Tag Archives: Grow

How to Set Work Hours Working From Home

The ability to design your own work schedule is a double-edged sword. It’s great not feeling chained to your desk for the arbitrary 9-5 grind.

But it’s also easy to avoid ever setting a schedule. Before you know it, you’re always either working or thinking about work. It’s increasingly difficult to leave work at work. Projects that could be done in an hour end up taking longer.

The irony of the “I don’t need to abide by a set schedule” life is that we often function better when we create a schedule.

The Benefit of Setting Work Hours

Many work-from-home individuals resist setting work hours like the plague. One huge appeal of being your own boss is the freedom that comes with control over your schedule right?

But the reality of failing to set work hours tells a different story. Not sticking to a work schedule ends up hurting you in the long wrong in different ways.

  1. It’s hard to leave work at work. When work stops at 5, it’s easier to stop thinking about work at 5. When there is no firm end to the work day, it’s so much harder to transition from “work mode” to “living your life mode.” You feel guilty watching TV and wonder if you should go get that one article done. You daydream thinking of your to-do list. You always feel “on,” making it difficult to give yourself the rest you need.
  2. You waste precious mental energy. Each day you wake up without a firm schedule. Each day, you waste time and energy deciding how much you will work and when. It’s the element of decision fatigue. The more decisions we make each day, the more drained we become. It’s why superstars like Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day. One less decision to make meant a bit more energy for more important matters.
  3. Tasks take longer than they should. Parkinson’s Law basically states however long a task can take is usually how long it will. Maybe you wake up and know, if needed, you could log a 10-hour day today to get that big project done. What ends up happening? You tend to work that 10-hour day. The beauty of the set work schedule is work is only allowed to fill those hours. Usually, everything always gets done.

These problems can be tackled (or at least minimized) by setting a consistent work schedule. The initial constraint of work hours ends up giving you more free time and freedom to enjoy your time outside work guilt free.

Setting an Optimized Work Schedule

Here is where you get to enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. Maybe your peak creativity hours are early morning and early evening. In the middle of the day, you suffer from the afternoon slump. So work in the peak hours and go workout or run errands when your brain power dips.

A work schedule does not mean you must bow down at the altar of the 9-5 work week. Those hours are not ideal anyway! In fact, with the right productivity tactics you may get 8 hours of work done in 7 or 6. All a work schedule means is setting strict work hours and strict non-work hours. If you can accomplish you work between 10-4, that’s great!

You can even set a different work schedule for different days of the week. Maybe you are a work-from-home parent taking advantage of a babysitting co-op. On Tuesday mornings, you get to wrangle the group’s kiddos to the library activity. So on Tuesdays, your work day starts a few hours later.

It doesn’t matter what type of schedule you make. What matters is knowing going into the day which hours you work. Designated work hours protect your “non-work” time.

Once you create a schedule, protect it fiercely. Don’t check your email outside of work hours. Let your clients know what hours they can expect to reach you by phone…and don’t pick up if it’s outside of those (or work into your contract it’s a $75 fee every time they do). When you are done for the day, be done. Don’t fall into the trap of well I could get one more thing done. Allow yourself to rest and relax!

Working from home can be the ideal set up. Setting optimized work hours helps you be the ideal worker and live a balanced life. It’s a win-win!

If you want assistance on setting hours that work for you or need help getting all your work done in the allotted time, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! Just give us a call or shoot us an email to get started.


25 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Grow Your Business

25 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Grow Your Business

Growing your business with a Virtual Assistant2013 is a year for huge goals and even bigger execution.  Just as the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”, the same goes for the growth of your business. To grow to the next level you need to enlist a team and practice the art of teamwork to help build a meaningful business. The problem is many new businesses do not have a full bank account and are often times working a second job or running their businesses off their credit cards.  They just don’t have gobs of money to throw around….YET!


When I first started my own business, I too was working a second job and was just taking on small administrative assistant type of projects here and there to help support my family and my crazy shoe fetish.   After a year or two went by of doing this, I realized that there was a viable market for what I was already offering.  At this time, way back when, the term “Virtual Assistant” was not a main stream term.  When I said Virtual Assistant, I would often get the cocked headed looks, just like what a puppy might do the first time it hears a peculiar sound.  People would often times give me that tilted head look and followed up with many questions on what a Virtual Assistant actually does.  To this day, 9+ years later, people are still intrigued what  a Virtual Assistant does and how they can help their business grow.  You may still be asking yourself what the heck is a Virtual Assistant exactly and if you need further explanation, please check it out here.

