Tag Archives: Entrepreneur

7 Reasons a Hike is Like Starting Your Own Business

I went on a little adventure with my daughter, her friend, my dog and my lover. This cool little adventure took us under roads, through the forest, over creeks, up a mountain, through the snow and into dark tunnels. During this adventure we encountered many obstacles like ice, boulders, fences and downed trees, etc…. This definitely made for some interesting moments that left us on our butts or trying to figure out a way around the hurdle. Each time we fell on the ice we picked ourselves back up, each time we hit a bump or barrier along our path, we figured out a safe way around and/or through. No matter what, we kept going because we knew whatever was around the next corner it was sure to be interesting and beautiful…and it was! It was a great day!

When I came home and reflected on my awesome day it reminded me that my nature infused adventures are similar to my business building experience. While the backdrop is very different the feelings, the emotions and mentality of it was similar.

7 reasons why a hike in nature is similar to starting your own business!

  1. Preparing:

Hiking is a lot like running a businessWhen starting any new adventure you always have some sort of destination in mind.   Preparation is a key component to your journey. For instance, when you go on a day hike you need to be sure to have all the necessities, like water, snacks, proper attire and a fairly clear idea what your route will look like and what your time frame will be.

Building your business is quite similar. You need to have an idea, a business plan, a blueprint and the right tools to help you get to your goal in the timeframe you desire. Evaluate your goals; understand what it takes to start a business not only from a financial stand point, but also from an emotional, mental and physical stand point as well. There is so much heart and soul you will pour into your business and being as prepared as possible is truly in your best interest. Furthermore, educate yourself on the legalities of starting your own business and seek legal and financial consultation should you need it. Sometimes it is easier to work with a professional that can tell you right away the answers you seek, rather than spending weeks trying to figure it out on your own.

  1. Getting Started:Hiking is like business

A journey of a thousand miles (or even just 2 miles) starts with a single step. Building your business is like starting a hike. When you arrive at the trail head you know that there will be many miles between you and your destination. Excitement and sometimes fear will be an emotion you will feel as you embark on the path to your destination. A hike, depending on your level of fitness and how steep the climb is, you will stop to catch your breath or stop to rest your legs.

Your business is no different. You will meet goals, stop to catch your breath, regroup and then keep going. If you are unsure where to start with your business I suggest that you start by carving out time each and every day to work on your business. This can be as simple as doing research on the internet, reading blogs, finding a community online to bounce ideas off of, or seek mentorship and coaching. I also suggest that you invest in this journey and if you are someone that can learn online, purchase a training course that will help you get started. This is nice because it can save you time and also take a lot of guess work out of it for you. Your time is precious, so be sure to seek help where help in needed! Your family and friends will appreciate this too.

  1. Finding Your Buddies and Support System:

A hike is a lot like running your businessNot only is it fun, but it is also super smart to never hike alone. Hiking with friends or family is an enjoyable experience and can help keep you safe. In nature there are many things that could go wrong. Wildlife encounters, inclement weather and even the risk of injury. So having a buddy can lessen the burden should something negative happen. Plus on the fun side, you will build memories together; you can share stories and most importantly someone to encourage you should you feel too tired or weak to keep going.

Here is a little secret, your support system when you are building your business is one of the secret sauces to your success. I can’t express how much you need to have your support system in place when you decide to embark on this epic entrepreneurial journey. Your support system is the people that will pick you up when you have fallen; these are the people who will cheer you on when you feel like giving up. These are the people who will gather around you to celebrate your goals when you have accomplished them. Business is hard, it can be a lonely place with lots of hurdles along the way, but with a support system by your side anything can be possible.

  1. Being Prepared to Weather Any Storm:

Hayman FireIn the mountains of Colorado (where I live) the weather can change in a matter of minutes. It can be sunny and beautiful, then within an hour it could be thunder snowing. You have to be prepared to weather any storm in the mountains. So, as you embark on this epic metaphorical hike of building your business you should remember that the seasons of success will change.

What does seasons of success mean? As counter intuitive as it may sound, success is temporary! But so is failure. As a veteran online business owner that has helped thousands of businesses build their online presence, I have weathered many storms along the way. Every time I feel defeated or elated, I center myself and understand that it is only a temporary feeling.

I share this not to deter you, but rather to prepare you. Success is a crazy rollercoaster and truly is not for the faint of heart. Tenacity pays off. Consistency pays off. Failure pays off. One day you may feel like giving up, another day you may feel like you’re the master of your universe.   Don’t give up; remember the seasons of success will change and every great leader in all industries have experienced it. Remember the master once was the beginner… trust your journey!

  1. Embracing and Enjoying the Journey:

a Hike is Like BusinessNobody said it was going to be easy…they said it would be worth it. Let it be a mountain in front of you or starting your business building journey, one thing is for certain, it will surely be an interesting adventure and journey.

In the fast paced world that we live in we tend to focus on what we lack or do not have, rather than celebrating the things we do. There will be many days you will find yourself focusing how far you have to go or what you have not accomplished yet. You may beat yourself up about the training you still need, or how your website may not operate perfectly or that you don’t have enough social media followers. It is so easy to focus your energy on what you haven’t done that you forget to embrace exactly where you are right now.

