Tag Archives: Social media

Comfort Zone-Where Dreams Go To Die

We have seen the inspirational quotes encouraging us to get out and do something different—something we wouldn’t normally do. One of my favorites is, “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone,” by Neale Donald Walsch.

We know it’s important to push the boundaries of our comfort zone, and that when we do, it’s kind of a big deal. But what is the “comfort zone” exactly? Why is it that we tend to get comfortable with the familiar and our routines? What benefit do we obtain from breaking out of our comfort zone?

There’s actually a lot of science that explains why it’s so hard to break out of our comfort zone, and why it’s good for us when we do it. With a little understanding and a few adjustments, we can break away from our routines and do great things. Let’s get started!

Optimal Anxiety

The idea of the comfort zone dates back to 1908, with a classic psychology experiment by Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson. They found that a state of relative comfort created a steady level of performance.

If you’re a go-getter like me, looking to make the magic happen, you are looking to maximize performance. We need a state of relative anxiety—a space where our stress levels are slightly higher than normal. This space is called “Optimal Anxiety,” and it’s just outside our comfort zone. Can you think of a time when you operated within “optimal anxiety?”

However, too much anxiety and our performance drops off sharply! Anyone who has ever pushed themselves to get to the next level, knows that when you really challenge yourself, you can turn out amazing results. More than a few studies support this idea. However, pushing too hard can actually cause a negative effect. Reinforcing our natural tendency to return to an anxiety neutral state, the “comfort zone.” This fine line between optimal anxiety and too much anxiety is why it’s so hard to kick our brains out of the comfort zone.

Breaking Free

So we learned that optimal anxiety is that place where your mental productivity and performance reach their peak. What’s the incentive to pushing ourselves to that next level? Here is what you get once you’re able to step outside of your comfort zone:


Comfort kills productivity because without the sense of unease that comes with deadlines and expectations, we tend to do the minimum required to get by. We lose the drive and ambition to do more and learn new things. Pushing personal boundaries helps you hit your stride sooner, get more done, and find smarter ways to work.


You’ll have an easier time dealing with new and unexpected changes. By taking risks in a controlled fashion and challenging yourself to things you normally wouldn’t do, you experience uncertainty in a controlled, manageable environment. Choosing to live outside your comfort zone better prepares you for when life changes force you out of it.


Seeking new experiences, learning new skills, and opening the door to new ideas inspire us and educate us in a way that nothing else can. Trying new things can make us reflect on our old ideas and where they clash with our new knowledge, and inspire us to learn more and challenge our biases, our tendency to only seek out information we already agree with. A positive, uncomfortable experience can help us brainstorm, see old problems in a new light, and tackle the challenges we face with new energy.

The benefits you get after stepping outside of your comfort zone have a domino effect throughout your personal and professional life. There’s an overall self-improvement you get through broadening your horizons: the skills you’re learning, the new foods you’re trying and the new avenues you’re exploring.

Once you begin stepping out of your comfort zone, it does get easier. You become accustomed to that state of optimal anxiety. It becomes normal to you, and you’re willing to push farther before your performance falls off. As you challenge yourself, your comfort zone adjusts so what was difficult, and anxiety-inducing becomes easier as you repeat it.

Contact Alpine Small Business Solutions to discuss what we can take off your plate to help you reach your level of optimal anxiety.

Mindset Impacts Everything

Mindset impacts everything. Our thoughts, energy and most of all, the actions we take.

More than 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in people’s attitudes about failure. After studying the behavior of thousands of students, Dr. Dweck coined the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. What is a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset? Glad you asked!

  • Growth Mindset: Intelligence can be developed
  • Fixed Mindset: Intelligence is static; “fixed trait.”


Growth Mindset

  1. Embrace challenges
  2. Persist in the face of setbacks
  3. See effort as the path to mastery
  4. Learn from criticism
  5. Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others.) As a result, they achieve more success because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.

Fixed Mindset

  1. Avoid challenges
  2. Give up easily
  3. See effort as fruitless
  4. Ignore useful negative feedback
  5. Feel threatened by the success of others

Those with a fixed mindset spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. Excessive concern with looking smart keeps you from making bold, visionary moves. If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never learn on the job and your whole approach becomes defensive.


Whether you’re aware of it or not, you keep a running account of what’s happening, what it means, and what you should so. Our minds are constantly monitoring and interpreting. That’s just how we stay on track. Mindset frames the running account of what is taking place. It guides the whole interpretation process.

