Tag Archives: Health

The ‘C’ Code: Decoding the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Successful Relationships in Business and Beyond

In the intricate tapestry of human interactions, whether in personal relationships or the world of business, certain foundational principles stand out as critical building blocks.  Just as we navigate our personal connections, businesses too rely on a set of principles to establish and maintain successful relationships, with their team and alignment with clients. Some call this core values of a business.

This article will dive into the ten foundational principles of successful relationships and align it with the direct relevance to the a business landscape.

The ‘C’ Code: Decoding the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Successful Relationships in Business and Beyond

1. Communication: The Bedrock of Understanding

At the heart of every thriving relationship lies effective communication. In personal connections, it’s about expressing thoughts and emotions openly, creating a deep understanding. Similarly, in business, clear communication is the recipe for longevity. Transparent communication ensures alignment, minimizing misunderstandings and paving the way for a robust partnership.

2. Compromise: Finding Common Ground

In the ebb and flow of relationships, compromise is the lubricant that keeps the gears turning smoothly. It’s not about sacrificing principles but about finding middle ground. In the business landscape, aligning with clients often necessitates compromise. Negotiating terms, adjusting strategies, and meeting halfway are crucial components of a successful partnership. The ability to find common ground echoes the dynamics of personal relationships, where compromise is the key to fostering harmony and understanding.

3. Consistency: Building Trust Brick by Brick

Consistency, the steady heartbeat of reliability, forms the backbone of trust in both personal and business relationships. Predictability in actions and words breeds trust.  It is the foundation upon which trust is built, allowing individuals to feel secure and confident. In business, delivering consistent products or services builds client confidence. When clients know they can depend on you, it helps with a sense of security, akin to the reassurance found in consistent personal relationships. Just as consistency is a marker of trust in personal connections, it serves as a pillar of reliability in the business world, strengthening the client’s belief in the partnership.

4. Commitment: The Glue That Binds

Commitment is the glue that binds personal relationships and business partnerships alike. In business, commitment manifests as a devotion to client satisfaction. A committed business goes the extra mile, demonstrating a dedication to the client’s success. Just as in personal relationships, commitment breeds loyalty and longevity in business partnerships. It is the promise to navigate challenges together and celebrate successes as a united front.

5. Compatibility: Shared Values, Shared Success

Compatibility, the invisible thread connecting individuals, is equally vital in business. Aligning with clients who share similar values and goals creates a synergy that propels the relationship forward. In personal relationships, compatibility is the magic that turns shared interests and values into a deep and meaningful connection. In business, compatibility involves aligning with clients whose values and goals resonate with the company’s mission. Business partnerships flourish when there is compatibility in vision and objectives. Just as personal relationships flourish when based on common ground, business partnerships thrive when there’s alignment in values and objectives.

6. Compassion: A Human Touch in Business

In the realm of human connections, compassion is the gentle touch that heals wounds and nurtures growth. In business, compassion translates into understanding and addressing the client’s concerns. It’s about recognizing their challenges and empathizing with their needs. A compassionate approach builds a foundation of trust and mutual respect, essential in both personal and business relationships. Compassion in business is not merely a transactional gesture; it is the human touch that transforms a business-client relationship into a partnership grounded in empathy and understanding.

7. Chemistry: The Spark That Ignites Collaboration

Chemistry, the intangible spark between individuals, is the secret sauce in successful personal relationships. It’s the magnetic connection that makes interactions enjoyable, effortless, and fulfilling. In business, chemistry translates into a positive rapport that goes beyond the transactional. It’s about understanding each other, anticipating needs, and creating a connection that goes beyond the surface. Just as personal chemistry makes relationships enjoyable, business chemistry makes collaborations dynamic and fulfilling. The ability to connect on a personal level with clients creates a partnership that transcends the purely professional, making the collaboration more meaningful and enjoyable for both parties.

8. Connection: Bridging the Emotional Gap

A strong emotional connection is a driving force in personal relationships, creating a sense of intimacy and belonging. In business, establishing a connection with clients goes beyond the transactional. It involves building a relationship based on trust and understanding. Businesses that connect with clients on a personal level create a bond that transcends the purely professional. Just as personal connections thrive on emotional bonds, business relationships flourish when there is a genuine emotional connection between the company and its clients.

9. Confidence: Building Trust in Business Transactions

Confidence, the silent assurance that underlies personal relationships, is equally crucial in business. Clients need to trust that a business can deliver on its promises. Confidence in the business’s abilities instills trust and forms the bedrock of a successful partnership. In personal relationships, confidence is the assurance that the other person is capable and reliable. It is the trust that allows individuals to lean on each other for support and guidance. In business, confidence is the assurance that the company can meet the client’s needs and expectations. It is the trust that the business will deliver quality products or services consistently. Just as personal confidence enhances interpersonal relationships, business confidence will help build trust and credibility, laying the groundwork for a successful and enduring partnership.