How using a Virtual Assistant can Increase your RevenueSo, lets get to the nitty gritty and the real reason you have  landed on this blog.  My first guess why you are here is because you are a small business owner, entrprenuer, soloprenuer, momprenuer or a “preneuer” of some kind and are looking for ways to get everything done and still maintain a healthy work/life balance.  You also have likely heard somewhere along the way that if you are in business for yourself you really should look at partnering and aligning yourself with a top-notch Virtual Assistant. Because there is no way you can do it all on your own, stay sane, continue to love what you do and most importantly still be profitable.  You know what?  Whoever they are, they were right, you can’t do it all on your own.


Growing Your Business with a Virtual Assistant

Remember at the beginning of this blog I referenced “it takes a village to raise a child” well it holds true for your business as well.  I am not going to lie, a Virtual Assistant can be your saving grace and best friend.  It truly is a method to help you stay on the right path and to take the burden of every day mundane tasks off your to-do list and fill your action item list with revenue generating work that you have a passion for.  I mean the whole reason you went into business for yourself was because you have a passion for something, right!  You never want to lose that zest!  So to hold onto that zestiness, a Virtual Assistant is a great resource and guide to help your business grow to the next level, while still staying in love with what you do and as a bonus, stay within your budget.  The best part is that as a Virtual Assistant we get it…we too are entrepreneurs offering a service to other entrepreneurs.  We get what it takes to run a business.

To demonstrate what a great asset a Virtual Assistant can be, my team and I have compiled a list of tasks and projects that a online business manager can do to help you and your business grow.  All this added value will generally only cost pennies on the dollar compared to a traditional assistant that requires an office, insurance, supervision, management, taxes and legalities…just to name a few.

How can a virtual assistant help your business grow?  Well check out these 25 ways a Virtual Assistant can help grow your business.

  1. Business Plan Development
  2. Small Business Coaching and Guidance
  3. Marketing Plan Development and Management
  4. Project Coordination & Management
  5. Event Coordination & Management (Teleseminar, Webinars, Seminars, Retreats, and other live events)
  6. Social Media Marketing and Management
  7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  8. Keyword Discovery
  9. Competitor Analysis
  10. Writing of Press Releases
  11. Writing of SEO rich Blogs
  12. Customer and Client Care and Support
  13. Online and Offline Research
  14. Word Processing and Data Entry
  15. Prepare and Create PowerPoint Presentations
  16. Update and manage your website
  17. Copywriting
  18. Proofreading
  19. Graphic Design
  20. Create and Prepare online Opt In Gifts
  21. Create and Prepare Auto Responder Series
  22. Travel Arrangements & Logistics
  23. Affiliate Membership Site Setup
  24. Online Store Management
  25. Executive Scheduling

AND SOOOOO much more!  If a task or service is not listed above, just ask.  This list is just the tip of the iceberg.  A well oiled Virtual Assistant who is a leader in their field will always cater to their clients needs and come up with the best solution for you and your business.  If you are a over tired, over worked and unbalanced entrepreneur that is looking for more information, look no further and reach out and contact us today.

6 Ways to Stop Wasting Your Summer Slump!

The summer slump is this bizarre time of the year for entrepreneurs. Out of nowhere, business becomes slow. Maybe it’s the sunshine beckoning people to spend less time in fluorescently lit office cubicles drumming up new business and more time on the water. Maybe it’s the association from childhood that summer equates vacation and not work. Maybe it’s just the nature of your business that proceedings slowdown in the summer.

Whatever the reason, you sit smack dab in the middle of the summer slump. When business is slow, you can sit back and catch your breath right?


Now is the time to attack strategic projects. Gain an edge on your competition and decrease your workload in future months when work picks back up. Think of this time as the calm before the storm. Do what you can to get your ship in shape and make your business better suited to weather the upcoming chaos. After all, a peaceful slump can only last so long. Before you know it, the madness will descend again. And you’ll be glad you tackled the following projects.