The entire journey is worth embracing, everything from the trials and errors, to the huge accomplishments along the way. Each step you take and each twist and turn or achievement that you encounter on this path is put there to either help you grow, help you learn or help you put everything into perspective. Success is by no means a straight line, but rather full of turns, bumps, sharp curves and more. Allowing yourself to embrace its every last drop, is a true gift you can give to yourself, but to say that it comes easy would be a lie, but oh so worth it!

  1. Celebrating Along the Way:

Hiking is Like BusinessWhat is all the hard work without reward? For some the hike to the summit is the reward that they feel is enough, the breathtaking views, the sense of accomplishment, the burn in their calves. Or maybe you have plans to get an amazing meal or a big tasty beer as soon as you return back to town. I remember, I did a huge and brutal 15 mile hike a few years back and I knew that my reward was going to be a gigantic class of ice water when I returned to town. When I got it I was in heaven and cherished every last cold delicious gulp.

It is no different with your business. Celebrate the big wins of course, but also celebrate the small wins too. All those small wins are just as important as that big goal that you accomplished. There is no way you can achieve a huge leap without a series of steps before it (unless you’re super(wo)man). Those steps are just as important as that moment you jump. Those steps before the leap should be celebrated just as much as the leap itself, because they were a huge reason you were able to make the leap to begin with.

With this same metaphor in mind, remember to celebrate all the steps that occur before whatever the big goal is that you plan to celebrate. I think the best advice one of my mentors ever gave me was “Until further notice celebrate everything!” So I give you the same sage advice… and to take it one step further, find something to celebrate every day. It could be you finished a blog you had been working on, or that you got 20 new likes on your Facebook business page, or you actually ate breakfast, or that you got to the gym before you started the day, whatever it might be, celebrate it in your own unique and happy way. Your mind, body, spirit and your family will thank you for it.

  1. Sharing your Adventure:

Sharing your JourneyI know when I finish a hike, just like I did at the beginning of this blog, I looked forward to sharing it on my facebook and instagram pages with my family and friends. How lucky are we that we live in a time that we can do this with a few clicks of a mouse. With the magic of social media it is so much easier to share precious and adventurous moments.

The same mindset should be applied for your business building journey too. Let it all hang out, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Honestly, when I am looking for inspiration in terms of business or my fitness goals, I never want to be shown the sweet and cute parts. I want to relate, I want to connect and have someone tell me “Yes! It is freaking hard sometimes, but keep going”. When you share your business building experience you have the ability to inspire others that maybe feel defeated or just needed a reminder. I promise your adventure will inspire someone else. There is always someone waiting to hear from you…even if they don’t know it yet.

In closing, remember business is very much like an adventure…where it leads us, we aren’t quite sure, but one thing we know it will be worth it. I highly suggest following your Entrepreneurial spirit down that rabbit hole… What you will find will be one of the best adventures of your life.

Remember, the master always started out as a beginner. One foot in front of the other…baby steps! Your story is bound to inspire someone and I hope that my story has inspired you too. Pass it on.

#Entrepreneur #OnlineBusiness

How to Overcome the Debilitating Feeling of Business Burnout

Burnout is a sickening feeling.

It’s like a fog envelops your brain, making it difficult to focus and work. Your muscles tighten up as you enter “fight or flight” mode. Slowly, or suddenly, you feel completely drained (usually at the moment you most need to be alert and high functioning!)

Many of us start to shut down as we feel burnout, becoming less and less effective. Or we double down, trying to push through only to end up a jumbled mess of exhaustion.

There’s a better way. Burnout can be overcome with some positive steps. In fact, burnout can actually be a great thing!

Why You Need to Embrace Burnout

No one wants to feel burnout. But sometimes we need to feel burnout.

Burnout feels awful. Awful enough to be a catalyst for promoting positive change. It can force you to change poor work habits (like working through lunch). Or cause you to reassess your priorities (like too much office time and not enough family time). Or even make you re-evaluate whether your current job or projects are what you should be doing.

If you feel burnout, there is a reason! Pinpointing the source helps you find the best solution (and maybe even some good old self-reflection and positive change making along the way).

Burnout Cause One: Utter Exhaustion

Your brain is fried. You yawn all the time. You drag your tired body to work, pushing through the fatigue only to drag your tired self back home before collapsing on the couch. You know it isn’t sustainable, but how do you stop the grind?

Option One: Exercise
Right now, the last thing you want is to go workout. But that may be exactly what you need. Get your blood flowing (preferably by exercising outside). It can generate enough energy in your body to get a second wind for work. And, it will facilitate a much better night’s sleep, which can help you feel less exhausted the next day.

Option Two: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy involves inhaling essential oils (liquids from natural extracts like flowers and fruits). The scent interacts with our body, helping to cause benefits like improving your focus and stimulating your brain. One research study found that lavender and rosemary reduces cortisol levels (the hormone released in fight or flight mode that can be a big mental drain). Smelling certain oils can help give you the jolt of energy you need in a healthier way than turning to excessive caffeine.

Option Three: Taking Time Away From Work
Working too many hours and sitting at your desk too long is just setting you up for exhaustion. Make sure you move throughout the day. Even a few minutes stretching or walking around the office each hour can make a big difference in your energy level. Try to always physically leave work for your lunch break. If you struggle to leave work at work, plan a weekend getaway far from wifi.

Burnout Cause Two: Lack of Motivation

Right now, you just cannot seem to get going. It’s like every fibre in your body is pushing against the task at hand. You feel burnout because you feel no motivation for your work.