10. Continued Growth: Nurturing the Relationship

In personal relationships, growth is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and shared experiences. It involves adapting to change, learning from challenges, and celebrating milestones together. In business, the principle remains the same. A successful partnership requires continuous growth and adaptation. Both parties must evolve, embracing change and innovation to stay relevant. Just as personal growth enriches relationships, business growth ensures the longevity and sustainability of partnerships. The ability to navigate change, learn from experiences, and grow together ensures that the business-client relationship remains vibrant and resilient in the ever-evolving landscape.

Bridging the Gap Between Personal and Business Relationships

In the tapestry of life, the threads of personal and business relationships often weave together seamlessly. The principles that guide successful connections are remarkably similar, transcending the boundaries between personal and professional spheres. Whether in the warmth of personal bonds or the pragmatism of business collaborations, these ten principles form the sturdy framework that supports, sustains, and elevates relationships to new heights.

As we navigate the complexities of our interconnected lives, the wisdom gained from successful personal connections can serve as a compass, guiding businesses towards lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with their clients. The bridge between personal and business relationships is not a chasm but a continuum, where the principles that creates human connections also lay the groundwork for successful and enduring business partnerships. By recognizing and embracing these shared principles, businesses can cultivate relationships that go beyond transactions, creating meaningful connections that stand the test of time. In doing so, they not only secure the loyalty and trust of their clients but also contribute to a business landscape where success is measured not only in profits but in the strength and depth of the relationships forged along the way.

If this is something you are interested in learning more about this and how to weave this into your tech, marketing or systems of your business, we would be happy to chat. We have limited spots available, but go ahead and book a free, no strings attached strategy call with us today while spots are still available.

Solstice Wisdom: 7 Strategies to Leverage the Solstice Metaphor for Business Growth

Amidst the festive cheer and holiday greetings, there’s an astronomical event that quietly takes the stage—the winter solstice. Beyond its celestial significance, this natural occurrence holds a powerful metaphorical weight, symbolizing the transition from darkness to light—a metaphor that can be harnessed to not only renew team spirit but also propel your business towards greater success.

The Solstice: Cosmic Inspiration for Business Leaders

The winter solstice, occurring around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marks a pivotal point in Earth’s orbit around the sun. As we experience the shortest day and longest night, this celestial event becomes a metaphor for the ebb and flow of challenges and triumphs that businesses face. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest times, there’s the potential for renewal, hope, and the promise of brighter business days ahead.

Building Business Momentum in the Light

Just as the solstice heralds longer days and increased sunlight, the metaphor of moving from darkness to light can inspire business leaders to cultivate a dynamic and productive work environment. Here’s how you can leverage this metaphor to illuminate success in your business:

1. Renewal of Business Objectives

Much like the solstice serves as a reset in nature, take this time to reflect on your business’s past achievements and challenges. Encourage your team to leave behind any lingering difficulties and approach the upcoming days with a fresh perspective. Use this renewal of purpose to redefine and refine your business objectives.

2. Infusing Positive Energy and Optimism

As the days grow longer, a natural boost in energy accompanies the increased sunlight. Translate this positive shift into your business culture by fostering creativity, enthusiasm, and a collective can-do attitude among your team. A positive work environment is a breeding ground for innovative solutions and increased productivity.

3. Setting New Business Milestones

The solstice, as a metaphor for progress and achievement, is an ideal time to set new milestones for your business. Work collaboratively with your team to outline clear, attainable goals that align with the overarching vision of your organization. These milestones become beacons guiding your business towards success.

4. Elevating Morale and Team Dynamics

Seasonal changes influence individuals’ moods, and the transition to longer days is often associated with improved well-being. Leverage this positive shift to cultivate a business culture where team members feel valued and supported. Elevated morale contributes to stronger team dynamics, fostering a collaborative and productive atmosphere.

5. Enhancing Business Collaboration and Communication

The metaphor of moving into the light signifies increased visibility and clarity. Capitalize on this by enhancing communication and collaboration within your business. Clear communication channels enable seamless information flow, facilitating better decision-making and overall business efficiency.

6. Adaptability and Resilience in Business Operations

Nature’s adaptability to changing seasons serves as a powerful lesson for businesses—embrace change and cultivate resilience. Equip your business with the ability to adapt to market shifts and emerging trends. A resilient business is not only productive but also capable of navigating challenges and emerging stronger.

7. Celebrating Business Achievements

Finally, the transition from darkness to light is a reason to celebrate business achievements. Recognizing and celebrating success motivates your team and creates a positive atmosphere. Regular acknowledgment of achievements instills a sense of pride and commitment among your team members, fueling continued business success.

Conclusion: Guiding Your Business into the Light

As the holiday season unfolds, let your business celebration extend beyond festivities. Embrace the solstice metaphor not just as a cosmic event but as a guiding principle for building and growing your business. The solstice symbolizes that even in the darkest business challenges, there is the promise of light and renewal. Align your business goals and mindset with the natural rhythm of this metaphorical journey, and watch as your business shines ever brighter in the coming year. Merry Christmas, and may your business journey be filled with the light of success!

If this is something you are interested in learning more about, we would be happy to chat. We have limited spots available, but go ahead and book a free, no strings attached strategy call with us today while spots are still available.