Update Your Brand’s Digital Presence

Your online presence is often the first impression for potential new customers. Your website, blog, and social media pages can always use some freshening up. Tighten up your website copy to make the text as engaging as possible. Add new testimonials. Upload more engaging product photos. Make sure all your hyperlinks work and each blog post is SEO optimized. These little tweaks help mold a solid impression in the mind of your target audience.

Tackle Your Unorganized Filing System

Organization is a business owner’s best friend. It’s all too easy to stockpile a mishmash of files and documents scattered all over your computer and desk. Find a system that works for you and, once and for all, implement it. The few hours or days it takes to really organize everything will save you so much time down the road.

As you organize, you can also use this time for simple in-house upkeep. Update all your contact information records, get your finances in order for tax season, and so on.

Cultivate Customer Loyalty

In today’s world of mass emails and impersonalized shipping, a little customer love goes a long way. Surprise your current customers to strengthen your relationship and build loyalty. Send a simple free gift, like a coffee gift card or a box of chocolates. Bonus points if you can tie it to your brand (like a bag of dog treats sent by a veterinarian’s office).

Another way to foster customer loyalty is with a customer survey. People love sharing their opinion and really love feeling like their opinion matters. Send a short (five minutes or less) survey to your clients. Show you value their voice (and gain valuable insight on your target audience along the way). 

Test Out New Tools

The advantage of new tools is they can save you time and revolutionize how you do business. The disadvantage of new tools is they often take time to research, test out, and make a decision to implement or not. When your business is busy, you struggle justifying the time it takes to try out different options.

A summer slump is the perfect time to explore tools, like free ones for building your virtual assistant team.

Find Areas to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Efficiency is the name of the game! Take a good hard look at how you manage your employees. Maybe you are not fully taking advantage of your virtual assistant. Maybe your employees could perform significantly better with some new training. Maybe you can shake up how you approach delegation. Pinpoint some areas to evaluate and see if you can implement a shift to work smarter and not harder.

Consider Expansion Options

During a lull is a great time to dream big. Can your company handle some more clients? Can you forge new partnerships? Can you bring on a new staff member, like a virtual assistant, to help you expand? Take some time to reflect on the status quo and where your company is headed. Steer your ship onto a new path of conquering new worlds. Set a new goal and create an action plan to achieve it.

The summer slump is a perfect opportunity for entrepreneur’s bold enough to take advantage of it. At Alpine Small Business Solution, we know the ins and outs of business management. Reach out for a free consultation to see if our strategy and implementation program is right for you!

Comfort Zone-Where Dreams Go To Die

We have seen the inspirational quotes encouraging us to get out and do something different—something we wouldn’t normally do. One of my favorites is, “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone,” by Neale Donald Walsch.

We know it’s important to push the boundaries of our comfort zone, and that when we do, it’s kind of a big deal. But what is the “comfort zone” exactly? Why is it that we tend to get comfortable with the familiar and our routines? What benefit do we obtain from breaking out of our comfort zone?

There’s actually a lot of science that explains why it’s so hard to break out of our comfort zone, and why it’s good for us when we do it. With a little understanding and a few adjustments, we can break away from our routines and do great things. Let’s get started!

Optimal Anxiety

The idea of the comfort zone dates back to 1908, with a classic psychology experiment by Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson. They found that a state of relative comfort created a steady level of performance.

If you’re a go-getter like me, looking to make the magic happen, you are looking to maximize performance. We need a state of relative anxiety—a space where our stress levels are slightly higher than normal. This space is called “Optimal Anxiety,” and it’s just outside our comfort zone. Can you think of a time when you operated within “optimal anxiety?”

However, too much anxiety and our performance drops off sharply! Anyone who has ever pushed themselves to get to the next level, knows that when you really challenge yourself, you can turn out amazing results. More than a few studies support this idea. However, pushing too hard can actually cause a negative effect. Reinforcing our natural tendency to return to an anxiety neutral state, the “comfort zone.” This fine line between optimal anxiety and too much anxiety is why it’s so hard to kick our brains out of the comfort zone.