Option One: Remind Yourself of the Goal
Shift your focus from the task at hand to the end result of completing the task. If you are saving up for a vacation for example, set your desktop photo to the location. Pull up Instagram photos of fellow travelers enjoying their time. Reminding yourself of what you are working towards helps you get motivated to start working.

Option Two: Reflect on Your Expectations
Sometimes our lack of motivation comes because the sake seems insurmountable. No one wants to start on a mission they are doomed to fail. If your output goals are unrealistic, it can lead to burnout. Set better goals to help avoid losing motivation.

Burnout Cause Three: Feeling Overwhelmed

When it rains, it pours. Right now, there is so much going on that you feel exhausted just thinking about it. Too much is demanding your focus and energy until nothing gets done at all (or gets done poorly).

Option One: Write it Down
Sometimes just writing down everything you need can help you feel less overwhelmed. After you list out your to-dos, assign everything a deadline. Make sure you set reasonable goals. Once you get your action plan in place, it will be easier to not waste energy thinking about everything you need to get done. Instead, you can focus on getting it done.
Option Two: Delegate
If you have too much on your plate, clear some of the plate off! Delegation can help give you back your sanity and make your business run smoother.

Option Three: Try Proactive Strategies
Resist the urge to shut down and give up. Instead, try these 5 strategies for when you feel overwhelmed in business and in life.

Option Four: Examine Why You are Overwhelmed
Try to get at the root cause. Are you not feeling competent? Take some online classes or get guidance from a mentor. Are you feeling like there are not enough hours in the day? Try to jumpstart your productivity or delegate. Identifying what triggers feelings of being overwhelmed can help you prevent them in the future.

Burnout is exhausting. It can even be debilitating! But with some proactive steps, you can come out the other side. You CAN get everything done WITHOUT losing your sanity. If you can use a little extra help with managing your business, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We offer services and coaching to help you feel confident and in control with your entrepreneurial life. Just give us a call or shoot us an email today.

Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome it as a Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, you encounter your share of battles to overcome. But sometimes, the biggest battle is your own internal monologue.

I can’t actually do this. I feel like an imposter pretending to be cut out for this life. People think I’m qualified, but if they only knew…

These defeating thoughts are common in people with imposter syndrome, which tends to be found among highly successful and high achieving people.

AKA: you!

Imposter syndrome acts like a crippling sickness that keeps us from being bold in our personal and professional lives, robbing us of growth, success, and even happiness.

It’s a terrible thing to experience. But, it is something that can be conquered!

What Really Is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a term often thrown around and splashed in click baiting headlines, leaving people confused as to what it actually is (and whether they’re affected by it).

Imposter syndrome was created in the 1970s by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes, who described it as a feeling of “phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement.”

Did you catch the irony? It’s those who are capable and qualified (evidenced by their previous high achievement) who doubt themselves to a debilitating degree.

Basically, imposter syndrome is a terrible, gut-sinking feeling experienced by motivated and successful people that keeps them from taking action out of a false perception of their own inferiority.

It’s important to note that imposter syndrome is not humility. Humility is an accurate view of your self-worth. Imposter syndrome is a skewed view of your “lack” of ability and success.

It’s also not the same as having a realistic perspective. Being a realist means your lack of action comes from the potential risks outweighing the potential benefits. Imposter syndrome, however, keeps you from acting because you falsely believe you’re not capable.

Imposter syndrome is the little troll on our shoulder feeding us lies about our potential. It keeps us from being the best small business owners we can be. We hesitate to take our company in a new direction…because we’re the ones who must lead it there. At networking events, we keep to ourselves because we don’t think we can offer anything of value to potential connections. Our own lack of confidence can rub off on our employees, making it harder for them to be bold and daring.

When we buy into lies about our capability, our business suffers. And more importantly, our mental and emotional well-being suffers. Imposter syndrome has no place in your life!

How We Perceive Success

One of the root problems of imposter syndrome comes from an inability to internalize previous success accurately. Remember, imposter syndrome happens in people with high success. Our brains have to justify the poor views of ourselves against the list of objective successes, and it does so with two approaches.

Our brain says we just got lucky. Our success isn’t due to our own efforts, we were just in the right place at the right time. Often, our brain tells us we shouldn’t take a chance because the luck we’ve been coasting on may run out.

Or, our brain says our success isn’t really that big of a deal. Our accomplishments are overblown in the eyes of others. So, we shouldn’t get cocky about trying, because really, you’re an imposter for believing you’re capable of high achievement.

If one (or both) of these mindsets resonates with how you perceive your success, then you’ve identified the first way you can overcome imposter syndrome. It’s hard, but you need to consciously work on reframing how you view success.

It’s okay to celebrate and take pride in your success. In fact, it’s important for your confidence’s sake to view your success accurately. (That means recognizing the role your ability and hard work played!)

Try this exercise. Physically write out past successes. Then write out how your talents, skills, and time got you those successes. It’ll help you fight the “it was just luck” or “it really wasn’t that impressive” defeatist thoughts. When you experience imposter syndrome thoughts, review the list. It’ll be a little pep talk from you to you.

Other Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

There are a few ways you can work to get imposter syndrome out of your life. Try the ones that appeal to you (or try them all and see what helps). It won’t happen overnight, but you can work to a life free of imposter syndrome.