The fixed mindset creates an internal dialogue that is focused on judging. And people react with feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger. Or superiority. “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad wife.” “This means my partner is selfish.”

An internal monologue of a growth mindset person is not about judging themselves or others. They listen for learning and constructive action: “What can I learn from this?” “How can I improve?” “How can I help my partner do this better?”

Change Your Mindset

Changing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is not like surgery; you can’t remove a fixed mindset and replace it with a growth mindset. You must work on nurturing a positive, growth mindset. These are tips from Dr. Dweck, herself:

  1. Learn to hear your fixed mindset, “voice.”

As you face criticism, you might feel yourself getting angry at the person giving you feedback. The other person might be giving constructive feedback, but you hear “I’m really disappointed in you. I thought you were capable but now I see you’re not.”

  1. Recognize that you have a choice.

How you interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is your choice. You can choose to interpret them as signs to ramp up your strategies, stretch yourself and expand your abilities.

  1. Take the growth mindset action.

As you approach a challenge, choose to say: “I think I can learn to with time and effort.” “If I don’t try, I automatically fail.” “If I don’t take responsibility, I can’t fix it. Let me listen and learn what I can.”

Practice hearing both voices, and practice acting on a growth mindset. Nurturing a positive, growth mindset creates profound changes in your personal life and determines your ceiling of success. Your Mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.

Need help nurturing that mindset contact me today!

Why Facebook Groups are Better than Your Facebook Business Page

Facebook page likes should not be a key metric of social media marketing success. Surprised? Most marketers are. Many mistakenly over value the number of page likes, and end up wasting too much time building this number when they should be focused on more effective ways of measuring marketing success.

The Problem with Facebook Page Likes

Facebook is continually decreasing organization’s organic reach, making it harder to reach a sizable audience without paying. As a result, the audience who actually sees your posts is a fraction of your total Facebook audience. Total Facebook page likes, then, provide little insight of the success of your marketing efforts.

fb group1Sure, you want as many followers as possible. But the mere total number of followers does little to reflect your relationship marketing success, which is the driving motivation behind social media marketing. Total page likes show you the number of people willing to connect with your organization, but does little to reflect your effectiveness at actually reaching and connecting with them. Growing your follower count, then, should not be a driving force behind your Facebook marketing efforts.

Granted, consistent posting on Facebook is still a necessary aspect of social media marketing. Organizations still gain marketing benefits from Facebook, but it is weakened by the limited organic reach. Posting from your business page to your followers is an important aspect of reaching your audience, but it should not be the only aspect.

The Better Tactic

Insert Facebook Groups. These see fantastic online reach since they aren’t saddled with the algorithm-driven reach reduction that business pages are. Groups are joined by individuals interested in that topic, so when you post in a group you’re posting to a great targeted audience.

You can join already established groups or create your own, and there are benefits to both.

fb group3Joining an already established group opens you up to getting your organization’s name seen by new contacts, such as leaders in your industry or potential new customers. You can showcase your value to these individuals by answering questions with your expertise or sharing valuable content from your website. Consistent quality posting can translate into new valuable connections.

When you join a group, take some time to familiarize yourself with the group’s tone first. See the general style of writing (formal? casual?), length of post (short and to the point? long and in-depth?), and topics to make sure your posts will match. Be sure to join a few groups and post consistently, rather than joining several but rarely posting. To see the benefits of groups, you’ll need to be active and consistent in them.

In addition to joining relevant groups, you can make your own. The benefit of making your own group is you can reach individuals wanting to connect with your organization more effectively than you can reach individuals from your business page. But you shouldn’t repeat posts from your page in your group since individuals in both will see their newsfeed cluttered with identical content. You can post the same content sparingly, but make sure it’s on different days and worded differently. You want to make sure there is value for individuals to be involved with both your page and your group.

fb group4Measurement of group involvement can be done through a variety of ways, including analyzing engagement on your posts or visits to your site from links posted in the group. Metrics that come from group activity paint a more holistic picture of your marketing success than just page likes, making it a more effective analytic of your social media marketing efforts.

Want to take advantage of Facebook marketing, but need some guidance? Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We’d love to assist with this or any aspect of business building. Reach out with a phone call or email today!