10 Strategies for Thriving as a Business Owner Despite Silent Health Challenges

Living with PCOS, a silent and invisible disease, has been a relentless battle. This hormonal imbalance, triggered by insulin resistance, has left me in constant pain and fatigue. The pain, concentrated in my lower back, and the unyielding exhaustion have stolen precious moments from my life and stifled my adventurous spirit.

As a business owner, this silent disease has posed an even greater challenge. The toll it takes on my health has rippled into my professional life. I’ve lost clients, and friends have distanced themselves, unable to comprehend the magnitude of my struggles. The weight of this invisible burden has led to deep depression, affecting both my relationships and my business.

But amidst this darkness, a glimmer of hope has emerged. I’ve taken control of my health, assembling a dedicated team of professionals who address my physical, emotional, and mental well-being holistically. While I still consult with doctors, this integrated approach has allowed me to reduce medications and turn to natural remedies like Turmeric for pain relief and Vitamin D/B injections to combat fatigue.

I also extend my hand in support to those enduring similar silent battles. The isolation and misunderstanding that accompany silent diseases can be overwhelming. If you find yourself in a similar struggle, please seek help without shame. I wish I had prioritized my well-being sooner. If sharing my story can help just one person, it will be a triumph. Love yourself, build a strong support system, and remember, relief is attainable. Together, we can conquer the darkest of days.

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 ways to navigate these issues while maintaining your role as a business owner.

Acknowledge Your Reality: 

The first step is recognizing that you’re dealing with a legitimate health condition. Silent diseases can be isolating, but understanding and accepting your situation is crucial.

Seek Professional Help: 

Consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in your condition. As you’ve experienced, having a dedicated team can make a world of difference.

Embrace Holistic Healing: 

Explore complementary therapies that address the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your health. Integrative approaches can be highly effective.

Optimize Your Diet: 

Pay attention to the foods you consume. Certain dietary changes, such as incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, can alleviate some symptoms.

Prioritize Rest: 

Don’t underestimate the power of quality sleep. Develop healthy sleep habits to combat chronic fatigue.

Stay Active: 

Regular physical activity, even in moderation, can help manage pain and improve your mood. Consult with a professional for suitable exercises.

Manage Stress: 

Stress can exacerbate symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness into your daily routine.

Set Realistic Goals: 

Understand that your condition might limit your activities at times. Setting achievable goals will help you avoid disappointment.

Communication is Key: 

Maintain open and honest communication with your friends, family, and clients. Educate them about your condition to foster understanding and support.


Love yourself and be patient. Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Seek out and lean on your support system when needed.

By implementing these strategies, you can work towards balancing your health while continuing to thrive as a business owner. Remember, it’s okay to lean on others for support, and your journey can inspire and help others facing similar challenges.

And in closing, I want to express my profound gratitude to those who’ve stood by me. Please, continue to invite me and support me, for I am on the path to recovery. Even on my toughest days, I’ll be living vicariously through your adventures and will be joining you soon.

Why Marketing and Tech are Better Together: The Role of a Tech & Marketing Manager

In today’s digital age, technology has become an integral part of marketing efforts. As such, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to have a Tech & Marketing Manager on their team. This is because a Tech & Marketing Manager possesses a unique set of skills that can help businesses to leverage technology to enhance their marketing efforts and drive growth. In this blog, we’ll explore why a Tech & Marketing Manager is what a company needs and why.

What is a Tech & Marketing Manager?

A Tech & Marketing Manager is a marketing professional with a strong technical background. They possess both marketing and technical skills, which allows them to develop and execute marketing strategies that incorporate digital technologies. They specialize in leveraging technology to enhance marketing efforts and create more effective campaigns. This can include managing website content, developing email marketing campaigns, and utilizing social media platforms. A Tech & Marketing Manager is responsible for driving brand awareness, generating leads, and increasing sales revenue through digital channels.

Why does a company need a Tech & Marketing Manager?

Technical expertise

One of the primary reasons why a company needs a Tech & Marketing Manager is for their technical expertise. A Tech & Marketing Manager possesses a deep understanding of technology and how it can be used to enhance marketing efforts. They are knowledgeable about various digital tools, such as marketing automation platforms, email marketing software, and social media management tools. With this expertise, they can effectively use these tools to streamline marketing processes, optimize campaigns, and generate higher returns on investment.

Improved efficiency

Another reason why a company needs a Tech & Marketing Manager is for improved efficiency. With their technical skills, a Tech & Marketing Manager can automate various marketing processes, such as email marketing campaigns, social media posting, and lead nurturing. This automation allows for greater efficiency and saves time and resources, enabling the marketing team to focus on other critical tasks, such as content creation and campaign analysis.

Targeted audience reach

Ah, the Tech & Marketing Manager – the elusive unicorn of the marketing world. With their unique blend of marketing and tech skills, they are the magical beings that can bring a company’s marketing efforts to the next level. So, why do you need one? Well, let me break it down for you.

A Tech & Marketing Manager can also help a company to reach its target audience more effectively. They are skilled in using digital tools to identify and segment audiences based on demographics, behaviors, and interests. This enables the marketing team to create targeted campaigns that resonate with specific groups of people. By using digital tools to understand the behavior of the target audience, Tech & Marketing Managers can craft campaigns that are more likely to convert prospects into customers.