  1. Remember that you’re not alone. Be reassured that many people experience imposter syndrome. Even famous people like Tina Fey, Kate Winslet, and Maya Angelou all struggle with it! Other people have felt exactly as you do right now, and other people have conquered your battle, too.
  2. Don’t think more success is the answer. Some people think they just need to rack up a list of more achievements to feel more confident. But, the problem with imposter syndrome isn’t a lack of success (since it happens with people who are very successful). It’s not being able to internalize accurately those successes. Imposter syndrome won’t go away with more success.
  3. Hear from others’ experiences. When we buy into the “I’m the only one feeling this way” trap, we’re left feeling powerless. Books like Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In”, which talks about common fears of women in the workplace, can help us feel empowered knowing we aren’t alone. You can also read celebrity quotes on imposter syndrome to see how others feel.
  4. Express your expertise. Find ways to position yourself so you’re sharing what you know with others. It can help you realize you know more than you give yourself credit for. You can serve as a mentor for someone involved (or interested in) your industry. Be an active participant for industry-focused Facebook or Google+ groups, answering questions and offering advice. You’ll see that you know more, and are capable of more, than you thought.
  5. Lean on loved ones. It’s scary to admit you’re struggling, especially to people who exalt you for your abilities. But your friends and family can be an invaluable resource, working as your cheerleaders talking down negative self-talk. You can also reach out to people experiencing similar struggles, supporting each other and going through the process of overcoming imposter syndrome together.

It’s terrible to feel imposter syndrome, but it can and will get better! Remember, you ARE capable, smart, talented, and you absolutely can do this.

3 Ways a Tripwire and a Marketing Funnel Work Together for Optimal Conversion

A marketing funnel is great. A tripwire is great. Using them together, however, will supercharge your conversion rates.

Ready? Let’s get started.

What a Marketing Funnel Is

A marketing funnel is the process where people go from just discovering your brand to buying your goods and services. The stages are

  1. Gaining awareness of your brand
  2. Gaining interest in your brand
  3. Gaining desire for what your brand offers
  4. Taking action (buying a product/service)

Marketers use tools to nurture leads along each stage of the funnel. Visitors to your site can give their email in exchange for a free downloadable guide (gaining awareness). A follow-up email gives them a curated list of relevant blog articles on the site (gaining interest). A follow-up email to that gives them a case study showing the benefits of your products/services (gaining desire). A follow-up email to that gives them a coupon to buy your products/services (taking action).

Marketing efforts should be done to coax people along this funnel. After all, if you aren’t driving sales eventually what is the purpose of your marketing?

What a Tripwire Is

A tripwire is a strategic way to get people to enter into your funnel. You present a potential customer with an appealing low-risk and low-cost offer. Think of those e-books sold for $1 or a marketing course sold for $10. The deal is too good to pass up!

Tripwires play off of human psychology. We have an inherent need to view our behavior as consistent. If we agree to a small request, we are much more likely to agree to a larger similar request (think about when you find yourself agreeing to help a friend move after agreeing to give him a ride the other day).

When customers make a small purchase with us, they become significantly more likely to make a larger purchase with us. In fact, many companies actually offer tripwires where they lose money initially. They know they will gain it back soon with larger purchases.

Using a Tripwire and Marketing Funnel Together

These two marketing tactics work hand-in-hand in a circular relationship.

  1. A marketing funnel directs to the tripwire. Before a customer can act on the trip wire, they need to know it exists. Insert the marketing funnel! You can use the marketing funnel to direct people to the end action: acting on the trip wire. Social media, blog posts, emails can all give that push towards buying the trip wire. Not everyone will make it from gaining awareness to making that purchase. But strategic marketing can help get more people to that purchasing point.
  2. A tripwire directs people to the marketing funnel. It’s like there are two marketing funnels. A small one designed to get the tripwire bought. Then a larger one designed to get those big purchases where your income comes from. A tripwire can be the first stage of the marketing funnel: awareness. Maybe the customer knew nothing of your brand. But they say your discount Udemy course (the tripwire). After purchasing the course, they became aware of your brand. Then they received targeted emails providing valuable content (generating that interest). Then they received more targeted emails describing your products/services (generating that desire) before being prompted to act (generating that action). This customer went through your marketing funnel because of your tripwire.
  3. A tripwire increases the chances of purchases. Remember the main benefit of a tripwire? It increases the chances of people making larger purchases with your organization. A tripwire does more than guide people to your marketing funnel. It increases the chances they make it to the final stage of the funnel!

Creating tripwires and marketing funnels are an important part of your sales strategy. But they can be a bit tricky for novices to create. That’s where Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We provide sales funnel services using the tripwire and marketing funnel to effectively increase your conversion rates. Give us a call or shoot us an email to chat about your options today!

The Power of an Automated Marketing and Sales Funnel

Wouldn’t it be great if your marketing and sales could run on autopilot?

Well with an automated sales funnel, they can! After an initial set-up, you can sit back, relax, and focus your attention on other marketing tasks.

An automated marketing and sales funnel allows you to work smarter, not harder. It can skyrocket your efficiency and effectiveness. If you aren’t using one already, it’s about time you hop aboard this train to growth!

The Sales Funnel

You’ve probably heard this phrase before. Many, many, many times I imagine. Let’s quickly debrief anyway.