Why a Social Media Marketing Funnel is crucial for your Business

Your social media strategy is probably incomplete. Too many marketers create a plan designed to create a thriving social media presence with lots of followers and likes…and stop there.

Wait, isn’t that the point of social media marketing?

Not completely. It’s all well and good to have an active company social media presence. But a social media presence that is all buzz and no buying is a bust. The missing component for many marketers is a social media marketing funnel.

What the Funnel Is

The “sales funnel” is a buzzword in marketing, one that is thrown about so much it often loses its meaning. So let’s take a second to define it.

A sales funnel is the process where someone goes through the following steps:

  • Becoming aware of your brand
  • Becoming interested in your brand
  • Having desire for what your brand offers
  • Taking an action in accordance with your brand (such as buying your product/service)

The goal of course is to move as many people through the funnel as possible. In the perfect world, everyone who becomes aware of your brand eventually takes action.

But of course, that perfect world doesn’t exist. That’s why it’s a funnel – it’s largest at the top where people become aware of your brand. Fewer people eventually become interested. Fewer have desire. And fewer end up making that purchase.

Crucial action taken by you can help move along more people through your funnel.

Why You Need a Specific Social Media Sales Funnel

Social media is a unique beast. The tactics used here are not ones you would use in email marketing or when setting up a booth at an expo. This unique beast calls for a unique, tailored sales funnel.

When you create a social media sales funnel, you supercharge your social media marketing. No longer is it simply about growth. After all, growth can be overrated if that growth never leads to anything. It’s great to have 1,000 followers on your Facebook page, but what is that worth if none of them ever spend a dollar on your company?

When you use a social media sales funnel, you shift the focus. You keep that end point (making that moolah) in mind. This helps inform the work you do, making it more effective and strategic. It takes some effort. But it’s worth it.

How to Create a Social Media Sales Funnel

Building an effective social media sales funnel requires strategy at every stage of the customer journey. The first step is to generate that awareness by being where your target audience is. Take some time to identify which channels your target audience is and how to run yours effectively. All too often, marketers spread themselves too thin. It’s far better to be on two channels (but doing them right) than on five channels half-heartedly.

Once you know which channels to be on, you can work on generating that awareness. Facebook ads, for example, can help potential customers discover your page. When applicable, tag other organizations in your posts to help your posts show up on their followers’ pages. Cross promote your social channels through strategies like including the social links in your email signatures or newsletters.

The next stage is getting people interested in your brand. Create engaging posts that capture their attention (video can be a great tool for this). Showcase how you meet their needs. Push out relevant non-salesy content. Persuade them that your content is worth their precious time. Don’t make sales here yet, simply display your value.

The third stage is generating that desire for your brand’s services/products. Create posts that show exactly how you meet a given need. Promote an upcoming training event. Use your channels to push out the message that your company solves their problem.

The fourth stage is prompting that final action (usually a sale!). Make this as simple for customers as possible. Some platforms, like Pinterest, allow you to make posts that direct customers directly to the shopping cart for a given product.

Not all the sales in your social media funnel will happen directly through social media, whether it be a sale in the platform itself or clicking a link in the post itself. But social media can be a great tool getting customers to the other three stages of the funnel.

Take some time to establish tangible action steps you can take to nudge customers to each new stage of the funnel. This will help your marketing efforts be tailored and targeted, rather than focusing simply on building a presence and hoping it leads to sales down the road.

A social media marketing sales funnel is a crucial aspect of your social media marketing. If you want some assistance creating and improving yours, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We offer sales funnel services to help grow your business. Check them out today!

Is Your Social Media in Need of a Manager or Strategist?

A social media manager and social media strategist are not the same thing. Sure the titles are often used interchangeably, but in reality they work towards different goals and results.

Ideally, your business employs both (or at least, your social media guru handles both). But tight budgets and limited time requires you to prioritize. Here’s a guide to understanding the difference.

A Quick Overview

Think of your social media as a body. Your goal is a healthy thriving body, which requires two approaches.

You need to do daily upkeep tasks. These tasks remain steady throughout your life. Whether you’re five or 105, drinking water and showering is a necessity.

With social media, these tasks are things like:

  • creating social media posts
  • responding to comments
  • content curation of influencers

The social media manager handles these basic tasks.

You also need to take a long-term approach, adopting and adapting new strategies based on circumstances. New health research could prompt a change in diet. Maybe you bring in outside help, like a personal trainer, to help you lose weight.