Greater ROI

In addition to improved efficiency and targeted audience reach, a Tech & Marketing Manager can also help a company to generate a greater return on investment (ROI). They are able to measure and analyze marketing metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates, to determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. With this information, they can adjust marketing efforts accordingly to optimize results and increase ROI.

In today’s digital landscape, businesses need to embrace technology to enhance their marketing efforts and drive growth. A Tech & Marketing Manager possesses the technical expertise, efficiency, audience reach, ROI, and innovation that a company needs to stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging digital tools and insights, a Tech & Marketing Manager can help businesses to optimize their marketing efforts, engage with target audiences more effectively, and generate higher returns on investment. Therefore, it’s clear that a Tech & Marketing Manager is an essential asset for any company that wants to succeed in the modern business landscape.


Finally, a Tech & Marketing Manager can bring innovation to a company’s marketing efforts. By staying up-to-date with the latest technology and marketing trends, they can introduce new and creative strategies that can set a company apart from its competitors. This can include new methods for engaging with customers, innovative campaign ideas, and creative uses of data and analytics to inform marketing decisions.

Why Hire a Tech and Marketing Manager?

First and foremost, a Tech & Marketing Manager can help your company navigate the ever-changing landscape of marketing technology. Let’s face it, the marketing tech world is a bit of a circus. There are so many tools, platforms, and apps out there that it can make your head spin. But fear not, a Tech & Marketing Manager can help you cut through the noise and find the tools that will make the biggest impact on your marketing efforts.

In addition to helping you find the right tools, a Tech & Marketing Manager can also help you use them effectively. I mean, what good is a shiny new marketing tool if you don’t know how to use it? A Tech & Marketing Manager can train your team on how to use the tools properly, so you can get the most out of them. Plus, they can help you integrate the tools into your existing workflows and processes, so you can work smarter, not harder.

But wait, there’s more! A Tech & Marketing Manager can also help you measure the impact of your marketing efforts. You know that old saying, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”? Well, it’s true. And a Tech & Marketing Manager can help you measure everything. From website traffic to social media engagement to email open rates, they can help you track it all. And not only that, but they can also help you interpret the data and make informed decisions about how to optimize your marketing efforts.

But perhaps the most valuable thing a Tech & Marketing Manager can bring to the table is their ability to speak both marketing and tech fluently. Let’s face it, marketing folks and tech folks don’t always speak the same language. Marketing folks are all about the creative, while tech folks are all about the data. But a Tech & Marketing Manager can bridge that gap and help everyone get on the same page. They can translate marketing-speak into tech-speak and vice versa, so everyone can understand what’s going on.

And let’s not forget about the innovation factor. A Tech & Marketing Manager is like a mad scientist, always tinkering with new ideas and ways to make your marketing efforts more effective. They’re always on the lookout for the next big thing, whether it’s a new platform or a new way of doing things. And they’re not afraid to experiment and take risks. After all, that’s where innovation comes from – taking risks and trying new things.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Wow, a Tech & Marketing Manager sounds too good to be true. Do they really exist?” Yes, they do! But like all unicorns, they’re a rare breed. They’re not just marketers who know a little bit about tech or tech folks who know a little bit about marketing. They’re a special breed that combines the best of both worlds.

So, why should you invest in a Tech & Marketing Manager? Well, they can help you cut through the marketing tech circus, use your tools effectively, measure your impact, bridge the marketing-tech language barrier, and drive innovation. They’re like a one-stop-shop for all things marketing and tech. Plus, they’re just really cool people to have on your team.

In conclusion, if you want to take your marketing efforts to the next level, you need a Tech & Marketing Manager. They’re like the missing puzzle piece that makes everything fit together perfectly. So go ahead, take the leap, and invest in a Tech & Marketing Manager. Your marketing efforts.

If this is something  you are interested in learning more about, we would be happy to chat. We have limited spots available, but go ahead and book a free no strings attached strategy call with us today while spots are still available

14 Opportunities and Ideas to Help Add Additional Income During the Pandemic

Hello loves!  I wanted to share some information that may be helpful for those that recently were laid off and/or you are looking to supplement your income during and beyond the Convid-19 Pandemic. Like many online business owners,  I have a unique birdseye view because of the work that I do and the business I run. None of it is a secret or a ninja trick, and much of it you already have likely heard about, so most of it is just a re-iteration.  

I have compiled a list of 14 opportunities and ideas to help add additional income during the pandemic for yourself and your family in these times of uncertainty.  

As we start to do more and more delivery and curbside shopping, eating and etc… we will see that we simply do not have the force to support it.  Here are places that you can look into if you are looking for work.