A sales funnel is the journey people go through from first discovering your company to paying money for your goods/services. The stages go:

  1. People become aware of your brand
  2. People become interested in your brand
  3. People have desire for what your brand offers
  4. People take action (buying a product/service)

Not everyone makes it through every stage. That is why it’s a funnel – it’s largest at the top and becomes narrower as it goes down. As a marketer, your goal is to move as many people as possible through the funnel.

Automating the Funnel

Automation, when done well, can be a marketer’s best friend. First of all, it saves you an immense amount of time. Instead of you sitting down to individually send an email to people at each stage of the funnel, these emails can be sent automatically.

Second of all, it can improve your targeting efforts without any extra efforts on your end. For example, someone who opts-in to your social media newsletter gets a follow-up email offering them a discount for your social media services. Someone who opts-in to your business management newsletter gets a follow-up email offering them a discount for your upcoming leadership webinar. These targeted pitches can happen automatically.

How to Create Your Automated Email Funnel

The most common way to automate your marketing and sales funnel is with your email.

  1. Creating awareness: Here you are hoping to stir up awareness of your brand. Many marketers will offer a free downloadable piece of content in exchange for someone’s email. Think case studies, guides, and other similar substantial pieces of content. The focus here is to get your company name in their memory and associate yourself within the industry. Nothing sales-y at all, yet!
  2. Creating interest: Now you’ve gotten their email. Here you are hoping to keep their attention (since that “unsubscribe button” is all too easy to press). Send a follow-up email to those who subscribed giving them more helpful information. Nothing sales-y here either! The goal is to intrigue your audience about your brand by showing you know your stuff. Send an email with a round-up of useful articles on the given topic. Share valuable resources. Prove that your emails (and your company) offer value.
  3. Creating desire: Now you’ve got a group of people who stayed on your email list. By now, you’ve sent a few useful emails. They are still intrigued by your company. Now you can start slipping in the sales-y content. Show off what your brand can do. Maybe it’s an email with testimonials of a product. Maybe it’s case studies of how companies benefited from your service. Draw a connection between your customer’s problem and your product/service as a solution.
  4. Creating action. Now that you got your customers desiring your product/service, you can prompt action. Send an email that provides a discount for first time customers. Direct them to the sales page. Funnel those potential customers into becoming purchasing customers.

This process can be a highly effective one at generating more leads and more sales. You will need specialized tools to accomplish this (MailChimp is a common one). Look through different service options to find the best ones for your company. The key here is finding something that offers effective automation. You want a service allowing for targeted funnel creation (such as one path for first time customers and another path for repeat customers).

It’ll take some time at first to situate your funnel. But once you do, you can reap the rewards of automation! If you want help setting up your funnel, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We specialize in sales funnel services that can get your marketing thriving. Contact us today to find out more!

Why a Social Media Marketing Funnel is crucial for your Business

Your social media strategy is probably incomplete. Too many marketers create a plan designed to create a thriving social media presence with lots of followers and likes…and stop there.

Wait, isn’t that the point of social media marketing?

Not completely. It’s all well and good to have an active company social media presence. But a social media presence that is all buzz and no buying is a bust. The missing component for many marketers is a social media marketing funnel.

What the Funnel Is

The “sales funnel” is a buzzword in marketing, one that is thrown about so much it often loses its meaning. So let’s take a second to define it.

A sales funnel is the process where someone goes through the following steps:

  • Becoming aware of your brand
  • Becoming interested in your brand
  • Having desire for what your brand offers
  • Taking an action in accordance with your brand (such as buying your product/service)

The goal of course is to move as many people through the funnel as possible. In the perfect world, everyone who becomes aware of your brand eventually takes action.

But of course, that perfect world doesn’t exist. That’s why it’s a funnel – it’s largest at the top where people become aware of your brand. Fewer people eventually become interested. Fewer have desire. And fewer end up making that purchase.

Crucial action taken by you can help move along more people through your funnel.

Why You Need a Specific Social Media Sales Funnel

Social media is a unique beast. The tactics used here are not ones you would use in email marketing or when setting up a booth at an expo. This unique beast calls for a unique, tailored sales funnel.

When you create a social media sales funnel, you supercharge your social media marketing. No longer is it simply about growth. After all, growth can be overrated if that growth never leads to anything. It’s great to have 1,000 followers on your Facebook page, but what is that worth if none of them ever spend a dollar on your company?

When you use a social media sales funnel, you shift the focus. You keep that end point (making that moolah) in mind. This helps inform the work you do, making it more effective and strategic. It takes some effort. But it’s worth it.

How to Create a Social Media Sales Funnel

Building an effective social media sales funnel requires strategy at every stage of the customer journey. The first step is to generate that awareness by being where your target audience is. Take some time to identify which channels your target audience is and how to run yours effectively. All too often, marketers spread themselves too thin. It’s far better to be on two channels (but doing them right) than on five channels half-heartedly.

Once you know which channels to be on, you can work on generating that awareness. Facebook ads, for example, can help potential customers discover your page. When applicable, tag other organizations in your posts to help your posts show up on their followers’ pages. Cross promote your social channels through strategies like including the social links in your email signatures or newsletters.

The next stage is getting people interested in your brand. Create engaging posts that capture their attention (video can be a great tool for this). Showcase how you meet their needs. Push out relevant non-salesy content. Persuade them that your content is worth their precious time. Don’t make sales here yet, simply display your value.