With social media, these tasks are things like:

  • changing your digital marketing strategy based on case study research
  • bringing in a virtual assistant to help with holiday marketing
  • adding in marketing and pixel targeting

The social media strategist handles this type of strategic work.

Which Does My Business Need to Prioritize?

Your business’s current situation will determine your focus.

  • Your business just launched/rebranded: social media strategist. You want a clear strategy underlying your posts. When the why behind your posting is articulated, your social media will be much stronger.
  • Your business is maintaining the status quo: social media manager. If your business is chugging along like normal, you can match that approach in social media. Focus on daily maintenance of creating good content and building relationships online. It’ll be the foundation you pull from when the status quo shifts (like when you launch a new service or product).
  • Your business budget is slashed: social media manager. The daily maintenance is crucial for your online presence. You can upkeep the basics and expand into new strategy once the budget grows.
  • Your social media results are plummeting: social media strategist. If you’re continually losing followers, reach, or engagement, it’s time to shake things up. A strategist can help you identify what’s hurting your social media, and how to fix it.
  • Your business has a short-term project: social media strategist. Holiday marketing or a product launch are unique times for your business, times when the normal social media approach does not apply. You’ll want a tailored approach to maximize your social media efforts.

We know that there are so many options out there, it can make your head spin. Which outlet to use, times to post, images to create, targeting your audience and so on. Make sure you are asking the right person and the right questions when you are planning this year’s social media.

Your business does need social media assistance, whether it’s a manager or a strategist. Consider using Alpine Small Business Solutions! We can provide the daily maintenance, strategy creation, assistance on short term projects, whatever your business needs. Simply shoot us an email or give us a call today.


A Simple Success Guide to Choosing Your Business’s Social Media Platforms

With so many social media options out there, it can be hard to know which one(s) are best for your business. Each platform is unique, offering advantages and disadvantages over every other social media marketing option. With a brief overview of your social media options, however, you’ll be equipped to make the best choice for your business.

Remember, you know your business best. Knowing what each platforms offers will help you choose if it is right for your business and your audience.


What sets Facebook apart

Facebook’s prevalence. When people think “social media,” they usually think Facebook. With 1.67 billion users, it’s become integrated not only in the lives of Americans but individuals around the world. And it’s prevalent among marketers, with 93% of social media marketers using Facebook for their organization.

How individuals use Facebook
A main motivation to be active on Facebook is relational: connect with other individuals and organizations you care about (or at least, show a mild enough interest in you’ll be fine reading an update from). Users can range from the grandparent using Facebook occasionally to see photos of their grandkids to the young adult using Facebook daily to stay in touch with friends around the world and organizations championing their favorite causes.

How marketers can use Facebook

facebook imageFacebook done well can achieve so many of the benefits of social media marketing: relationship building, brand awareness, selling of products/services, etc. To gain these benefits, marketers need to continually post content. But quality of quantity is key (Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm results in every post seen only by a fraction of your total audience, the better quality Facebook deems your post the more people will see your post). Marketers can use Facebook to humanize the brand and interact with customers. Keep in mind that business posts will appear in people’s news feeds among emotional posts from their loved ones (think wedding photos, graduation photos, etc). You don’t want to post dry sales posts. You want to create posts that individuals will want to read-because they’re entertaining, engaging, etc.


What sets Twitter apart

The limit to post length. Users can only send posts with 140 characters or less. This helped Twitter become a place where users expect short snippets of information among a continual stream of posts.

How individuals use Twitter

A main motivation to be active on Twitter is informational: gain short and succinct pieces of information from individuals and organizations relevant to your life.

How marketers can use Twitter

twitter-117595__180Twitter is a great tool to direct individuals to your website. In this way you can think of Twitter and your website like a news story.  The headline and the lead are the Twitter post: it draws you in and provides just enough information you know what you’ll be reading about. The body of the article is your website post: the substance and entirety of what you want your audience to read. While posts can be great at directing individuals to your site, not every post needs to. Some posts can be a short story or message in of themselves. Twitter is also a way of getting your posts “categorized” under relevant topics through the use of hashtags. Users can search with a hashtag to find relevant posts on that topic. Ideally, they will see your post, discover your organization, and become a consumer of your social and web content and your services/products.


