Just like hairless cats, habanero peppers, and neon blue hair, webinars are not for everyone. Granted, they usually see more universal appeal than those three, but I repeat. They. are. not. for. everyone.
Webinars can be an extremely effective business growing tool, but before you jump on the webinar bandwagon, consider the reasons you shouldn’t be hosting one.
- You lack the technology. If your audio/video will look and sound more like a blurry
tape from a police interrogation than a professional quality service, rethink a webinar. Proper equipment is the first step in making a solid webinar, and is a nonnegotiable one. If you’ve got a decent set-up, you may be equipped to host a webinar.
- You don’t know what you’re talking about. Okay, this is highly unlikely. But you’d be surprised at the number of webinars failing to offer any insight or substance. If you know your industry well and can provide value, you may be ready to share your expertise with the world in a webinar. Some of you are not there…YET!
- You don’t possess that golden radio voice. You know how some people’s voices sound so charismatic you could listen to them talk about anything? Yeah, those are the people that should be hosting a webinar. It sucks, but if your voice sounds more like nails on a cheese grater, people will be too distracted to focus on your content (which means you won’t get the great benefits of a webinar). If you can speak confidently, slowly, and clearly, you’re in a good position to host a webinar. If you are net yet confidant speaking, don’t be that nervous person, “ya, um, uh.”
- You lack the time to promote your webinar. You need to devote time to marketing and selling your webinar-otherwise it’s like planning a party without having time to make invitations. If you’re marketing resources are already stretched too thin, now’s not the time to host a webinar. If you can prioritize promoting your webinar, then you’re at a good place.
- You’re doing it because all the other cool kids are. This was a bad idea in high
school, and it’s a bad idea now. Webinars work great for some, but it doesn’t mean you’ll benefit from hosting one. Be sure you’ve got a solid idea of what you’re trying to achieve and why a webinar is the best means to do so. If you can clearly articulate how a webinar fits in your business strategy, you may be ready to host one.
- You’re as boring as that teacher from Ferris Bueller. Again, highly unlikely. But you do need to commit to engaging an audience. Remember, you’re not monologuing, you’re teaching. It’s a different ballgame that requires engaging slides, powerful stories, easy application, and more. If you can captivate an audience, you may be a great webinar host.
- You’re a one-man band. While there’s an “i” in webinar, effective webinars are not a solo effort. Think WE-binar. Even if there’s only one speaker, other people still play a role. You’ll need staff support in marketing the webinar, working out the sound details, and following up with the webinar attendees. You’ll be stretching yourself too thin if you try to handle all the details. If you’ve got a solid support staff, you may be well equipped to host a webinar.
- You don’t want to reach thousands of people. If you’re not ready for the brand
awareness explosion that comes with hosting a successful webinar, then now’s not the time for you. A successful webinar can put a small business on the map. If you prefer your “little known” company status, shy away from webinars. If you’re ready for a large number of people discover how great your business is, a webinar might be right for you.
- You don’t want to grow your list. A webinar is networking on steroids with the number of leads and connections you’ll come away with. It’s a valuable tool for effective and efficient business building, so if you’re ready to expand a webinar may be the perfect choice.
If these do not apply to you, then you should seriously consider hosting a webinar. It can serve as a great service to your target audience as well as a killer business building strategy. If you’d like help creating or marketing a webinar, ASBS is here for you! Our experienced staff would love to assist with any aspect of building your business, so send us an email or give us a call today.