1) Grocery stores are hiring and their services are in high demand.  Check into Clicklist and Instacart shoppers particularly

2) Doordash and Uber Eat Drivers – Even Pizza Delivery as well

3) Talk to your local marijuana dispensers and liquor stores – See about helping them with their curbside services…and in some cases delivery options

4) Amazon warehouses are hiring as well as drivers and customer service agents.  Amazon alone is providing over 100k jobs

5) Become a secret shopper.  I know that times are different right now, but there are many online secret shopping opportunities, for instance, customer service secret shopping with Expedia.  The restaurant and retail store options won’t be available (unless they pivot) is my guess, but there are other opportunities. Let me preface that this is NOT a huge moneymaker, but it is great for supplemental income. https://www.bestmark.com/  I always had fun with secret shopping and I think you could too.

If you are looking at making some extra money in the online sphere here are some pretty great options. 

6) For online work look into https://jobs.sykes.com/ , these are customer service jobs that you can do from home.  You must have a dedicated phone line (not a cell phone) and highspeed internet. 

7) Working Solutions is another home-based customer service opportunity as well – www.workingsolutions.com/

8) United Health Care for those that work in more of a medical field, they are hiring to help with the influx of calls that are coming in.  

9) If you have a special craft, like content writing, graphic design, etc… you can look into www.upwork.com  or www.guru.com and if you make and sell your own goods, look at facebook market place, www.etsy.com and www.ebay.com.   

10) I realize that the stock market is a pretty scary place right now, but it also offers a lot of opportunities.  Stocks are at a record low right now. The market will not be this unstable forever and it is guaranteed that there will be a boom (just don’t know when).  The beauty of that is if you can get in at a cheap buy-in, like now, it could provide a huge return in 6-months. Only look into this if you feel empowered to do so.  You can start up through Robinhood, which is a free platform for buying and selling stocks in the stock market. It is pretty intuitive and if you use this link you can earn free stock to start your journey with. Truly investing in stock (if you have the means) now might set you up for life. It could be like buying Amazon in 1997 if you get my drift!  For Robinhood, though, it doesn’t require any investment right now, just sign up, get your free stock and start dabbling. Use this link to get your free stock >>> https://bit.ly/freerobinhoodstock-jg 

11) For those that are toying with taking their business or ideas to Facebook, I have a free mini-training “8 Ways to Revive your Facebook Business Page Organic Reach” that you can take. It is a tiny bit outdated, but the content is still very relevant. www.va.alpinesbsolutions.com  

12) If you are looking to take your vision into an online setting and getting serious about taking this time to pivot instead of panic, I would like to offer up some of my time to help you brainstorm. While I do have limited time,  I still would like to offer up my own time as a resource. I am offering free 30 minute consults for a limited amount of folks (no strings attached, just value, value, value) the rest of the month. Private message me if you are interested.  

13) I am also working on some additional free training and webinars to help people with making supplemental income online or to finally start your own online business journey.  If you have a topic you would like me to touch on or have someone in the community talk about, please private message me or put your request below.

14) Lastly (for now), I would love to create a container for those interested to network together and join in on the opportunity to join think tanks, masterminds, engagement circles, and other self-promotion threads so we can all build each other up, stay connected, and love one another.

Do you have things to share or add to my list, please do? The more the merrier. The more information we can put out there the better.  I will continue to harvest more ideas around this as the days and weeks unfold.  

For those that are in a position to help, please help people, offer your time and what resources you can. This is a time to band together, practice impeccable hygiene, be compassionate and remember we are all in this together.  Do not lead in fear…keep being amazing and I am rooting for those that are having a hard time. Please share with someone that you think might benefit from this information as well. I love you!

Mindset Impacts Everything

Mindset impacts everything. Our thoughts, energy and most of all, the actions we take.

More than 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in people’s attitudes about failure. After studying the behavior of thousands of students, Dr. Dweck coined the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. What is a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset? Glad you asked!

  • Growth Mindset: Intelligence can be developed
  • Fixed Mindset: Intelligence is static; “fixed trait.”


Growth Mindset

  1. Embrace challenges
  2. Persist in the face of setbacks
  3. See effort as the path to mastery
  4. Learn from criticism
  5. Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others.) As a result, they achieve more success because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.

Fixed Mindset

  1. Avoid challenges
  2. Give up easily
  3. See effort as fruitless
  4. Ignore useful negative feedback
  5. Feel threatened by the success of others

Those with a fixed mindset spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. Excessive concern with looking smart keeps you from making bold, visionary moves. If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never learn on the job and your whole approach becomes defensive.


Whether you’re aware of it or not, you keep a running account of what’s happening, what it means, and what you should so. Our minds are constantly monitoring and interpreting. That’s just how we stay on track. Mindset frames the running account of what is taking place. It guides the whole interpretation process.

The fixed mindset creates an internal dialogue that is focused on judging. And people react with feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger. Or superiority. “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad wife.” “This means my partner is selfish.”

An internal monologue of a growth mindset person is not about judging themselves or others. They listen for learning and constructive action: “What can I learn from this?” “How can I improve?” “How can I help my partner do this better?”

Change Your Mindset

Changing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is not like surgery; you can’t remove a fixed mindset and replace it with a growth mindset. You must work on nurturing a positive, growth mindset. These are tips from Dr. Dweck, herself:

  1. Learn to hear your fixed mindset, “voice.”

As you face criticism, you might feel yourself getting angry at the person giving you feedback. The other person might be giving constructive feedback, but you hear “I’m really disappointed in you. I thought you were capable but now I see you’re not.”