Breaking Free

So we learned that optimal anxiety is that place where your mental productivity and performance reach their peak. What’s the incentive to pushing ourselves to that next level? Here is what you get once you’re able to step outside of your comfort zone:


Comfort kills productivity because without the sense of unease that comes with deadlines and expectations, we tend to do the minimum required to get by. We lose the drive and ambition to do more and learn new things. Pushing personal boundaries helps you hit your stride sooner, get more done, and find smarter ways to work.


You’ll have an easier time dealing with new and unexpected changes. By taking risks in a controlled fashion and challenging yourself to things you normally wouldn’t do, you experience uncertainty in a controlled, manageable environment. Choosing to live outside your comfort zone better prepares you for when life changes force you out of it.


Seeking new experiences, learning new skills, and opening the door to new ideas inspire us and educate us in a way that nothing else can. Trying new things can make us reflect on our old ideas and where they clash with our new knowledge, and inspire us to learn more and challenge our biases, our tendency to only seek out information we already agree with. A positive, uncomfortable experience can help us brainstorm, see old problems in a new light, and tackle the challenges we face with new energy.

The benefits you get after stepping outside of your comfort zone have a domino effect throughout your personal and professional life. There’s an overall self-improvement you get through broadening your horizons: the skills you’re learning, the new foods you’re trying and the new avenues you’re exploring.

Once you begin stepping out of your comfort zone, it does get easier. You become accustomed to that state of optimal anxiety. It becomes normal to you, and you’re willing to push farther before your performance falls off. As you challenge yourself, your comfort zone adjusts so what was difficult, and anxiety-inducing becomes easier as you repeat it.

Contact Alpine Small Business Solutions to discuss what we can take off your plate to help you reach your level of optimal anxiety.

Mindset Impacts Everything

Mindset impacts everything. Our thoughts, energy and most of all, the actions we take.

More than 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in people’s attitudes about failure. After studying the behavior of thousands of students, Dr. Dweck coined the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. What is a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset? Glad you asked!

  • Growth Mindset: Intelligence can be developed
  • Fixed Mindset: Intelligence is static; “fixed trait.”


Growth Mindset

  1. Embrace challenges
  2. Persist in the face of setbacks
  3. See effort as the path to mastery
  4. Learn from criticism
  5. Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others.) As a result, they achieve more success because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.

Fixed Mindset

  1. Avoid challenges
  2. Give up easily
  3. See effort as fruitless
  4. Ignore useful negative feedback
  5. Feel threatened by the success of others

Those with a fixed mindset spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. Excessive concern with looking smart keeps you from making bold, visionary moves. If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never learn on the job and your whole approach becomes defensive.


Whether you’re aware of it or not, you keep a running account of what’s happening, what it means, and what you should so. Our minds are constantly monitoring and interpreting. That’s just how we stay on track. Mindset frames the running account of what is taking place. It guides the whole interpretation process.

The fixed mindset creates an internal dialogue that is focused on judging. And people react with feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger. Or superiority. “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad wife.” “This means my partner is selfish.”

An internal monologue of a growth mindset person is not about judging themselves or others. They listen for learning and constructive action: “What can I learn from this?” “How can I improve?” “How can I help my partner do this better?”

Change Your Mindset

Changing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is not like surgery; you can’t remove a fixed mindset and replace it with a growth mindset. You must work on nurturing a positive, growth mindset. These are tips from Dr. Dweck, herself:

  1. Learn to hear your fixed mindset, “voice.”

As you face criticism, you might feel yourself getting angry at the person giving you feedback. The other person might be giving constructive feedback, but you hear “I’m really disappointed in you. I thought you were capable but now I see you’re not.”

  1. Recognize that you have a choice.

How you interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is your choice. You can choose to interpret them as signs to ramp up your strategies, stretch yourself and expand your abilities.

  1. Take the growth mindset action.

As you approach a challenge, choose to say: “I think I can learn to with time and effort.” “If I don’t try, I automatically fail.” “If I don’t take responsibility, I can’t fix it. Let me listen and learn what I can.”

Practice hearing both voices, and practice acting on a growth mindset. Nurturing a positive, growth mindset creates profound changes in your personal life and determines your ceiling of success. Your Mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.

Need help nurturing that mindset contact me today!

