorming session can be invaluable to generating ideas for your business. Teams of people bring unique experiences, perspectives, and approaches that can result in better ideas. And better ideas lead to better results and better business growth.

  1. Teams allow the business to grow.

When you first begin a business, a one or two employee model can work. Heck, even Steve Jobs started with one fellow staff member. But as the company grows, so do your obligations. There will be a point where you feasibly cannot manage more clients while still effectively managing marketing, sales, accounting, administrative services, etc.

team4Bringing in a team allows you to delegate, freeing up your time to guiding the company to growth. As genius as Steve Jobs was, even he couldn’t manage Apple alone very long before it began impeding its growth. For your business to expand, your employee base needs to expand.

Don’t be the obstacle that is standing in your way. When you hit a point that you can’t do it all yourself, you are impeding your own growth. Get out of your way. Get help. More people doing everything can bring in more money.

A team does save you money in the long run. If you’re looking to add team members to manage social media or administrative services, we’d love to help! Our experienced and knowledgeable staff can assist you in any aspect of business building, simply shoot us an email or give us a call today.