  1. Recognize that you have a choice.

How you interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is your choice. You can choose to interpret them as signs to ramp up your strategies, stretch yourself and expand your abilities.

  1. Take the growth mindset action.

As you approach a challenge, choose to say: “I think I can learn to with time and effort.” “If I don’t try, I automatically fail.” “If I don’t take responsibility, I can’t fix it. Let me listen and learn what I can.”

Practice hearing both voices, and practice acting on a growth mindset. Nurturing a positive, growth mindset creates profound changes in your personal life and determines your ceiling of success. Your Mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.

Need help nurturing that mindset contact me today!

How to Overcome the Debilitating Feeling of Business Burnout

Burnout is a sickening feeling.

It’s like a fog envelops your brain, making it difficult to focus and work. Your muscles tighten up as you enter “fight or flight” mode. Slowly, or suddenly, you feel completely drained (usually at the moment you most need to be alert and high functioning!)

Many of us start to shut down as we feel burnout, becoming less and less effective. Or we double down, trying to push through only to end up a jumbled mess of exhaustion.

There’s a better way. Burnout can be overcome with some positive steps. In fact, burnout can actually be a great thing!

Why You Need to Embrace Burnout

No one wants to feel burnout. But sometimes we need to feel burnout.

Burnout feels awful. Awful enough to be a catalyst for promoting positive change. It can force you to change poor work habits (like working through lunch). Or cause you to reassess your priorities (like too much office time and not enough family time). Or even make you re-evaluate whether your current job or projects are what you should be doing.

If you feel burnout, there is a reason! Pinpointing the source helps you find the best solution (and maybe even some good old self-reflection and positive change making along the way).

Burnout Cause One: Utter Exhaustion

Your brain is fried. You yawn all the time. You drag your tired body to work, pushing through the fatigue only to drag your tired self back home before collapsing on the couch. You know it isn’t sustainable, but how do you stop the grind?

Option One: Exercise
Right now, the last thing you want is to go workout. But that may be exactly what you need. Get your blood flowing (preferably by exercising outside). It can generate enough energy in your body to get a second wind for work. And, it will facilitate a much better night’s sleep, which can help you feel less exhausted the next day.

Option Two: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy involves inhaling essential oils (liquids from natural extracts like flowers and fruits). The scent interacts with our body, helping to cause benefits like improving your focus and stimulating your brain. One research study found that lavender and rosemary reduces cortisol levels (the hormone released in fight or flight mode that can be a big mental drain). Smelling certain oils can help give you the jolt of energy you need in a healthier way than turning to excessive caffeine.

Option Three: Taking Time Away From Work
Working too many hours and sitting at your desk too long is just setting you up for exhaustion. Make sure you move throughout the day. Even a few minutes stretching or walking around the office each hour can make a big difference in your energy level. Try to always physically leave work for your lunch break. If you struggle to leave work at work, plan a weekend getaway far from wifi.

Burnout Cause Two: Lack of Motivation

Right now, you just cannot seem to get going. It’s like every fibre in your body is pushing against the task at hand. You feel burnout because you feel no motivation for your work.

Option One: Remind Yourself of the Goal
Shift your focus from the task at hand to the end result of completing the task. If you are saving up for a vacation for example, set your desktop photo to the location. Pull up Instagram photos of fellow travelers enjoying their time. Reminding yourself of what you are working towards helps you get motivated to start working.

Option Two: Reflect on Your Expectations
Sometimes our lack of motivation comes because the sake seems insurmountable. No one wants to start on a mission they are doomed to fail. If your output goals are unrealistic, it can lead to burnout. Set better goals to help avoid losing motivation.

Burnout Cause Three: Feeling Overwhelmed

When it rains, it pours. Right now, there is so much going on that you feel exhausted just thinking about it. Too much is demanding your focus and energy until nothing gets done at all (or gets done poorly).

Option One: Write it Down
Sometimes just writing down everything you need can help you feel less overwhelmed. After you list out your to-dos, assign everything a deadline. Make sure you set reasonable goals. Once you get your action plan in place, it will be easier to not waste energy thinking about everything you need to get done. Instead, you can focus on getting it done.
Option Two: Delegate
If you have too much on your plate, clear some of the plate off! Delegation can help give you back your sanity and make your business run smoother.

Option Three: Try Proactive Strategies
Resist the urge to shut down and give up. Instead, try these 5 strategies for when you feel overwhelmed in business and in life.

Option Four: Examine Why You are Overwhelmed
Try to get at the root cause. Are you not feeling competent? Take some online classes or get guidance from a mentor. Are you feeling like there are not enough hours in the day? Try to jumpstart your productivity or delegate. Identifying what triggers feelings of being overwhelmed can help you prevent them in the future.

Burnout is exhausting. It can even be debilitating! But with some proactive steps, you can come out the other side. You CAN get everything done WITHOUT losing your sanity. If you can use a little extra help with managing your business, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We offer services and coaching to help you feel confident and in control with your entrepreneurial life. Just give us a call or shoot us an email today.