9 Brain Foods That Will Improve Your Productivity at Work

Did you know that the foods you eat could have a significant impact on your brain and motivation? Eating the right foods throughout the day can increase brainpower, motivation and overall productivity by 20%. I know it may not seem like much, but it is a significant increase! If you’ve noticed you’ve been a little more sluggish at work lately, consider adding these superfoods to your daily diet. I’ve also included a couple simple recipes that combines these super foods together!

  1. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best nutritional foods you can eat. Eggs are high in choline, which is a nutrient that studies have shown to improve memory. Eggs sell a variety of vitamins but most notably B5 and B12. These vitamins release energy from food and assist with brain nervous system function. Eggs also have vitamin A which plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function, healthy skin, and more.

As if eggs couldn’t seem more nutritionally rich, they are an excellent source of protein that can help sustain energy levels and stave off hunger throughout the day.

  1. Greek Yogurt

All yogurts are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12. However Greek yogurt contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts. Additionally, in a small study, researchers at UCLA found that eating probiotic yogurt twice a day can reduce activity in the part of your brain that registers pain and emotion. Scientists have also begun to draw links between consuming probiotics and thinking fewer sad thoughts

  1. Salmon

Fatty fishes are excellent for promoting productivity! Salmon, however, is the best of them all. Salmon has high omega-3 fatty acids content, which is useful for improving memory and mental performance. These fatty acids can help depression and fatigue, which can both inhibit productivity immensely. Fish has also been proven to improve concentration and your overall mood. Other fatty fish include trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards, and kipper. Although eating freshly prepared fish is the best method, a fish oil supplement can be taken to achieve a similar result.

  1. Raw Almonds

Raw almonds are among the healthiest of tree nuts. Almonds rank highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin content. The fiber, protein and fat content of almonds means it only takes a handful to keep you feeling full and satisfied to hold you over until lunch time! Why raw almonds? Both raw and roasted almonds pack a high dose of nutrients and minerals. However, raw almonds have more naturally occurring beneficial fats—which are lost in the roasting process.

  1. Avocado

Avocados are a natural stimulant for promoting blood flow. Consistent blood flow through your heart and brain fires up your brain cells. This is another healthy, fiber packed fat that improves your overall focus. The best part? There’s so many delicious ways to prepare an avocado but their buttery flavor is amazing on their own!

  1. Blueberries

Antioxidant-rich foods are exceptional for increasing memory. Not only will blueberries help your brain function in the workplace today, it will help to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in the future. The antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – and keeps the mind fresh. Generally, the darker the berry is, the higher antioxidant property it contains, which means more productivity-boosting ingredients.

  1. Matcha Green Tea

Green tea is a natural energy enhancer and it comes without the negative side effects of other energy sources, such as the caffeine crash you get from coffee or energy drinks. However, the best (and more delicious) way to consume green tea is Matcha. Matcha is unique because it’s the entire leaf ground into a fine powder then made into a creamy tea, whereas other teas the leaves are steeped in hot water. By consuming the leaf as a whole, it provides fiber and polyphenols, a family of powerful antioxidants. It’s also a lot tastier—green tea ice cream is made from Matcha and if you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.

  1. Bananas

Glucose turns into energy, and bananas are some of the best resources for that energy-inducing ingredient. A single banana holds the daily amount of glucose your body needs, and it’s a much healthier way to get it than excessive carbs and cane sugars. Bananas are also filling, which means that you’ll be able to focus better between meals if you snack on this rather than something else. Bananas are also a great source of potassium which helps blood pressure, anxiety and stress and helps to enhance muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and nervous system.

  1. Water

Finally, water. Now I know this isn’t a food, but it is important to mention that the amount of water intake significantly influences your health and productivity. Our body is made up of over 70% water and throughout the day, the water in our body slowly depletes. If you don’t drink enough water to replenish the lost liquid, your brain and other functions suffer the consequences. By devoting the energy to ensure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day will give your brain the fuel it needs to be more focused and think more clearly.

Give these foods a go and see if you have noticed an improvement in your productivity. I certainly have! Below are links to a couple of my favorite recipes that combine several of these foods and are super easy to make!

Greek yogurt with honey, almonds, blueberries, and granola (I prefer sliced or slivered almonds)

Avocado toast with sunny side up egg


Your LinkedIn Personal Branding Strategy Guide

For many of us, LinkedIn is a heck of a lot like eating enough vegetables or reducing the sugar in your diet.