The third stage is generating that desire for your brand’s services/products. Create posts that show exactly how you meet a given need. Promote an upcoming training event. Use your channels to push out the message that your company solves their problem.

The fourth stage is prompting that final action (usually a sale!). Make this as simple for customers as possible. Some platforms, like Pinterest, allow you to make posts that direct customers directly to the shopping cart for a given product.

Not all the sales in your social media funnel will happen directly through social media, whether it be a sale in the platform itself or clicking a link in the post itself. But social media can be a great tool getting customers to the other three stages of the funnel.

Take some time to establish tangible action steps you can take to nudge customers to each new stage of the funnel. This will help your marketing efforts be tailored and targeted, rather than focusing simply on building a presence and hoping it leads to sales down the road.

A social media marketing sales funnel is a crucial aspect of your social media marketing. If you want some assistance creating and improving yours, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We offer sales funnel services to help grow your business. Check them out today!

How to Find the Perfect Virtual Assistant for Your Business

So, you’ve decided to save your company money and lighten your workload by hiring a virtual assistant- that’s great! Now comes the next step: finding that perfect candidate to join your team, become your right hand guy or gal, and be that person who makes you say “why on earth did I not do this earlier?”

That perfect one is out there. With a little bit of strategic searching, you’ll find him or her faster than Prince Charming found his Cinderella. Your happily ever after awaits!

Step One: Ask Yourself “What Do I Need?”

You can’t find the perfect candidate if you don’t know what the perfect candidate looks like. Start off by figuring out what tasks you need accomplished (hint: you can use our free delegator form to see everything that’s on your plate right now, and find tasks you should pass on to a virtual assistant). Identify clearly what the virtual assistant needs to do.

Next, you’ll want to think about what the virtual assistant needs to know. Do they need social media knowledge (and a Hootsuite certification to back it up)? Do they need to understand the jargon and nuances of your given industry? Do they need experience with certain software, like QuickBooks? These requirements can weed out potential candidates.

Next, figure out how available you need the virtual assistant to be. Do they need to be awake at the same time as you? (This likely rules out overseas virtual assistants.) Are you needing them to prioritize your organization (which may make a virtual assistant juggling multiple clients not a good fit)? How many hours a week do you need them? Do you need guaranteed office hours where you can expect to access them?

Finally, figure out your budget. It won’t help you to find a perfect fit that’s insanely outside of your price range. Evaluate your financial state and get a realistic picture of how much you can afford to spend on a new hire.

Step Two: Gather the Options

Once you’ve got a clear picture of what you need, you can start spreading the word that you’re looking for a new virtual assistant. You’ll need to create a clear job listing that details everything you need (i.e. everything from step one). Include something quirky to make sure the person actually reads your listing and can follow directions (for example, asking candidates to mention their favorite movie in the last paragraph to ensure they aren’t just mass posting an application).

You can post this job listing on a variety of places, including:

Don’t forget about the power of your network. Talk to other business professionals, organizations you’ve partnered with, old mentors, even family friends to see if anyone can recommend a person or agency.

An underutilized tactic for finding candidates is to tweet about it. No, really. Many social media savvy virtual assistants are active on Twitter. Posting about your opening on social media can lead to some proactive digital experts finding you.

Or, you can skip this lengthy process of posting and weeding through candidates and choose the experts at Alpine Small Business Solutions to handle your virtual assistant needs!

Part Three: Picking the Perfect Candidate

So, you know what you want and you’ve got several candidates promising to give it to you. Now you’re ready to pick the perfect option.

It’s important to interview for this position like you would any other team member. Investing the time and energy now can save you in the long run from a bad hire- and repeating the process all over again.

Ask candidates for a resume, references, and work samples to ensure their experience and work is up to your standard. Conduct an in-person or webcam interview to get a feel for them beyond their application. It’ll allow you to get a glimpse into their work setting, their fluency of English, their personality, their energy, and all the other intangibles that play a role into how they will fit into your organization. Even though they won’t be coming into the office, it’s important to be sure that their values line up with yours.

After the interview process, you’ll be able to see which candidate rises to the top as the best fit. Hopefully, you’ll feel enthusiastic and confident about this new team member, but there is always the option to hire on a trial or one test project basis.

Once you find that perfect fit, check out these tips for maximizing your virtual assistant.

Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome it as a Virtual Assistant

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I can’t actually do this”? Or, “People think I’m good enough, but if they only knew. It’s not that I’m qualified, I’ve just been lucky before and that’s why I appear successful.”

These are the lies that imposter syndrome tell us. And these lies keep us from taking that big step (like becoming a virtual assistant) and rob us of potential happiness (like the freedom of life a virtual assistant enjoys). But, once you recognize imposter syndrome in your life, you can work towards taking down that beast and living confidently as the treasure you are.

Putting a Name to the Monster

Isn’t it funny how just having a name for something instantly makes it less scary? Shout out to psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes, who came up with the term imposter syndrome in the 70s. At the time, Clance and Imes believed the feeling was a uniquely female experience. Of course, since then the psychological community realized men absolutely can feel imposter syndrome (but it is much more common in women than men).

Clance and Imes described it as that feeling of “phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement.”

This terrible sinking gut feeling is found in highly successful people who are motivated to achieve, but live in fear of being exposed as frauds.

Do you see the irony here? It’s those who should be the most confident that doubt themselves the most.