9 Brain Foods That Will Improve Your Productivity at Work

Did you know that the foods you eat could have a significant impact on your brain and motivation? Eating the right foods throughout the day can increase brainpower, motivation and overall productivity by 20%. I know it may not seem like much, but it is a significant increase! If you’ve noticed you’ve been a little more sluggish at work lately, consider adding these superfoods to your daily diet. I’ve also included a couple simple recipes that combines these super foods together!

  1. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best nutritional foods you can eat. Eggs are high in choline, which is a nutrient that studies have shown to improve memory. Eggs sell a variety of vitamins but most notably B5 and B12. These vitamins release energy from food and assist with brain nervous system function. Eggs also have vitamin A which plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function, healthy skin, and more.

As if eggs couldn’t seem more nutritionally rich, they are an excellent source of protein that can help sustain energy levels and stave off hunger throughout the day.

  1. Greek Yogurt

All yogurts are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12. However Greek yogurt contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts. Additionally, in a small study, researchers at UCLA found that eating probiotic yogurt twice a day can reduce activity in the part of your brain that registers pain and emotion. Scientists have also begun to draw links between consuming probiotics and thinking fewer sad thoughts

  1. Salmon

Fatty fishes are excellent for promoting productivity! Salmon, however, is the best of them all. Salmon has high omega-3 fatty acids content, which is useful for improving memory and mental performance. These fatty acids can help depression and fatigue, which can both inhibit productivity immensely. Fish has also been proven to improve concentration and your overall mood. Other fatty fish include trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards, and kipper. Although eating freshly prepared fish is the best method, a fish oil supplement can be taken to achieve a similar result.

  1. Raw Almonds

Raw almonds are among the healthiest of tree nuts. Almonds rank highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin content. The fiber, protein and fat content of almonds means it only takes a handful to keep you feeling full and satisfied to hold you over until lunch time! Why raw almonds? Both raw and roasted almonds pack a high dose of nutrients and minerals. However, raw almonds have more naturally occurring beneficial fats—which are lost in the roasting process.

  1. Avocado

Avocados are a natural stimulant for promoting blood flow. Consistent blood flow through your heart and brain fires up your brain cells. This is another healthy, fiber packed fat that improves your overall focus. The best part? There’s so many delicious ways to prepare an avocado but their buttery flavor is amazing on their own!

  1. Blueberries

Antioxidant-rich foods are exceptional for increasing memory. Not only will blueberries help your brain function in the workplace today, it will help to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in the future. The antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – and keeps the mind fresh. Generally, the darker the berry is, the higher antioxidant property it contains, which means more productivity-boosting ingredients.

  1. Matcha Green Tea

Green tea is a natural energy enhancer and it comes without the negative side effects of other energy sources, such as the caffeine crash you get from coffee or energy drinks. However, the best (and more delicious) way to consume green tea is Matcha. Matcha is unique because it’s the entire leaf ground into a fine powder then made into a creamy tea, whereas other teas the leaves are steeped in hot water. By consuming the leaf as a whole, it provides fiber and polyphenols, a family of powerful antioxidants. It’s also a lot tastier—green tea ice cream is made from Matcha and if you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.

  1. Bananas

Glucose turns into energy, and bananas are some of the best resources for that energy-inducing ingredient. A single banana holds the daily amount of glucose your body needs, and it’s a much healthier way to get it than excessive carbs and cane sugars. Bananas are also filling, which means that you’ll be able to focus better between meals if you snack on this rather than something else. Bananas are also a great source of potassium which helps blood pressure, anxiety and stress and helps to enhance muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and nervous system.

  1. Water

Finally, water. Now I know this isn’t a food, but it is important to mention that the amount of water intake significantly influences your health and productivity. Our body is made up of over 70% water and throughout the day, the water in our body slowly depletes. If you don’t drink enough water to replenish the lost liquid, your brain and other functions suffer the consequences. By devoting the energy to ensure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day will give your brain the fuel it needs to be more focused and think more clearly.

Give these foods a go and see if you have noticed an improvement in your productivity. I certainly have! Below are links to a couple of my favorite recipes that combine several of these foods and are super easy to make!

Greek yogurt with honey, almonds, blueberries, and granola (I prefer sliced or slivered almonds)

Avocado toast with sunny side up egg


Relax Yourself to Holiday Cheer Part 3 of 3

I know it is hard to believe, but your company will survive without you for a couple weeks. Your emails, voicemails, and to-do lists will all be there when you get back. Everyone deserves a holiday that is stress free, which means you have to trust that people at the office will be able to handle it. There are people who are excited and looking forward to the opportunity for the experience and to prove themselves. Give them this time while you are away to step up. This is a great opportunity for people to learn how to resolve problems themselves.

When you start to feel overwhelmed with all the preparation, remember that you also must take care of yourself. Increased anxiety and stress weaken your immune system. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you could easily end up sick your entire holiday, and no one wants that. So even while you have many things to do before you go, remember to step back and take a deep breath. Sneak in some time for yourself. Make sure you are still eating all your (healthy) meals and getting enough sleep.Alpine Small Business Solutions Relax

As a small business owner myself, I know that it hard to step back and fully relax, so I compiled a list of some proven techniques to let it all go.