What sets Linkedin apart

The targeted audience. Everyone on Linkedin is either a current or aspiring professional. This specific nature of its audience results in content creation that tends to see an industry or career slant to it. And because published posts are tied to individuals’ professional profile, the amount of spam and overly promotional posts tends to be lower than on other platforms.

How individuals use Linkedin

A main motivation to be active on Linkedin is professional: to sell yourself, network, and in some cases find new employment. Individuals follow organizations that they care about and/or that provide relevant articles that help them in improving their personal or professional self.

How marketers use Linkedin

linkedin eventLinkedin is great for increasing brand awareness and acquisition. Individuals can publish articles on Linkedin that can be seen by individuals not already connected with your organization, as well as communicate within Linkedin groups (targeted communities on Linkedin, such as women small business owners). Marketers can post regular updates like they can on other social media platforms, but much of the benefit of Linkedin activity comes from article writing and group participation.


What sets Google+ apart

The owner. Google+ is owned by Google, and Google rewards those who use its platform. When marketers post to Google+ they reap rewards from Google, namely SEO benefits.

How individuals use Google+

A main motivation to be active on Google+ is to gain the SEO benefits as a marketer. Google+ frankly is Google’s failed attempt at creating a social media platform to compete with Facebook and Twitter. Not as many users are on Google+, but people can use it as a way to connect with other individuals who share similar interests. Individuals will follow organizations they share a connection with or that provide useful content.

How marketers use Google+

g-1460601__180Marketers post content to help boost their SEO. Oftentimes marketers strapped for time post their Facebook posts on Google+ as well (using a scheduling tool like Hootsuite). Because fewer people are on Google+ there is less of an expectation of organization-customer interaction. If people are willing to interact with your page, great! But usually Google+ usage is focused on posting regular content for SEO benefits.


What sets YouTube apart

The content. YouTube is just videos. No writing messages, no posting pictures, just videos.

How individuals use YouTube

A main motivation to be active on YouTube is to find and watch videos. Some people will search for individual videos, others will follow certain users and brands. People search for a variety of videos, from entertainment-focused to informational-driven.

How marketers use YouTube

Youtube useCreating engaging videos is a great way to turn out shareable content, engage audiences, and improve SEO. YouTube is great for brand awareness given the potential of good videos being shared among individuals (remember the Ice Bucket Challenge and the money it raised for the ALS organization).



What sets Pinterest apart

Its focus is curation and organization of content. Pinterest works like a virtual bulletin board with users able to save photos, videos, and articles from throughout the Internet to various themed boards.

How individuals use Pinterest

A main motivation to be active on Pinterest is to find articles, photos, and videos that inspire or resonate with you. Usually it’s information you can “act” on, like a how-to crafting article. Sometimes it’s information that serves as a foundation for inspiration, like a photo of a well-designed kitchen.

How marketers use Pinterest

PintrestLike Twitter, Pinterest is a great way to direct individuals to your website. Creating pins with engaging photos and text will draw individuals in and persuade them to check out the content on your website. Pins can also be created to showcase your products and services, helping you to grow your business.

The social media platform(s) best for your organization depends on how your target audience uses the platform(s) and how you want to approach your social media marketing. For organizations just starting out on social media, Facebook is a great go-to because its user friendliness and potential for high marketing benefits. If you want to take advantage of one (or many!) of the social media platforms for your organization, but aren’t sure where to start, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We’d love to help you through this, or any aspect of small business building. Reach out with an email or phone call today!

What is Facebook Live? 6 Tips on How to Use It

While Facebook Live has been available for a while for elite users, the tool finally made its way to the average user. Facebook is beginning to push for users to take advantage of this great tool, even altering the Facebook News Feed algorithm so Live Videos rank higher. As a result, the tool is growing in popularity in the marketing world and is becoming a new resources social media marketers need to take advantage of. Using Facebook Live is relatively simple, but there are a few tricks of the trade to ensure the live videos meet a marketer’s goals.

What is Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows users to share live video from their mobile devices. The option is included in the iOS app so there’s nothing you need to download. Individuals create a Facebook Live video from their personal account, and marketers can create this video and then share it to their organization’s page.

Mark Zuckerburg’s goal for Facebook Live is for the tool to offer “a way for people to have a more authentic and intimate experience sharing about their lives.”