You know you’re supposed to do it. You know you can benefit from it. But in the hustle and bustle of life, making and implementing a LinkedIn strategy consistently falls down to the bottom of your to-do list. And it never gets done.

Luckily, effective LinkedIn practices really do not take much time at all. A few minutes each day, week, month, and quarter can make a world of difference developing your personal branding.

Below is our recommended LinkedIn personal branding strategy guide. Commit to a few extra minutes and watch your online presence become stronger!

Daily LinkedIn Practices

As an entrepreneur, you are already stretched pretty thin. I get it! The last thing you want is another item on your to-do list. Fortunately, this one really does only take a few minutes a day. If you need to, download the LinkedIn app on your phone so you can update it while waiting in line at the grocery store or during your commute.

  1. Post content. Like any social media channel, LinkedIn requires consistent quality posting to be effective. Aim to post every day Monday through Friday. Regular posting showcases your industry knowledge, since it shows you know enough to identify then read content from top industry players. When you add in your own commentary, it showcases your witty and intelligent analysis. To save time, you can batch posts with Hootsuite and curate posts by plugging your favorite blogs into Feedly.
  2. Interact with others. Social media needs to be social. Take the time to do something every day. Support others’ career efforts by “liking” their job anniversaries or new gigs (or, even better, shoot off a personal message). Comment on articles posted by others to add your intelligent voice into the world.

Weekly LinkedIn Practices

At some point each week, make sure you are completing the following tasks.

  1. Look for new contacts. Your network should always be growing. Attending networking events is a huge asset for this, but even just looking for people you know each week can massively grow your community. LinkedIn will suggest contacts for you in the “My Network” section, making it easy to continually be connecting. You can also look through profiles of those you know to see if you have mutual contacts.
  2. Interact in LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn groups are a valuable networking tool that gather like-minded professionals together. Aim for a smaller number of groups that you interact with frequently. You can search for groups here. Once you find groups, check out our post for best group practices.

Monthly LinkedIn Practices

Each month, take the time to accomplish the following tasks.

  1. Add in portfolio content. Ideally, each month you will be doing several projects that can be showcased in a portfolio. LinkedIn allows you to add in these pieces to display your amazing work. Take advantage of it! Adding in one or two projects a month can really round out your profile.
  2. Promote your profile elsewhere. If you maintain a personal branded Facebook or Twitter, create a few posts directing those audiences to your LinkedIn. Mention your profile in blog posts or a newsletter. Do a little bit of marketing each month to draw more people to your profile.
  3. Write blog posts. Well-written articles really help showcase your expertise. Taking the time to whip up one or two 500 word articles a month helps build your brand as a knowledgeable player in your industry.

Quarterly LinkedIn Practices

Each quarter, take time to comb over your profile and make any necessary tweaks.

  1. Examine your keywords. Your LinkedIn profile should be search engine optimized of course. But as your career develops, so might your career aspirations. Maybe last quarter you were more focused on general virtual assistant services, but recently you’ve delved into the world of social media marketing and love it. Adjusting your keywords can help make your profile appealing to different job recruiters. Use Word Cloud Generator to paste your LinkedIn text to see which keywords are most common (and adjust if they do not match your targeted industry keywords).
  2. Add in any new developments. Did you take a marketing class that you forgot to add in? Did your role shift at your current position and now you need a new description? It’s easy for these changes to happen without remembering to make adjustments on our LinkedIn. Going thoroughly through your profile each quarter helps make sure nothing important falls through the cracks.

When you take the time to build up your LinkedIn profile, it really can make a difference to your personal branding. Regular use helps paint you as an industry expert and someone others will really want to work with. It also serves as a self-reflection. Are you where you want to be in your career? What areas are you lacking experience? How can you re-adjust your strategy? Use your LinkedIn time to reflect on your career.

If you want assistance on setting up or building your LinkedIn profile, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! Just give us a call or shoot us an email to get started.

10 Pinterest Tools for Business

10 Pinterest Tools for Business

I am a huge fan of Pinterest and am finding that I’m using it more and more.  There are a lot of skeptics out there that think it’s just for girls, or don’t see the business value, but for you Pinterest virgins out there, I really recommend you try it out.