Breathing Technique. Controlled breathing is the simplest and most practiced relaxation technique for anxiety. You can do this anywhere and use it as an instant “reset” button when things start to feel like they are piling up.

Meditation. This is an effective way to enhance self-control, a key requirement to keep anxiety from taking over. Sometimes all it takes is sitting quietly.health

Exercise. This may seem like another chore you need to get done, but don’t skip the gym. This is one of the best ways to relieve stress, clear your mind, and take out a little aggression if needed. Think of the way you feel when you are done with a good workout—that high can help your accomplish more.

Do something you enjoy. Whatever it is that makes you happy. Take that time for yourself. Remember this is your holiday!

Be spoiled. Go get that massage or pedicure and enjoy the quiet time. Try a yoga class, acupuncture, or another spa service that will help you relax.

You have taken all the steps to prepare for this, so relax and have a great vacation, in the knowledge that you left everything in the best state possible before going away.

Above all, keep in mind what the true meaning of the holiday season is all about for you. The season can be a special time of the year when you spend time with those you love and reflect on all the blessings in your life.

How a Virtual Assistant can Help you Achieve Life Balance

Once upon a time….You know the story, right? The complicated story of your life. You are juggling too many things and finding time for yourself is next to impossible, with work, kids, friends and family. You go to bed after a long day of working on your life, that you only find yourself waking up to conquer the new day and the laundry list of things to complete and start all over again and again and again. Oh and don’t get me started on fitting in some exercise time so your love handles don’t turn into something not to love. Not to mention finding the time to eat healthy so you still feel attractive when you put on your favorite pair of jeans. No thank you, I will not take a side of muffin top with my jeans!

Is this you? You’re a professional who is building a business. You’re a parent trying to juggle everyone’s schedule. You’re a partner who is trying to keep things happy and loving by being attentive and passionate. You’re trying to keep friends and family happy by being “available” to EVERYONE to offer support, some good ol’ fashion gossip time or that friendly happy hour you keep promising people you’ll show up at. BIG SIGH, who in the world with your life has time to relax, rejuvenate or just screw off and play for the day? To take a few hours for you and go for a walk on your favorite hiking trail, play a round of golf, take a hula hooping fitness class, schedule a body love massage and spa day, or how about that much needed weekend of fun and adventure you keep talking with your lover about? Ha!

Does any part of this scenario resonates with you?

Have you ever hit that rut in your life that you feel you have to let go of one thing to be able to achieve and meet other goals you have in your life?

All too often as working professionals we have a hard time finding balance in our lives. We seek that perfect balance of;
Success. Family. Love. Health. and FUN.

It is shown that we often let two or three of these slide in conquest of perfecting and achieving the others. I mean, look at people who are focused on their career, they may neglect their partner and/or children, but find time to work out all the time.  Look at people that are seeking love so badly that they get in a new relationship and completely lose themselves in their new found love, that they neglect work and their fitness goals. How about that professional that is so busy building their business, that they can’t justify taking off enough time to go on that fun and exciting adventure they keep talking about with their friends and family.

We can play with any of these scenarios and make it match our life. So let me ask you,  What is your life balance challenge?

So, why am I writing this, I am reaching out to those that seek life balance, especially those small business owners facing the never ending battle of finding time to fit balance in their life. I know it is a lot of work to build a business; it takes time, passion, time, passion, time, time, time… This is time that is taken away from your family, your friends, your lover and your body! You are so mentally focused and  invested that you forget there is a big world that still needs you to be present. You need to find that perfect balance of success, family, love, health and fun, so you can enjoy everything else in your life that is beautiful and positive.

I am sure you are thinking, “where in the heck do I even start to try and find this balance”. Well, start small, move forward with your end goal in sight. It won’t happen over night, it takes effort and time. One of the best ways to get you there is to start with just one simple thing,  and that thing is DELEGATION. Delegate to someone like Alpine Small Business Solutions, a Virtual Assistant solution, that understands your struggles and that is always eagerly standing by to help you. To take that laundry list of to-do’s surrounding your business and tackle them and help give you more time to focus on your life balance. To help get you back to all the other super important life enhancing things that make YOU, a happier YOU!

I know it is hard to hand over anything with your business, as you know it best, but take baby steps, back away slowly from certain parts of your business, delegate those tasks that you feel comfortable with, build a trust with your Virtual Assistant. Start with some marketing help, or social media help, or maybe it is as simple as your website updates, or some data entry. Maybe you are ready to hand over the tasks that are associated with the next big event you are putting on, or maybe it is getting your Quickbooks set up and functional. No matter, what it is, you just have to be open to allowing yourself to delegate and not feel guilty or be a worry wart. Just think how happy your lover, your family, your friends and your body will be that you have freed up that extra time to focus on them.

Take time back for YOU, you work hard, you deserve it, you deserve to find that perfect balance of success, family, love, health and fun.

What is your life balance challenge? Share with me me at jessica@alpinesbsolutions.com or on facebook.