This goal, of course, fits right into a marketer’s efforts to humanize their organization and foster relationships with their audience. Marketers can use Facebook Live in a variety of ways: sharing a daily/weekly message, hosting a question and answer session with someone, sharing breaking industry or company news, sharing industry secrets, walking audiences through the steps of a how-to, product or service demo, providing a behind the scenes glimpse, the list goes on and on!

fblivestream7 Tips on How to Use Facebook Live

Part of the beauty of Facebook Live is the opportunity for spontaneity by organizations-but that doesn’t mean marketers should abandon any planning or strategy! Marketers can be intentional about how they create videos to ensure they gain the most marketing bang for the buck when they create scripted or spontaneous videos. The tips below will help you be as effective as possible when creating Facebook Live videos, and follow the timeline of before the live video, during the live video, and after the live video.

  1. Identify the focus and purpose of the video. You don’t need to write a script word for word, but as with any social media marketing effort you do need a clear understanding of why you are doing it. Ensuring your video has a clear and concise focus prevents it from becoming a convoluted rambling video that will bore audiences. Articulating the purpose of the video helps shape the direction of the video, and provides a foundation for measuring whether the goal of the video was met.
  2. Inform followers of an upcoming live video. Make sure your followers know you are planning on streaming and what time they can expect the video with a simple post (“live streaming our fundraising event in an hour”). To kill two birds with one stone, you can later tweak that informative post to make it the description of the video when you create it. You can even have views subscribe to know when you are going live.
  3. Pursue variety in the video itself and among the videos you create. In each video, vary your voice and use front and back cameras to change up the scenery to keep your audiences engaged. Utilize a variety of topics and structures when you create videos. Just like you wouldn’t follow the same Facebook post structure each day, don’t fall into a predictable video pattern either.
  4. Interact with followers. During the live streaming, viewers can send in comments. When relevant, acknowledge individual users and answer their questions or respond to their comments. Give them a personal shout out! This is a great, simple way to really strengthen that relationship and show your organization’s devotion to its consumers.
  5. Include a call to action. Always. Always. Always. In your marketing you want your customer to DO something. Give them a task. Give them somewhere to go. Every social media effort needs a call to action, and live videos are no different. A call to action can be as simple as encouraging people to visit a website, sign up for your newsletter, or send them to your lead page. But use a call to action to keep the relationship going.
  6. Edit the video. After the video is published, go back and make sure the thumbnail, category, and call to action clearly represent the video’s focus. Always be thinking of your brand. Does this video match what you want to represent?
  7. Play around with various broadcast lengths and times. Just as you should be with post creation, vary up the length of video and the time you stream to see when your audience is most responsive.

Make sure you go Live often and be creative. Have fun with it and enjoy getting to know your fans!

Facebook Live offers many different uses for marketers to reach their audience in an engaging and personable way. If you know you want to take advantage of this great tool, but aren’t sure how to get started or want guidance, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We’d love to help guide you through Facebook Live video (or any other aspect of business building). Just shoot us an email or call us on up!

3 Step Recipe to Building a Kick Ass Team That Matches your Core Values

Think of your ideal virtual business like a delicious brownie. You’ll need the right amount of different but complementary ingredients like flour and chocolate. These are the positions and skill sets of your employees. You’ll need the right cooking process, like the stirring and heating; these are the actions taken by you and your employees. And you’ll need a good recipe to guide you to the end result; this is an articulation of your core values for your organization to uphold. When the ingredients and process match the recipe, you get a delectable brownie. When your employees and their actions match your values, you get team authenticity and trust.

recipe-575434_640Why is cohesion of core values so important? First imagine what happens when conflicting values are at play. Employees who value efficiency over relationship building won’t engage authentically when a boss encourages small talk among the team. A company that values timeliness will encounter conflict with an employee who sees deadlines as suggestions. Employees utilizing different values when handling customer service issues will undermine company consistency, which will negatively impacts the company brand.

These issues can become even more common and even more impactful with a virtual team, which by its nature works apart as much as it works together. While employees collaborate on projects, the majority of the work and communication occurs online. A need for consistency and cohesion is stronger when employees are scattered across the earth.

Now imagine what happens when employees are in sync with the organization’s values. Everything becomes easier! There’s no conflict over clashing values. Employees all prioritize the same values when making decisions, creating cohesion and unity among the team. The common understanding of the organization’s values helps build a consistent brand. The end result? The delicious brownie.

So how do you get this delicious brownie? You need a recipe, the ingredients, and the process.