Imposter syndrome is often confused with a few other things, so let’s clear that up right now. Imposter syndrome is not humility (which is an accurate view saying your worth isn’t more than someone else). Imposter syndrome is a warped and false view of your “lack” of success and ability. You’re not failing to express your talents out of humbleness, but out of self-doubt. You believe your talents aren’t worth talking about (even though they are).

Imposter syndrome isn’t just being a realist (which involves a calculated hesitation to taking a chance by weighing the risks and benefits). Imposter syndrome is a paralyzing fear preventing you from acting, which undermines your own success because you’re convinced you can’t (even though you can).

Imposter syndrome rears its ugly head to keep you from being all you can be. It stops you from expressing initiative at work, pitching ideas, or even starting a new career. It’s like a bird who clips her own wings before she has a chance to fly because she’s falsely convinced she can’t.

Imposter Syndrome and Success

Remember, imposter syndrome occurs in highly successful people. Our brains have to reconcile the poor view of ourselves and our objective success, and it does so in two ways.

It tells us we just got lucky. It wasn’t our hard work, talent, and ambition that got us that success. We just happened to be at the right place at the right time (which, by the way, is why you shouldn’t take a chance now because your luck may run out).

Or, it tells us our success is overblown. Our hard work, talent, and ambition aren’t really that great. Other people make a way bigger deal than they should (and because of it, you should really feel like a fake and an imposter for believing you’re capable of achieving more).

Imposter syndrome is a terrible, agonizing feeling. And the worst part is we don’t (and shouldn’t) have to feel this way!

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Here’s the good news about imposter syndrome: you don’t have to live with it! It will take a bit of time and effort, but you can live a life free of imposter syndrome.

  1. Recognize you’re not alone. Please, take comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one struggling here. Heck, even famous people like Maya Angelou, Kate Winslet, and Tina Fey all vocalize to the media that they deal with imposter syndrome. You’re definitely not the only one feelings these feelings right now. And there are plenty of people who came before you, took on the beast, and came out the other side victorious.
  2. Don’t try to fix it with success. Sometimes people think the way to overcome imposter syndrome is to pursue more accomplishments. But, the underlying root of imposter syndrome is not being able to accurately internalize your own success and abilities. Simply piling on more success won’t do anything to make imposter syndrome go away.
  3. Stop telling people in your life what you think they want to hear. Part of imposter syndrome is feeling like a fake. When you give the answers to your boss, co-workers, family members, etc. that you think they want to hear, you just add to feelings of being a phony.
  4. Identify when you fall into the trap. If you start thinking imposter syndrome thoughts, take a moment to stop, recognize it, and then re-frame your perspective. Maybe you’re thinking “there’s no way I can become a virtual assistant. Who would hire me with my lack of experience? I know a business has so many people to choose from, and I simply can’t compete.” Take that thought and shift it to be more accurate, like “While I haven’t done a specific virtual assistant job before, I completed very similar work at my old job. I do have the writing and analytical skills needed to do this type of work. And with this course, I’m getting the job-specific information I need. I can do the work of a virtual assistant, and do it well.”
  5. Read through others’ experiences. It’s important to not fall into the “I’m the only one feeling this way trap”- it leaves us feeling powerless and stuck. Read books like “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg, which discusses common fears of women in the workplace. Or read these celebrity quotes on imposter syndrome.
  6. Physically write your success. Make a list that you can re-read when you’re experiencing imposter syndrome thoughts. Include not only your success, but what you did to achieve them in order to combat any “it was just luck” false thinking.
  7. Place yourself in positions of applying your expertise. By actively sharing and discussing what you know, you’ll be able to see that you know more than you give yourself credit for. Volunteer as a mentor to someone else in your industry (or even someone interested in your industry). Join industry-focused Facebook groups and answer questions and offer advice. You’ll quickly see that you know more than you realized.
  8. Reach out to loved ones. It’s scary, but it’s important to share with others what you’re going through so they can be a support system. Try to find people in your life who feel the same way. It’s therapeutic to talk with others who understand from experience how it feels. Get one or two cheerleaders who can talk down your negative self-talk with reminders of your capabilities and successes.

Imposter syndrome is a terrible thing to feel, but it can get better! Know that you are capable, you are smart, and you can do this!

Until next time,


6 LinkedIn Secrets to Help You Gain More Exposure…and Clients

LinkedIn is a valuable, but often overlooked, resource. With minimal effort, you can drastically improve your profile exposure. Take advantage of these LinkedIn secrets to increase your profile views.