It’s a great tool for businesses (when used effectively) and I’m seeing more engagement, sharing and traffic back as a result.

As Pinterest has grown and become more popular unsurprisingly we have seen a rise of tools that have popped into the marketplace to help manage, measure and enhance the Pinterest experience. Without further ado, here are my favorite Pinterest tools and the reasons I love them:

1. PinAlerts

PinAlerts is a very useful Pinterest tool that allows you to find out in real time whether someone has pinned something from your website. It allows you to quickly respond and say thanks to those who are promoting your work, as well as helps increasing your followers by asking your pinners to follow some of your other boards. PinAlerts is still in its infancy (aka beta version) and they have plans for more features to arrive soon, such as the possibility to broadcast the number of your repins on your website.



2. Pinreach

Pinreach helps you understand better where you stand on Pinterest and how well you’re doing, by calculating your Pinterest “score.” Another useful feature is that you can see the daily trending members and trending pins. This is great for boosting your engagement: repins, comments and increase in followers to your boards. 



3. Hootsuite

Ok, I admit this one is a slight cheat as I use Hootsuite predominantly for Twitter and Facebook but I thought it was worth a mention here particularly as they have now included Pinterest tracking to their portfolio.



4. Followers on Pinterest

Followers on Pinterest is a smartphone/tablet app that costs £0.69.  It’s very similar to another one of my favourite Twitter tools, ManageFlitter. You can use it to find out who isn’t following you back, track new followers, follow and unfollow users and discover new people and boards to follow. One of the most interesting features of this app is that it allows you to keep track of everyone who has everunfollowed you!



5. Pin Search

If you use Google Chrome and Pinterest, then you may find this tool very useful. It’s a Chrome extension that allows you to Google search using any picture on Pinterest. This way you can get all the information there is on a picture as well as similar pictures. A great discovery tool for Pinterest!




6. Piqora

Piqora (formerly known as Pinfluencer) is a great tool for anyone who is serious about using Pinterest for marketing reasons. You can use it to start any promotions on Pinterest, to track your results with their analytics and manage your content (including pin scheduling). Another great feature is Pinner360, that helps you identify your most influential pinners, your brand advocates as well as who engages the most with you. A very useful tool and a must for those using Pinterest for their business.



7. Pinstamatic

Pinstamatic is a great Pinterest tool that helps you make even better boards. Regular images are just not enough anymore to stand out, and with this tool you can get that extra edge over your competition. For example, you can add quotations to your board, which has a much better chance of attracting users to it as well as fun sticky notes. Another great feature is that you can share music on your boards and your friends can play them right from there – a great tool that helps you create more diverse and more fun boards. You can also use Pinstamatic to add a map to your Pinterest board, so that whenever someone clicks on it they are directed to your location on Google Maps.



8. Pinterest Right Click

Pinterest Right Click is another browser extension, but this time for Mozilla Firefox users. Once installed, it adds a “Pin Image” option to your right-click menu, so whenever you find an image that you would like to pin, you can do it very quickly by right-clicking.



9. PinBooster

PinBooster is a great tool for those who want to advertise on Pinterest. It works simply by compensating popular pinners to endorse your business on Pinterest. They can share your photos and videos and promote your hashtags and events to their followers.  It’s a useful way to grow your follower base and even get some leads out of it. And if you are a great pinner yourself and have lots of followers, you can sign up on Pinbooster and actually get paid to pin.



10. Snapito

Snapito is a tool from the Pinstamatic family that has a very simple, yet useful feature. It allows you to pin your website easily, by entering its address on their website and with the click of a button you get a screenshot of the website that you can then quickly post to your Pinterest board. Another very similar tool is a Google Chrome extension called ShotPin, which pretty much does the same thing!


So there you have it a list of my 10 favorite Pinterest tools! I can’t wait for more tools to pop up so I can try them all and do a more extensive list. Until then, Happy Pinning!

And as always, if this stuff makes you dizzy and you just don’t want to take the time to learn all the ins and out of Pinterest, Alpine Small Business, is your one stop shop for all your social media needs.  Give us a jingle or shoot over an email anytime we’re here to help.