Step 1: Articulate Your Core Values

book-1292854_640This is the writing the recipe stage, where you’re figuring out what you want the end result to look like. Explicitly stating the core values is the guiding direction to the authenticity and trust in a team, just like writing baking steps is the guiding direction to a delectable brownie.

For some inspiration, check out these core values from big organizations.

  • Starbucks “Contribute positively to our communities and our environment”
  • Procter and Gamble “We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo”
  • Quicken Loans “Responding with a sense of urgency is the ante to play”
  • Wells Fargo “Exceed the expectations of internal and external customers-surprise and delight them”
  • Zappos “Embrace and drive change”
  • Google “It’s best to do one thing really really well”

Step 2: Find Team Members With Those Core Values

This is the ingredient gathering stage. Hire individuals who embody your core values. Granted it’s tough to know from an interview whether someone holds the same values. But there are some ways to find out. Question their references and ask for specific examples of values at play. In the interview ask the individual to articulate their top three values. Describe a scenario where values are at play, and see which the interviewee prioritizes.

Step 3: Establish and Reinforce Those Core Values

broken-943413_640This is the stirring, mixing, pouring, and heating of the brownie batter stage. Here are several steps you can take to reinforce values in your organization:

  • Articulate in writing the organization’s core values and distribute to employees. Write out the top values and provide examples of them at play. If your company values time with family, for example, write out how employees should not hesitate requesting a day off to care for sick child.
  • Model the values you want your employees to adopt. Be sure to showcase through your own actions the core values. Whenever possible, explain the thought process behind your decisions. For example, saying reliability is a key aspect of our customer service so disciplinary action will be in place if too many deadlines are missed.
  • Be intentional with communication. When we lose nonverbals (like tone and posture) in online communication, we attribute more meaning to the nonverbals we are left with (like emoticons, punctuation, and phrasing). If you want to create a more relaxed atmosphere, throw in smiley faces to the emails. If you want a more professional atmosphere, keep conversation concise and formal. Let these expectations be known.
  • chocolate-575497_640Focus on the process, not just the results. Bosses who narrowly focus on results don’t care how it gets done, just that it does get done. Employees internalize this mentality and will often lose sight of company values (learning and improving one’s work, positive collaboration with team members, etc.) while they work for the results. As much as possible, reinforce values in your employees’ process.
  • Praise examples of employees’ modeling the values. If you value timeliness and an employee consistently turns in work on or before the deadline, reference this work ethic in an employee of the month dedication or a “gold star” email.

A virtual team is a great opportunity to run a business with more efficiency and employee freedom, but it does come with challenges. We can enable you to tackle those hurdles through our many services, from online business management strategy and implementation to administrative services. Give a call or shoot us an email today!

6 Success Secrets to Keep Your Business Successful While the Kids Are Out of School for the Summer

Summertime presents unique challenges to working parents. You still need to work, but want to enjoy this precious time with your kids and not be chained to your desk. With a bit of proactivity, you can make sure you prioritize spending time with your family without letting your business suffer.

We all know that work-life balance is hard to find, but summer makes it even more challenging. Here are a few tips to help make it more manageable…and make sure you comment and share your ideas with us!

scheduleCreate a work schedule. It’s important to designate set uninterrupted work time and set no-work-allowed family time. Try to plan work time around times your kids are occupied, such as when they’re participating in a summer program or regular play dates. Each week you’ll know you’ve got guaranteed time to get work done and guaranteed time to spend with your kids.

Involve your kids with your work. Older kids can be taught complicated projects, but even younger kids can help with tasks like licking envelopes. Getting your kids to help you in the office is a win-win-win. You get to spend time with them, get assistance in your projects, and teach them valuable skills. And don’t forget your kids can teach you too (like how my 9th grade daughter is teaching me more about Snapchat!).


Connect with other work-at-home parents. Find other working parents and coordinate with them “shifts” for watching kids. Each parent can take an afternoon a week, which gives everyone in the group multiple blocks of uninterrupted work time.


Automate as much as possible. If you write a blog, create a batch of several evergreen posts you can use throughout the summer when you’re busier with family time. For social media, use a scheduling service like Hootsuite to plan several days’ worth of posts in one sitting.