  1. Make your profile rich with keywords. When the keywords on your profile and the keywords individuals are searching match, you rank higher in the search and gain more exposure. It is important to integrate quality keywords throughout your profile, but be sure LinkedInyou avoid too many keywords (which can make your profile a dry read). You really want to think about what your audience is looking for and write for that. Answer those questions, and use those words. Utilize a few strategies to establish the best keywords for you. First, brainstorm words and phrases likely to be searched by the individuals you want viewing your profile. Second, read through profiles of leaders in your target markets to find common keywords they use. Third, examine keywords used in job postings by your target employers. Integrate these keywords throughout your profile, from your specialties section to your link descriptions.
  2. Promote your LinkedIn profile elsewhere. Include a link to your profile on your Twitter account, Facebook account, Google+ account, your website, your email signature, and your business cards. Make sure people can easily find you on LinkedIn.
  3. Take advantage of the reciprocation principle. Psychology research shows we have a strong internal desire to reciprocate. It is a survival mechanism for our species (I can help you by sharing food, protecting you, etc. without worrying I am losing because I know you will return the favor). It’s also a great way to get recommendations and endorsements. Spend some time filling these gems out for others, and soon your profile will be filled with them too.
  4. Interact often in groups. Actively participate in group discussions relevant to your industry. Before you post, however, familiarize yourself with the group’s tone. Get a feel for the linkedin eventposting style (is it formal or casual?), structure of successful posts (do they tend to be questions or pieces of advice?), and length of posts and responses (are they usually short, medium, or long?). Getting a sense of the group’s dynamic will help you better craft responses, and in turn, see better engagement from group members. Find a few key groups in your industry and begin interacting regularly. Your regular contribution can turn into group members viewing your profile.
  5. Publish articles regularly. Posts are connected to your profile, making it easy for those who read your posts to view your profile. It’s a simple way to get more eyes on your profile. You can also share posts in your LinkedIn groups as an easy way to offer something of value to the group. Posts don’t need to be long to be of value to your audience, and you can always rework posts from your website. For more insight into the benefits of blog publishing, and tips on generating ideas, check out our blog post.
  6. Post status updates regularly. Share industry-related articles, ask an insightful question, anything to keep your LinkedIn page active and providing value to its viewers.

LinkedIn is a valuable social media tool, both for the employee and the business he/she works for. If you want to improve your LinkedIn marketing, but need assistance, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We’d love to help with this or any aspect of small business building. Just reach out with an email or phone call today!

What is Facebook Live? 6 Tips on How to Use It

While Facebook Live has been available for a while for elite users, the tool finally made its way to the average user. Facebook is beginning to push for users to take advantage of this great tool, even altering the Facebook News Feed algorithm so Live Videos rank higher. As a result, the tool is growing in popularity in the marketing world and is becoming a new resources social media marketers need to take advantage of. Using Facebook Live is relatively simple, but there are a few tricks of the trade to ensure the live videos meet a marketer’s goals.

What is Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows users to share live video from their mobile devices. The option is included in the iOS app so there’s nothing you need to download. Individuals create a Facebook Live video from their personal account, and marketers can create this video and then share it to their organization’s page.

Mark Zuckerburg’s goal for Facebook Live is for the tool to offer “a way for people to have a more authentic and intimate experience sharing about their lives.”

This goal, of course, fits right into a marketer’s efforts to humanize their organization and foster relationships with their audience. Marketers can use Facebook Live in a variety of ways: sharing a daily/weekly message, hosting a question and answer session with someone, sharing breaking industry or company news, sharing industry secrets, walking audiences through the steps of a how-to, product or service demo, providing a behind the scenes glimpse, the list goes on and on!

fblivestream7 Tips on How to Use Facebook Live

Part of the beauty of Facebook Live is the opportunity for spontaneity by organizations-but that doesn’t mean marketers should abandon any planning or strategy! Marketers can be intentional about how they create videos to ensure they gain the most marketing bang for the buck when they create scripted or spontaneous videos. The tips below will help you be as effective as possible when creating Facebook Live videos, and follow the timeline of before the live video, during the live video, and after the live video.

  1. Identify the focus and purpose of the video. You don’t need to write a script word for word, but as with any social media marketing effort you do need a clear understanding of why you are doing it. Ensuring your video has a clear and concise focus prevents it from becoming a convoluted rambling video that will bore audiences. Articulating the purpose of the video helps shape the direction of the video, and provides a foundation for measuring whether the goal of the video was met.
  2. Inform followers of an upcoming live video. Make sure your followers know you are planning on streaming and what time they can expect the video with a simple post (“live streaming our fundraising event in an hour”). To kill two birds with one stone, you can later tweak that informative post to make it the description of the video when you create it. You can even have views subscribe to know when you are going live.
  3. Pursue variety in the video itself and among the videos you create. In each video, vary your voice and use front and back cameras to change up the scenery to keep your audiences engaged. Utilize a variety of topics and structures when you create videos. Just like you wouldn’t follow the same Facebook post structure each day, don’t fall into a predictable video pattern either.
  4. Interact with followers. During the live streaming, viewers can send in comments. When relevant, acknowledge individual users and answer their questions or respond to their comments. Give them a personal shout out! This is a great, simple way to really strengthen that relationship and show your organization’s devotion to its consumers.
  5. Include a call to action. Always. Always. Always. In your marketing you want your customer to DO something. Give them a task. Give them somewhere to go. Every social media effort needs a call to action, and live videos are no different. A call to action can be as simple as encouraging people to visit a website, sign up for your newsletter, or send them to your lead page. But use a call to action to keep the relationship going.
  6. Edit the video. After the video is published, go back and make sure the thumbnail, category, and call to action clearly represent the video’s focus. Always be thinking of your brand. Does this video match what you want to represent?
  7. Play around with various broadcast lengths and times. Just as you should be with post creation, vary up the length of video and the time you stream to see when your audience is most responsive.

Make sure you go Live often and be creative. Have fun with it and enjoy getting to know your fans!

Facebook Live offers many different uses for marketers to reach their audience in an engaging and personable way. If you know you want to take advantage of this great tool, but aren’t sure how to get started or want guidance, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We’d love to help guide you through Facebook Live video (or any other aspect of business building). Just shoot us an email or call us on up!