Work smarter, not longer.
Try to decrease your workload before summer hits or at the beginning of summer. Add a frequently asked questions page to your website to hopefully minimize the time you’ll spend answering the same client question over and over. Plan out goals and projects ahead of time so you don’t spend as much precious summer time brainstorming. Delegate tasks as much as possible to other employees. Consider hiring an intern who can work in exchange for college credit. They gain valuable work experience, and you spend less time working. Work a few less hours, but get back the lost income with these tasks to make money while you sleep

Outsource. Are you using all your resources? Are you delegating task as you should be? If you have a Virtual Assistant, make sure you are using that service to the full extent, or maybe you need to retain more hours for the summer. If you haven’t tasks that you could outsource to a Virtual Assistant, make sure you hire yours right away.

summer kidsSummer time is a great opportunity to connect with your kids and make lasting memories. With a few simple strategies you can make sure time with family does not come at the cost of your business. If you want even more help with growing your business over the summer, delegate those tasks to Alpine Small Business Solutions! We’re here to help you with any part of business building. Just reach out with an email or phone call today.

6 Dos and Don’ts of Facebook Boosted Posts

Boosting Facebook posts can be an effective social media marketing strategy. Without knowledge on how it works or the benefits it offers, however, marketers may be unnecessarily wary of taking advantage of the great tool. Boosting posts is not a tactic to be used all the time, but is one that should be used intentionally to support your organization’s social media marketing efforts.

What are boosted posts?

When marketers create a Facebook post, it enters the views news feeds and is seen by a fraction of the audience. This number varies based on a number of factors decided by the Facebook algorithm that attempts to measure the relevance of posts to audiences to avoid flooding their feeds with poorly written posts or ones that aren’t relevant to the viewers. Boosting a post ensures the post is found more frequently in the News Feed, which means more people will see your post (and hopefully in return your organization will receive more social media marketing benefits from the post). Below are some simple dos and don’ts of Facebook posting.

boosted3The Dos

  1. DO boost posts that help your audience. The point of boosting posts is to get more eyes on your post. Getting more people to see how your organization provides value for them is a great way to gain new customers or reinforce the relationship with existing ones. Besides, viewers can tell pretty quickly a promotional post advertising a product or service from one that’s helpful content for them. Why pay money for an advertisement-type post that viewers are just going to glance over and ignore?
  2. DO boost posts that offer a call to action. Posts that encourage visitors to check out your website, join an email list, download a free ebook, etc. (while still offering valuable content to the audience of course) are great ones to promote. Ideally, a boosted post will not only get more individuals seeing the value you offer them, but will direct them to an action that builds your business.
  3. DO know exactly what you want to gain from the boosted post. Strategy is key to social media marketing, and it’s no different with boosted posts. If you do not know what you are trying to achieve, you will not be able to measure whether it was successful and it will be more difficult to pin point what made it perform well or poorly. Clearly articulate what you hope to get out of the boosted post (x number of people read about our new website launch, reach new audience members with our content post, etc.) before you boost it.

The Don’ts

  1. DON’T be overly hesitant to spend money. It can be hard to press that button to spend money on a post. Besides, if you did your job right and created a great post it should perform as effectively right? Wrong! The Facebook algorithm results in organic reach having unpredictable and less effective reach. It’s part of Facebook’s business plan to gain money from marketers. Unfortunately, spending money to boost important posts is just part of the game. You don’t have to play the game with every post, but you should when it is relevant.
  2. DON’T boost the post and never look at it. After you boost a post, make sure you monitor its success to gauge whether the return on investment was worth it. If it was, figure out what made the post so successful. If it wasn’t, figure out how to avoid that mistake for the future. Analytics are a big part of being successful at digital marketing. You have to adjust your plan when it isn’t working, and you have to know what worked. Make sure you are watching.
  3. DON’T slide into a boosting rut. It’s important to always be tweaking social media efforts to figure out the most effective tactics and get the highest return on investment. If you boost an evergreen post that performs well, fantastic! But don’t hesitate to boost a timely post, a video post, and the like. Know that it’s important to test out different types of posts. Some might not work well for your organization or audience, and that’s okay. Trial and error is a key part of social media success.


If you’re convinced you want to take advantage of the benefits of boosting Facebook posts, but are still hesitant on the best way to do so, do not fear. Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We understand the ins and outs of boosting Facebook posts to meet businesses needs and would love to help you use this tool to help your organization. Simply email us or give us a ring for help on this, or any aspect of business building.